Run the other way


Let’s all be honest. Pharma sales at any level is stupid. We are all benefiting off a broken healthcare system. And all you self proclaimed experienced oncology sales reps are scared of being exposed for the narcissistic elitists you are… Nothing special about you besides being in the space longer and milking the system. Look! Another shiny object to run to… Get the F outta here and take your half empty can of AquaNet with you!!

Let’s all be honest. Pharma sales at any level is stupid. We are all benefiting off a broken healthcare system. And all you self proclaimed experienced oncology sales reps are scared of being exposed for the narcissistic elitists you are… Nothing special about you besides being in the space longer and milking the system. Look! Another shiny object to run to… Get the F outta here and take your half empty can of AquaNet with you!!
Welcome back Keith

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