Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare deal


Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

This should be interesting. I am sure Pfizer leadership was transparent about the who thing, just like they are about everything else.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

This is a great example of why it's important to give equally to both parties. Now, the Republicans are made because they didn't get as much "candy" as the democrats and are acting out.

Life in America.

The best way to address all of these and for America to save face is simple. Do not allow healthcare companies, or any companies who make most of their profit off the tax payers, to aid in drafting policy as a reward for giving campaign donations.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

The dirty details of Sally Sussman...Remember, give to the Pfizer PAC! BAHAHAHAAHAHA!

Not every Susman has had the same luck in real estate. Lou Sussman’s daughter, Sally is famous for a taste so particular that she and her partner, writer Robin Cantor, could not find suitable housing in New York City on a $3 million budget.

But Sally Susman, who also attended Wednesday’s State dinner, pledged to raise between $200,000 and $500,000 for Obama’s re-election effort — the same amount Lou pledged in 2008. She is also one of Washington’s most influential political players, having visited the White House four times between 2009 and the fall of 2011.

Although she is not a registered lobbyist, she plays a number of important advocacy roles with Pfizer, the world’s largest drug company. She leads the company’s lobbying shop, as well as its Political Action Committee, which donated about 60 percent of donations to Democrats.

Susman is one of a score of Obama fundraisers who is a lobbying executive rather than actual lobbyist. Executives in such roles “sit together to do strategy and figure out (lobbying) tactics,” one veteran lobbyist told the Washington Free Beacon.

Pfizer spent nearly $14 million lobbying for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and was instrumental in bringing pharmaceutical companies to the table to quash an attempt to roll back Medicare prescription drug programs that have cost taxpayers millions.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Pfizer is being pulled into an expanding congressional investigation into the agreement drugmakers reached with the Obama administration to support the Democrats’ overhaul of the U.S. health-care system, according to three people familiar with the talks.

Top story on Drudge today, center column in red bold letters.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Pfizer is being pulled into an expanding congressional investigation into the agreement drugmakers reached with the Obama administration to support the Democrats’ overhaul of the U.S. health-care system, according to three people familiar with the talks.

No tolerance.
100% compliant, 100% of the time.

She can't still be with the company, can she?
Oh, sorry. She's the one who makes policy for the company.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

This chick got too close to the flame. You are now going to take the fall for Big Blue and like it. Rumblin in my stomach reminds me it's time to take an Ian and when im done wipe my Kindler. What am I thinking there is assboy who does the wiping. Geno can you do me the pleasure. How about another one of your cute names for this one? "Pull,Tear and Wipe."

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

This chick got too close to the flame. You are now going to take the fall for Big Blue and like it. Rumblin in my stomach reminds me it's time to take an Ian and when im done wipe my Kindler. What am I thinking there is assboy who does the wiping. Geno can you do me the pleasure. How about another one of your cute names for this one? "Pull,Tear and Wipe."

I like it. I own it. Let's brand it!
"Going to take an Sally & wipe my Ian."
Please send your shirt size.
Shirts will be available at the next IE meeting.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

I like it. I own it. Let's brand it!
"Going to take an Sally & wipe my Ian."
Please send your shirt size.
Shirts will be available at the next IE meeting.

No Jerks. Culture of Compliance.

How about get the Pfuck out of here!!! Time for people to go at the top.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

No Jerks. Culture of Compliance.

How about get the Pfuck out of here!!! Time for people to go at the top.

Not Sally. She's special. She writes policy for us. Small print excludes those on top.
BTW: who's watching the board?
We're still paying on top of the 2.3 billion.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

If Chen Guangcheng bundled money for Obama he would be free in America today, not a Chinese political prisoner.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

calling all lawyers! It's all about MONEY and the government wants it. If they can't get it from taxpayers they will get it from private companies.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

Jeffery Kindler, Sandy Beatty, and Sally cooked up the whole idea to have the pharmaceutical industry support Obamacare. Jeff forced it down PhRMA's throat and he visited the White House to sell it to the Administration. Many within this company disagreed, but they were all eventuallly fired. You cannot make any deal with the government, to include the White House, that has a half-life of more than two years. Anyone with any policy sense knows that -- and this deal also violated many long held principles of the Company and the industry. This was all about JK's ambition to be a player in Demcratic circles and about the synchophants at Pfizer around him sucking up in order to advance thier own careers. I say bring on the investigation and hopefully a few of these folks will end up in very hot water. Maybe then, they can bring back some of the executives that made this Company great.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

If I were investigating this matter, I'd interview a woman called Eve Slater, who was the head of Policy before Sandy Beatty fired her. I'd also interview Rich Bagger, who was head of Corporate Affairs before Susman took his job and fired him. These two executives, plus many in their staffs who were also fired, all objected to the secret deal to support Obamacare.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

If I were investigating this matter, I'd interview a woman called Eve Slater, who was the head of Policy before Sandy Beatty fired her. I'd also interview Rich Bagger, who was head of Corporate Affairs before Susman took his job and fired him. These two executives, plus many in their staffs who were also fired, all objected to the secret deal to support Obamacare.

Does this mean the fieldforce can behave as the execs to help increase numbers?
If we're being compensated to sell & legal wont let us sell, someone is responsible to my family for the bonus dollars left on the table.

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

And to think some reps got Pfired for letting a few docs order dinners for their families. Look at what the execs do!!

Re: Sally Sussman/Pfizer Lobbyists subject of congressal investigation of Obamacare d

When wil the madness end?

Probably not until there is a clean sweep of the C-suite.