yawn - - - the loser troll is running out of hate material. The meds must be kicking in.
Thanks Kathyyawn - - - the loser troll is running out of hate material. The meds must be kicking in.
Wish yours would kick in, but you're too stupid to realize you even need them. Trust me, everyone laughs at you and how idiotic you are.yawn - - - the loser troll is running out of hate material. The meds must be kicking in.
Yawning, snooring, eyes rolling.... Heck, even acid indigestion. All symptoms that present when sitting through one of Kathy's demeaning third grader presentations.zzzzzzzzzzz .......NEXT POSER ....You're up ......YAWN
how about I roll over and say hi to YOUR mommy?OCD Loser Troll Alert! Time to take your meds and say Hi to your mommy.
when you buy me a Barbie for Xmas.Hey, mommy when you going a Barbie car for X-mas