We are not idiots. We did not misunderstand KK. KK said 1 rx over 100%. She read it right off her teleprompter. She couldn't get through a sentence without it. KK can't even admit in the email she made a MISTAKE. A true leader can admit when they mess up. She refuses to and it is a shame. Instead she treats us as if we misunderstood her. Get a life. What is it? The $30 billion we are paying for Bexalta isn't going to allow you to give us the bonus you announced from the stage at a National Sales meeting two weeks ago. (BTW, investors don't think Bexaltat is a good buy). You have a lot of nerve. That was a good time to suck it up and say you screwed up but could never punish your reps for your mistake. Pretty sure regardless where we end up to goal you still get a kicker somehow. All time low for KK. I can't believe the company allowed her to send that email out. Do the right thing and retract the email and do what you said. Ever heard the term under promise and over deliver. It is very common in the business world but wouldn't be surprised if she never heard it before. KK certainly doesn't apply it in her management. She promises the stars and then tells you that you misunderstood her and hands you a flashlight. KK must think we are all idiots and I'm tired of it. I've sat quiet and stood by her but I can't do it anymore.