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Respiratory Openings For Those Laid Off


Anyone heard anything? I've have one locked up. Was wondering if they are just sliding us into any openings in respiratory?

AZ is the Titanic so all you would be doing is moving up a flight of stairs to a higher deck only prolonging the painful ending. But if you have just been treading water and have no other prospects then go for it. But, the smart money is on interviewing and looking to escape.

Really! How pathetic you are yo even want to stay on this sinking ship! The next round will be soon into next year and you will be 1st on that list. At some point they may not do any payout and if the get sold or have to restructure your screwed. NO Package.

Cant get blood from a stone and they do not have to give anyone anything. If this is done correctly with a proper notice. I do not know how stupid they are in head quarters ( I can answer this as well) because they have already killed moral, excitement, trust. Just notify everyone and when they do the next one they pay our ZERO!

But that would kill how much these big boys get guess.

Run, get some confidence this company is having have a poor image and you staying will be make YOU worth shit because you were to lazy to leave. Or just another kiss ass and collected a pay check doing nothing!

The newest drug is a dog and will never sell what is required! Others are beat AZ to the triple treatment. Management LIES, Suck and have no Business experience of Success.
Medimmune has hired most of AZ rejects that are part of the good old network and I can name names but what fun would this be. It is run the same way and they will also go into the dumpster.

The UK should CLEAN house if it wants to make a statement and show they want to be a REAL COMPANY Again! but it may be too late..

Really! How pathetic you are yo even want to stay on this sinking ship! The next round will be soon into next year and you will be 1st on that list. At some point they may not do any payout and if the get sold or have to restructure your screwed. NO Package.

Cant get blood from a stone and they do not have to give anyone anything. If this is done correctly with a proper notice. I do not know how stupid they are in head quarters ( I can answer this as well) because they have already killed moral, excitement, trust. Just notify everyone and when they do the next one they pay our ZERO!

But that would kill how much these big boys get guess.

Run, get some confidence this company is having have a poor image and you staying will be make YOU worth shit because you were to lazy to leave. Or just another kiss ass and collected a pay check doing nothing!

The newest drug is a dog and will never sell what is required! Others are beat AZ to the triple treatment. Management LIES, Suck and have no Business experience of Success.
Medimmune has hired most of AZ rejects that are part of the good old network and I can name names but what fun would this be. It is run the same way and they will also go into the dumpster.

The UK should CLEAN house if it wants to make a statement and show they want to be a REAL COMPANY Again! but it may be too late..

So, somewhere in this rambling, incoherent statement, the message here is -take the package and run from this place! Couldn't agree more.

Really! How pathetic you are yo even want to stay on this sinking ship! The next round will be soon into next year and you will be 1st on that list. At some point they may not do any payout and if the get sold or have to restructure your screwed. NO Package.

Cant get blood from a stone and they do not have to give anyone anything. If this is done correctly with a proper notice. I do not know how stupid they are in head quarters ( I can answer this as well) because they have already killed moral, excitement, trust. Just notify everyone and when they do the next one they pay our ZERO!

But that would kill how much these big boys get guess.

Run, get some confidence this company is having have a poor image and you staying will be make YOU worth shit because you were to lazy to leave. Or just another kiss ass and collected a pay check doing nothing!

The newest drug is a dog and will never sell what is required! Others are beat AZ to the triple treatment. Management LIES, Suck and have no Business experience of Success.
Medimmune has hired most of AZ rejects that are part of the good old network and I can name names but what fun would this be. It is run the same way and they will also go into the dumpster.

The UK should CLEAN house if it wants to make a statement and show they want to be a REAL COMPANY Again! but it may be too late..

Everything you say is true, but so what! I have survived every cutback since the merger with Astra, and I will continue to survive because of my ability to kiss the right ass when it needs kissing! it's just that simple. Management thinks I hung the moon, when in reality, I don't do shit every day, then I collect my paycheck! No, I will ride this old, tired horse into the sunset. I'm that confident!!