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Reps living in poverty

Agree… not a great place to be after 23…

Especially if you/your leader feels that your contribution ranks high if there was a force ranking on value brought to the team. Their hands are tied during annual salary review. If you are at the top of your range you will get little if any salary adjustment. Hrs goal is to develop pay equity not pay for performance or contribution. We quit using expectations (exceeds, meets, does not meet) years ago and the most important determinant of your salary increase is where your salary is compared to MRP. At least my manager has been honest about it when it comes to rewards conversations.

We are not paid market rate for years of service, guaranteed! That’s bullshit!

They have switched now to pay us based on what our “peers” are making……again bullshit.

This 2023 hiring deluge has resulted in substandard reps, many w/o sales experience, being brought on at eye- watering salaries that are more than ours. This is fact.

Anyone who calls this “whining” or being ungrateful needs to get off of Hartman’s dick.

We are not paid market rate for years of service, guaranteed! That’s bullshit!

They have switched now to pay us based on what our “peers” are making……again bullshit.

This 2023 hiring deluge has resulted in substandard reps, many w/o sales experience, being brought on at eye- watering salaries that are more than ours. This is fact.

Anyone who calls this “whining” or being ungrateful needs to get off of Hartman’s dick.

We are not paid market rate for years of service, guaranteed! That’s bullshit!

They have switched now to pay us based on what our “peers” are making……again bullshit.

This 2023 hiring deluge has resulted in substandard reps, many w/o sales experience, being brought on at eye- watering salaries that are more than ours. This is fact.

Anyone who calls this “whining” or being ungrateful needs to get off of Hartman’s dick.

All you say is correct but when "poverty" is mentioned in the title, it creates a trigger for many.

Salary talk anyone?
for Primary Care, what is your base with how many years in the industry??

I’m at 23 years and 108k

Seems like new hires that are part of the expansion are cashing in the misfortune of us veterans.

new hires with 1/5 the experience being brought in at 25% more

Started with AZ in 2005. Left in 2011. I now work for an ultra rare startup and cleared $250k gross, which is modest for what I do. Your allegiance and lack of grit is why you live "in poverty".

Started with AZ in 2005. Left in 2011. I now work for an ultra rare startup and cleared $250k gross, which is modest for what I do. Your allegiance and lack of grit is why you live "in poverty".
Most reps here could not survive an ultra "rare disease" job where you actually have to work your ass off and sell.

That's why they can pay people so low because they keep them tied to metrics and other stupid bullshit, while not developing any real skill.

It devalues the rep and saves the company a ton of money when someone is making under $150K after being there 20+ years.

I loved AZ...I retired in 2014...making $119K salary plus bonus. Plus I got on the retired health care.
I loved working for them...I was in pharma for 33 years, and made $2.3 Million dollars. My house has been paid off for 22 years....be thankful for what you have. Most of my relatives, have a lot less....

I loved AZ...I retired in 2014...making $119K salary plus bonus. Plus I got on the retired health care.
I loved working for them...I was in pharma for 33 years, and made $2.3 Million dollars. My house has been paid off for 22 years....be thankful for what you have. Most of my relatives, have a lot less....


I loved AZ...I retired in 2014...making $119K salary plus bonus. Plus I got on the retired health care.
I loved working for them...I was in pharma for 33 years, and made $2.3 Million dollars. My house has been paid off for 22 years....be thankful for what you have. Most of my relatives, have a lot less....

I also retired rep from Tampa...I also made a lot of $$$$...They were also good to me...The launch of Crestor in Hawaii...was really nice...AZ the Blokes know how to treat people.

Salary talk anyone?
for Primary Care, what is your base with how many years in the industry??

I’m at 23 years and 108k

Seems like new hires that are part of the expansion are cashing in the misfortune of us veterans.

new hires with 1/5 the experience being brought in at 25% more

For primary care? How much?

I have 13 yers at AZ and get paid 112K. 15 in the industry.

original post said something about new hires with little experience being hired into PC roles for around 130K salary...Absolute BS> I can attest that we are brought in far lower...try around 85K.

I left AZ in 2017 at $112k. Every year with AZ, salary increase was a mere @2.5% at best. Now with a small company, my 2022 W2 was at $231k. If I stayed with AZ, my best guess for gross pay today would be at $135k.