Respiratory and Diabetes

Did you have to look up all those BIG words, little man......LOL I am SO hurt and I hope that you know because you “hurt” my feelings I will be up all night. But it’s also comforting to know that I struck a nerve by my post......mean man that I am......LOL
LOL, I can see you were the top of your class, the one that was taught how to flip a burger and clean a toilet. I really feel sorry for your diminutive brain......:) Maybe that word is to big for your to understand, in other word my illiterate friend, you have a small brain.......hope that helps......LOL

Oh come on now big boy, that’s all you got? Really? Please do me a favor and meet me somewhere so I can get my ass torn apart by a big strong man like you!!!! Please, just let me know and I will definitely come to you......Please......

LOL........try me, just meet me and YOU will see.......just make sure you have your matters in order; then you will be sleeping with the fishes, my friend. PLEASE!!!!

Again if I have to repeat myself; I am NOT angry, obviously as an ex-rep, and oh of course manager, I can see why you are NO longer employed in the pharmaceutical industry, YOU can’t listen, one of the MOST important traits to have as a sales person. On the contrary, I am quite amused at your attempt to bait, or think in your little diminutive mind that I am angry, dude, this is all a game, the problem is that YOU got caught, or maybe you were at the bottom of the rankings and got fired. So you come on CP, troll around all of the threads and get yourself off by trying to get people rilled up. Look, I am very secure, successful and enjoying the blessings that God has bestowed upon me with a tremendous career, amazing boss and team, working for a company(AZ) that has turned itself around, and providing a future for all of us. I’m sure that you are pissed because you are looking in, wishing, hoping, and praying that you could be among the select few. I will continue to pray for you that you find what you are looking for, unfortunately its not here.
People like you just make me want to find you and kick your punk-ass. Sure it’s a challenge but it’s also about compassion and truly wanting to make a difference in the lives of those (patients) and wanting to make a difference in their lives. You are a complete disgrace, and I hope, pray that you live a life free of cancer, or affliction of a disease. But if you are diagnosed with something, I pray you have a rep who fights to get into seeing a doctor and informing them of therapies that can make a difference. Sir you truly are a piece of shit.......

Wrong whiz kid, I am employed, in oncology, and make double what you dream of making. The problem you have angry, middle age, fat, balding, unattractive, divorced, out of shape, yellow tooth, loser, white man, is that you wanted to post for an oncology position, but just couldn’t get past your manager because you are under qualified..........LOL I sure hope you don’t have any offspring because I truly feel sorry for them to have a piece of shit like you.........

Why are you so angry, fake toughie?

It’s nice to have a HUGE laugh this morning, and reading your condescending post, because you are still bitter and unable to accept the fact that you want to be in oncology but lack the experience and education to join the elite like us. This so called model has been going on for years, and every year during this time, idiots like you continue to preach that there are going to be changes, blow up the current model and HUGE changes are coming, but they never do, why because the pharma industry accepts and continues to use this way. I cant tell you why they do this, but till one of the BIG three change, this will continue for the unforeseeable future. Again I am sorry you don’t have the skills and experience to be in this chosen club, but I’m sure you can get a nice managers job at Walmart or McDonalds with your wealth of expertise.

Again with your personal attacks that have zero basis in truth. So your argument is the model has been going on for years and people talk about changes and they never happen and the industry continues to use this way. That's all you got? LOL are you serious? My angry friend anybody with 2 months in this industry can see that changes are coming. Access over time is decreasing. That is fact even in Oncology. Now, of course, in your territory it is different. All your oncologists see you and all your hospitals are open. Yes, I forgot for a second you are the best oncology rep ever to carry a bag a real hall of famer. However in the rest of the country, more than 50% of Oncologists do not see reps. Most hospitals are closed to reps. If you think this will get better you are dreaming. Eventually there will be changes. Everyone but you can see that. So if this is the extent of your argument lets end the discussion. If you want to continue please no personal attacks it shows your ignorance. Oh and I agree with you when one of the big three change it will snowball. With that statement you made I have to think you agree with me.

Former AZ Oncology rep here. I left two years ago couldn't stand the micromanaging. Currently I'm with a small start-up Oncology company. Both of you make good points. Yes, the big pharma model of frequency and reach is old fashioned and doesn't work especially in Oncology. It should change. The other fellow talking about the fact they are a senior rep in oncology and has excellent access and relationships with his customers and makes a difference in patients lives. Perhaps 5% of Oncology reps have this. My advice to the senior Oncology rep is to get out of big pharma that basically promotes cancer drugs like primary care drugs. Also
AZ is on the bottom of pay for Oncology reps. Small start up companies with a good drug are willing to pay top dollar for an excellent rep with a following. Plus and this is important some give stock options. If and when the company is bought out by a major player the options can be worth significant bucks. I also advise staying with a company a year or two or three and parlaying your experience with someone else for bigger bucks, stock options and signing bonus. Staying with a big pharma company and getting 3-5% raises a year is awful. They have no loyalty to you so why should you be loyal to them. It's not personal lol, it's business. Thanks for allowing my 2 cents on this topic.

Former AZ Oncology rep here. I left two years ago couldn't stand the micromanaging. Currently I'm with a small start-up Oncology company. Both of you make good points. Yes, the big pharma model of frequency and reach is old fashioned and doesn't work especially in Oncology. It should change. The other fellow talking about the fact they are a senior rep in oncology and has excellent access and relationships with his customers and makes a difference in patients lives. Perhaps 5% of Oncology reps have this. My advice to the senior Oncology rep is to get out of big pharma that basically promotes cancer drugs like primary care drugs. Also
AZ is on the bottom of pay for Oncology reps. Small start up companies with a good drug are willing to pay top dollar for an excellent rep with a following. Plus and this is important some give stock options. If and when the company is bought out by a major player the options can be worth significant bucks. I also advise staying with a company a year or two or three and parlaying your experience with someone else for bigger bucks, stock options and signing bonus. Staying with a big pharma company and getting 3-5% raises a year is awful. They have no loyalty to you so why should you be loyal to them. It's not personal lol, it's business. Thanks for allowing my 2 cents on this topic.

Some great points and thanks for sharing. I have been with AZ IO oncology for 5 years and I have to tell you that WE don’t get micromanaged, on the contrary they treat us with the utmost respect, have paid us well and yes we do get stock. During this pandemic they have been nothing short of spectacular and encouraging, it’s unfortunate that respiratory and diabetes went through a major reorganization about 500 reps and managers were let go, and as you know this time of the year truly sucks. But they have a lot of multiple reps in the territory and produced single digit growth quarter after quarter. In oncology all five franchises are experiencing double digit growth, new indications, expansion, right proportion of reps with each franchise and a very rich pipeline. Congratulations on your new employer, stay safe and have a great Christmas and more importantly a better 2021.