Retirees - watch those W2s...........


I retired 12/31/2011. I turned in my car on the 31st of Dec, 2011.

My W2 came today and liste uincome from my 4th qtr bonus + some leftover 2011 vacation. Box 14 on the form lists a deduction for $1112.57 for company car. I didn't have a company car in 2012. HR is brain dead on the issue offering the lamest excuses imaginable. Others who retiored at the same time were not charged this amount. Watch your backs.

PS - I'm not done with this nonsense..........


I retired 12/31/2011. I turned in my car on the 31st of Dec, 2011.

My W2 came today and liste uincome from my 4th qtr bonus + some leftover 2011 vacation. Box 14 on the form lists a deduction for $1112.57 for company car. I didn't have a company car in 2012. HR is brain dead on the issue offering the lamest excuses imaginable. Others who retiored at the same time were not charged this amount. Watch your backs.

PS - I'm not done with this nonsense..........

What did they tell you? Do they intend to correct it?

What did they tell you? Do they intend to correct it?

I've now talked to 3 different people because, as we know, you talk to 3 different HR people, you get 3 different stories. The last story was I didn't fill out some month end online form for Wheels, however, I had to turn in my laptop unexpectedly on my last ride along. My boss had 3 people retiring and a large district so he asked and I gave it to him no problem.

I checked with the other 2 retirees and neither had that amount deducted.

Now they say they will 'review it' and get back in 3 to 5 business days.
That was yesterday, today is Day 1.

BTW, I'm the one who posted a year and a half ago about their lump sum calculation. The first estimate they sent me was just over $500,000 short.
That took a couple of months to iron out.

I've now talked to 3 different people because, as we know, you talk to 3 different HR people, you get 3 different stories. The last story was I didn't fill out some month end online form for Wheels, however, I had to turn in my laptop unexpectedly on my last ride along. My boss had 3 people retiring and a large district so he asked and I gave it to him no problem.

I checked with the other 2 retirees and neither had that amount deducted.

Now they say they will 'review it' and get back in 3 to 5 business days.
That was yesterday, today is Day 1.

BTW, I'm the one who posted a year and a half ago about their lump sum calculation. The first estimate they sent me was just over $500,000 short.
That took a couple of months to iron out.

Hope it works out for you quickly.
I am considering retirement and the stories I hear about dealing with HR scare me.

Hope it works out for you quickly.
I am considering retirement and the stories I hear about dealing with HR scare me.

Your lump sum is tied to an interest rate. If the rate goes up, the lump sum goes down AND if the rate goes down, the lump sum goes up.

Learn about this and time your retirement wisely.

Sadly, HR is well known for making life difficult for retirees........

I don't think it's intentional, I think they just hire temps as cheaply as they can. These are kids (for the most part) reading out of a manual or off a computer. Make sure you get THREE estimates before you sign ANYTHING. My first estimate was off by > - $500K. My second was off around $179K. Finally, it came in right. Always INSIST on verification. The woman who does that saved my ass! Once you've signed, you have no recourse.

Good luck.

Yep I was out with King in 2009. Pfizer had the nerve to send me a W2 in 2012 for 2011 earnings!

I mentioned I was an ex King employee from 2009, right? Right.

I reported their butts to the IRS and won for identity theft. You will have to pay up front, unfortunately because they did what the did to clear their books, but CYA and report them and provide all your supporting documentation that showed your termination data. That's what won my case over.

Yes CYA! And throw them under the bus and put it in Reverse

I don't think it's intentional, I think they just hire temps as cheaply as they can. These are kids (for the most part) reading out of a manual or off a computer. Make sure you get THREE estimates before you sign ANYTHING. My first estimate was off by > - $500K. My second was off around $179K. Finally, it came in right. Always INSIST on verification. The woman who does that saved my ass! Once you've signed, you have no recourse.

Good luck.

Don't be are correct that kids just sit there reading a script BUT They will screw you if you let them.

Also watch for your raise if u got one at end of 12. When I retired they forgot to include it in my lump and they corrected it. Remember u can take your lump at any time. wait till the interest rate is low. It could be thousands of dollars to u. HR does screw up, but they really do fix it.

Also watch for your raise if u got one at end of 12. When I retired they forgot to include it in my lump and they corrected it. Remember u can take your lump at any time. wait till the interest rate is low. It could be thousands of dollars to u. HR does screw up, but they really do fix it.

OP here, yes, they will eventually fix it if you systematically nag them. There is a lady at Fidelity who is the one who corrects (or verifies) lump sumes. Her name is Quintina. If it hadn't been for her, I'd still be fighting.

Here's what's happening on the car charge. hr Source gave me a case # and said I'd have correspondence in 3 to 5 days 2 weeks ago. It still hasn't happened. I finally found an old email to the local regional HR person. I sent her an email yesterday and she is escalating. If they don't correct it soon, I go to IRS. Whatta clusterfuck.

Yep I was out with King in 2009. Pfizer had the nerve to send me a W2 in 2012 for 2011 earnings!

I mentioned I was an ex King employee from 2009, right? Right.

I reported their butts to the IRS and won for identity theft. You will have to pay up front, unfortunately because they did what the did to clear their books, but CYA and report them and provide all your supporting documentation that showed your termination data. That's what won my case over.

Yes CYA! And throw them under the bus and put it in Reverse

OP here,
What do you mean will 'have to pay up front'?

OP here! Finally, they contacyted me, said I'd receive a corrected W2 soon (will believe it when I see it). The key awas getting ot to an HR person in writing. They tried to keep that from happening but I found an old e address and B-I-N-G-O-! So sleazy...

OP here! Finally, they contacyted me, said I'd receive a corrected W2 soon (will believe it when I see it). The key awas getting ot to an HR person in writing. They tried to keep that from happening but I found an old e address and B-I-N-G-O-! So sleazy...

To OP: I am having the same issue with my W-2 as you mentioned with the company car! Unbelievable! could you please provide me with the address you used to get results as I am getting nowhere with HR.
Thank you....and very much appreciate your posts!

To OP: I am having the same issue with my W-2 as you mentioned with the company car! Unbelievable! could you please provide me with the address you used to get results as I am getting nowhere with HR.
Thank you....and very much appreciate your posts!

First I called payroll by dialing hr Source @ 1.866.476.8723; the options are 1) Pfizer 2) King or 3) other - select the one that fits your comapny; press it THEN when it asks if you are current or retired - press CURRENT; then you will receive digfferent options than if you clicked retired. One of the options is PAYROLL. You can't get to payroll if you say retired! Then get a payroll person, get their name, describe your situation and ask for a case #. Tell them you need this resolved urgently ans you need to rrespond to the IRS and when they ask how you want to be responded to give BOTH your email address and phone number. Wait 3 to 5 days then do the same thing using your case # and tell them you need it to be ESCALATED. If you don't get resolution let me know again. Do you have an RP name I can PM you at? I do not want to put the name of the hr person I went thru out here, prefer to send a PM. But 1st use the method I told you because this MUST be done before hr will ESCALATE

First I called payroll by dialing hr Source @ 1.866.476.8723; the options are 1) Pfizer 2) King or 3) other - select the one that fits your comapny; press it THEN when it asks if you are current or retired - press CURRENT; then you will receive digfferent options than if you clicked retired. One of the options is PAYROLL. You can't get to payroll if you say retired! Then get a payroll person, get their name, describe your situation and ask for a case #. Tell them you need this resolved urgently ans you need to rrespond to the IRS and when they ask how you want to be responded to give BOTH your email address and phone number. Wait 3 to 5 days then do the same thing using your case # and tell them you need it to be ESCALATED. If you don't get resolution let me know again. Do you have an RP name I can PM you at? I do not want to put the name of the hr person I went thru out here, prefer to send a PM. But 1st use the method I told you because this MUST be done before hr will ESCALATE

To OP: thanks again for your help....the ball is rolling so hopefully this will be resolved soon.

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