restructure before National Meeting


Just got word today that there will probably be some restructuring In Jan or Feb. Just like last year. Utilize your end of year vacation days to get you resume sharpened up.


Just got word today that there will probably be some restructuring In Jan or Feb. Just like last year. Utilize your end of year vacation days to get you resume sharpened up.

Well the only group that didn't get hit was CSS. They decimated primary care with redeployments so there is nothing to take from there.

CSS? Are you kidding? We got killed, no redeployment to dss, just out the door. Maybe some got redeployed, but where I was, it was a blood bath with many dss just fine.

CSS? Are you kidding? We got killed, no redeployment to dss, just out the door. Maybe some got redeployed, but where I was, it was a blood bath with many dss just fine.

I didn't know that. In Calif they wiped out 90% of every DSS team. They are being back filled with contract reps. CSS was pretty much unaffected that I've been able to tell.

I didn't know that. In Calif they wiped out 90% of every DSS team. They are being back filled with contract reps. CSS was pretty much unaffected that I've been able to tell.

I personally think they should get rid of some of the original Solvay people. There are so many of them and now with Dyslipidemia reps, being rolled into Metabolic, sharing territories and calling on the same docs, it's too many reps.

I personally think they should get rid of some of the original Solvay people. There are so many of them and now with Dyslipidemia reps, being rolled into Metabolic, sharing territories and calling on the same docs, it's too many reps.

I believe those reps rolled into Metabolic from DSS are in temporary jobs. This is a last ditch effort to squueze out as many scrips possible before a generic hits the market. However, that being said, I think they will have their jobs until maybe two months before company splits.

Metabolic has now be reshuffled. If they decide to layoff in metabolic they will look at each member of the team in terms of home address, recent performance, tenure, etc. just like they always do. They are not going to select out former dss reps. That makes no sense.

Many of the original metabolic reps don't live in their geographies while the redeployment reps are almost all smack dab in the middle. They were chosen that way. Do the math.

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