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I joined Polymedco a month ago and given all of the changes they have undergone this year I wanted to give a quick update of my experience. Brian was hired as the new VP of Sales at the beginning of the year and has already done a great job of changing the culture for the better. He is building a sales team of experienced, top-performing sales people, and Polymedco is compensating as such.

I’ve been nothing but impressed with Brian, the new culture, the products we sell, the company, and the passion that everybody here has for what Polymedco does… saving lives! We do work hard, but there aren’t many jobs out there that have the potential to be so rewarding.

Wow, one month! How could you possibly make an educated comment on the compensation at POLYMEDCO after only one month? You are probably still on a guarantee and in the event you sold anything significant the billing wouldn't start for at least 30-60 days. Next time you decide to comment, make sure you know what you are talking about. Everyone feels ok at Poly after 1 month but just wait. When you dont hit your made up forecast you will be singing a different song. Are they still trying to sell their Medical Healthcare Plan as a benefit? Anyways, it is always good fun to check in and see who has been duped lately at good old Poly. I am sorry it was you for your sake but do the rest of the world a favor and don't sucker them in too with your silly statements.

Wow, one month! How could you possibly make an educated comment on the compensation at POLYMEDCO after only one month? You are probably still on a guarantee and in the event you sold anything significant the billing wouldn't start for at least 30-60 days. Next time you decide to comment, make sure you know what you are talking about. Everyone feels ok at Poly after 1 month but just wait. When you dont hit your made up forecast you will be singing a different song. Are they still trying to sell their Medical Healthcare Plan as a benefit? Anyways, it is always good fun to check in and see who has been duped lately at good old Poly. I am sorry it was you for your sake but do the rest of the world a favor and don't sucker them in too with your silly statements.

I promise you. You will be fired in the next six month. I promise.

If you want to ruin your career or do not want a career please come to work for Polymedco.

The majority of the deep true details of the company have been removed by the company.

I guarantee you will fail. You will be set up to fail.

Read all the entries before you come to work here.

To the person in Southern Cal that is applying for the RD position. Please read all the entries on this site. Most of the material placed on CafePharma are through younger disenchanted drug reps that are facing the reality of what the industry has became. Sad. The truth is spoken here. The 1 or 2 positive entries have been placed by the owner or a puppet.

Beware, Please talk a previous employee. Complete a linked in search for past employed reps and call the directly. They might speak with you and declare the truth about the company. Polymedco is honestly the last place in the world you want to work. If you need job really bad in this economy wait and take a job waiting tables or washing dishes until something breaks.

Why! Like my entire training class, you will be canned in 6-7 months after you force feed a couple of lowly clinics into an instrument. They have a placement and know that 1-2 is all the region can stand. Then you will have to explain to the hiring manager at the company you truly want to work for why you were fired after 6 months. This is no time to have these scars on your resume.

You owe it to yourself and your family. There are far better choices such as bagging groceries than Polymedco. The only thing gained here is tears and dispare.

I wonder if the guy who posted on 6/13 about how great the company has been so far is the same guy who was hired in Seattle a little over a month ago (AND IS NO LONGER HERE) after being sold a load of crap about the company changing and Brian leading the charge to build a new sales force and a new company strategy which would be great to work for not to mention, very profitable. I wonder if this was the same guy that came in with two othe people in his training class where one person quit after one week after experiencing the horror for just a few short days. HMMMMMMMM Maybe the posts herer are all true. Maybe the fact that after this supposed new sales force that was to be hired has been halted because they don't want to hire anyone new was just a ploy to sucker a few newbees in. Maybe the fact that Brian is now a Regional Manager (AKA. Glorified Sales Person) and not the savior he claimed to be is a sign that these posts are ALL true. Maybe History is repeating itself! What a legacy - The Worlds Worst Company!


It amazes me people are actually stoop low enough to accept a job here. These posts are not a joke. They are for real. They do not exist from a few unhappy bad apples.

Some people in my class walked away from good companies and bad management to accept a job here. I remember the girl from a major biotech company crying in the hall after day 2 of training. She called to and begged to get her old job back - no go. She quit in 2 months before being fired and never did get back in medical. She had been scared by Sir Pete.

The smart one in the class went through training on his vacation days. I could not figure out why he was confrontational during the cheesy Citrix training that was directed by a 22 year old kid from NY on crappy speaker phone. First - class. He ripped on the dumb kid forever.

I remember when the big shot President from NY stepped into the class to show us his big boy look. He had so much botox in his forehead he could not move his eyes.

There was an inside Chicago rep that went to Seattle she was going to clean the NW up with her business acumen and knowledge. How long did she last?

He quit the minute he got home and went back to work for his old company. Everybody else was fired or quit in a matter of months.

Slide and close baby. Slide, lie and close.

It is always great to visit the good old POLY page on Cafepharma. After my departure a few years ago, I have enjoyed great success and more importantly been treated with respect and have not had to opperate each day with the fear of a maniac owner deciding that someone should be fired because they were not making their forecast. Oh yea, by forecast I mean a made up target that was not based on ANY foundation or history. It was just what Pete felt each rep could produce. What a joke from a guy that claims to be a great sales person. Pete has made money on the bloody backs of his employees for years and it has made him a lot of money. That is his measure of success but the sad thing is that the company could be light years ahead of where it is if he had any clue how to value his employees. Anyway, I keep in touch with a number of the old POLY people who are now at different companies and all of them are successful and happy and making more money. These are the same people that Pete said were worthless. So they were top performers prior to going to POLY and top performers after leaving POLY. I guess the problem is POLY (AKA PETE).


It is always great to visit the good old POLY page on Cafepharma. After my departure a few years ago, I have enjoyed great success and more importantly been treated with respect and have not had to opperate each day with the fear of a maniac owner deciding that someone should be fired because they were not making their forecast. Oh yea, by forecast I mean a made up target that was not based on ANY foundation or history. It was just what Pete felt each rep could produce. What a joke from a guy that claims to be a great sales person. Pete has made money on the bloody backs of his employees for years and it has made him a lot of money. That is his measure of success but the sad thing is that the company could be light years ahead of where it is if he had any clue how to value his employees. Anyway, I keep in touch with a number of the old POLY people who are now at different companies and all of them are successful and happy and making more money. These are the same people that Pete said were worthless. So they were top performers prior to going to POLY and top performers after leaving POLY. I guess the problem is POLY (AKA PETE).


It is always great to visit the good old POLY page on Cafepharma. After my departure a few years ago, I have enjoyed great success and more importantly been treated with respect and have not had to opperate each day with the fear of a maniac owner deciding that someone should be fired because they were not making their forecast. Oh yea, by forecast I mean a made up target that was not based on ANY foundation or history. It was just what Pete felt each rep could produce. What a joke from a guy that claims to be a great sales person. Pete has made money on the bloody backs of his employees for years and it has made him a lot of money. That is his measure of success but the sad thing is that the company could be light years ahead of where it is if he had any clue how to value his employees. Anyway, I keep in touch with a number of the old POLY people who are now at different companies and all of them are successful and happy and making more money. These are the same people that Pete said were worthless. So they were top performers prior to going to POLY and top performers after leaving POLY. I guess the problem is POLY (AKA PETE).



Truly a weird place. It gives me the creeps just thinking about walking into that cold entry way on the way up to the palace to spend the day learning about shit I could have cared less about. The current sales people walked around like zombies. No one in the phase II class had been there over a year and were afraid of their shadow.

I could not live with myself for all the money in the world to be a part of this tornado. Doctor just one minute. What I have to say is important. Really? NOW, ROLE PLAY - ROLE PLAY - ROLE PLAY.

Wait a minute! They now have "The Kaiser Video" this is a magic sales tool that when shown to a CEO immediately makes them drop everythign they are doing to drive a screening program throughout their hospital and corresponding communities. As a matter of fact, this video is so compelling that most CEO's will go door to door in their communities to personally obtain stool samples and courier them back to the lab. I think things are on the upswing and they should have a sales force of at least 50 people soon with a lot of career upward mobility. Poly is now the place to be. All because of the Kaiser Video!

Wait a minute! They now have "The Kaiser Video" this is a magic sales tool that when shown to a CEO immediately makes them drop everythign they are doing to drive a screening program throughout their hospital and corresponding communities. As a matter of fact, this video is so compelling that most CEO's will go door to door in their communities to personally obtain stool samples and courier them back to the lab. I think things are on the upswing and they should have a sales force of at least 50 people soon with a lot of career upward mobility. Poly is now the place to be. All because of the Kaiser Video!

No doubt. This is the Polymedco way. They change the face of science. I foresee another Amgen in the making. This company knows R and D and how to go after the hard money.
They pay big and want the big results. Just ask Pete and the fat little guy Kenny G.

Wait-Wait Doctor! What I have to say is important. I just need a minute of your time. Where would you like me to leave your mug and hard candy? (I ll take the hard candy out and put it in my pocket. I only have $3.80 a month for account access materials)

Use those mugs. They will stop the CEO of a billion dollar hospital in his tracks. They all wake up in the morning hoping for the life changing Polymedco mug. I hate to even put a capital P on Polymedco. It is hardly worth the effort.

Dear God. Close the doors and save the medical world from you lies and jokes.

Kenny G makes poop sandwiches for his mentor Pete.

Hey how's that video working out? Tons of new business pouring in the door? You can hardly keep up the redistribution program.

He was informed two weeks before Christmas that his last day is the 31st. Brian is gone at no fault of his own.

I joined Polymedco a month ago and given all of the changes they have undergone this year I wanted to give a quick update of my experience. Brian was hired as the new VP of Sales at the beginning of the year and has already done a great job of changing the culture for the better. He is building a sales team of experienced, top-performing sales people, and Polymedco is compensating as such.

I’ve been nothing but impressed with Brian, the new culture, the products we sell, the company, and the passion that everybody here has for what Polymedco does… saving lives! We do work hard, but there aren’t many jobs out there that have the potential to be so rewarding.

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