Pharmacia-Wyeth-King's revenge

I was previously Upjohn, hired in the early 80's. Let go in 2009, have had a great gig, but another lay off. Just had a phones screen with a big pharma company. The guy sounded 12 with several uhhs, "ok where were we?", sounded like he was multi-tasking. Anyway I, too, to distance my time with Pfizer as I believe Upjohn and Pharmacia were better run and productive companies. Problem: the kid had never heard of The Upjohn Company. I must say I had not anticipated this. I have decided to retire! Pharma is just not the industry it used to be.

Pfe sucks. King Wyeth Upjohn...will eneter the door. PFE??? NO WAY

This is how you treat people? You all should be ashamed of yourselves, regardless of whichever side or company you're on. There is something seriously wrong with you if you revel in some else's pain, hurt or suffering.

This is how you treat people? You all should be ashamed of yourselves, regardless of whichever side or company you're on. There is something seriously wrong with you if you revel in some else's pain, hurt or suffering.

Look, I'm sorry but what do you want me to say? Those of us who are Legacy Pfizer are simply the best of the best, and having been subjected to sitting through meetings and conference calls with the various dullards that were brought into the fold after each acquisition, well, I just feel like I need a shower every time I'm near one of these mouth-breathers. Where the f* did these losers come from? They all dress straight off the rack and stink of cheap perfume/cologne. I know of one legacy Pharmacia RM who wears a damn FOSSIL watch... Seriously? Don't we pay you enough to buy a decent timepiece? I'd rather just check the time on my phone than be caught wearing a cheap POS like that...

Typical non-Pfizer legacy... Hopefully we will be rid of all of them by Friday. Well, ok, we may have to wait until Cluster 1 is eliminated next year. Either way, I've had enough of the riff-raff around here. Hopefully we'll be able to re-institute the high standards that made Pfizer #1 and the envy of all of these hangers-on we've picked up over the past 12 years.

A legacy Pfizer rep that has always been better than you, and always will be

Somebody has delusions of grandeur! Psychiatric intervention should be initiated. Hopefully this person is truly just a pranster because comments like that are unacceptable!

Look, I'm sorry but what do you want me to say? Those of us who are Legacy Pfizer are simply the best of the best, and having been subjected to sitting through meetings and conference calls with the various dullards that were brought into the fold after each acquisition, well, I just feel like I need a shower every time I'm near one of these mouth-breathers. Where the f* did these losers come from? They all dress straight off the rack and stink of cheap perfume/cologne. I know of one legacy Pharmacia RM who wears a damn FOSSIL watch... Seriously? Don't we pay you enough to buy a decent timepiece? I'd rather just check the time on my phone than be caught wearing a cheap POS like that...

Typical non-Pfizer legacy... Hopefully we will be rid of all of them by Friday. Well, ok, we may have to wait until Cluster 1 is eliminated next year. Either way, I've had enough of the riff-raff around here. Hopefully we'll be able to re-institute the high standards that made Pfizer #1 and the envy of all of these hangers-on we've picked up over the past 12 years.

A legacy Pfizer rep that has always been better than you, and always will be

You aren't better than anybody! You are just a loser over-paid Pharma Bitch, wasting everyone's time! Go buy some donuts and feed the horses at the reception desk that never let you get by them. Tick Tock, Tick Tock...government cheese awaits you!

Look, I'm sorry but what do you want me to say? Those of us who are Legacy Pfizer are simply the best of the best, and having been subjected to sitting through meetings and conference calls with the various dullards that were brought into the fold after each acquisition, well, I just feel like I need a shower every time I'm near one of these mouth-breathers. Where the f* did these losers come from? They all dress straight off the rack and stink of cheap perfume/cologne. I know of one legacy Pharmacia RM who wears a damn FOSSIL watch... Seriously? Don't we pay you enough to buy a decent timepiece? I'd rather just check the time on my phone than be caught wearing a cheap POS like that...

Typical non-Pfizer legacy... Hopefully we will be rid of all of them by Friday. Well, ok, we may have to wait until Cluster 1 is eliminated next year. Either way, I've had enough of the riff-raff around here. Hopefully we'll be able to re-institute the high standards that made Pfizer #1 and the envy of all of these hangers-on we've picked up over the past 12 years.

A legacy Pfizer rep that has always been better than you, and always will be

Q: What does of Geodon you on?

Look, I'm sorry but what do you want me to say? Those of us who are Legacy Pfizer are simply the best of the best, and having been subjected to sitting through meetings and conference calls with the various dullards that were brought into the fold after each acquisition, well, I just feel like I need a shower every time I'm near one of these mouth-breathers. Where the f* did these losers come from? They all dress straight off the rack and stink of cheap perfume/cologne. I know of one legacy Pharmacia RM who wears a damn FOSSIL watch... Seriously? Don't we pay you enough to buy a decent timepiece? I'd rather just check the time on my phone than be caught wearing a cheap POS like that...

Typical non-Pfizer legacy... Hopefully we will be rid of all of them by Friday. Well, ok, we may have to wait until Cluster 1 is eliminated next year. Either way, I've had enough of the riff-raff around here. Hopefully we'll be able to re-institute the high standards that made Pfizer #1 and the envy of all of these hangers-on we've picked up over the past 12 years.

A legacy Pfizer rep that has always been better than you, and always will be

For the record, I'm legacy Pfizer. You are an embarrassment to Pfizer and a disgusting, classless human being.

Look, I'm sorry but what do you want me to say? Those of us who are Legacy Pfizer are simply the best of the best, and having been subjected to sitting through meetings and conference calls with the various dullards that were brought into the fold after each acquisition, well, I just feel like I need a shower every time I'm near one of these mouth-breathers. Where the f* did these losers come from? They all dress straight off the rack and stink of cheap perfume/cologne. I know of one legacy Pharmacia RM who wears a damn FOSSIL watch... Seriously? Don't we pay you enough to buy a decent timepiece? I'd rather just check the time on my phone than be caught wearing a cheap POS like that...

Typical non-Pfizer legacy... Hopefully we will be rid of all of them by Friday. Well, ok, we may have to wait until Cluster 1 is eliminated next year. Either way, I've had enough of the riff-raff around here. Hopefully we'll be able to re-institute the high standards that made Pfizer #1 and the envy of all of these hangers-on we've picked up over the past 12 years.

A legacy Pfizer rep that has always been better than you, and always will be

Did you just say, "hopefully we'll be able to re-institute the high standards that made Pfizer number 1"........? First, I must take issue with this statement.....Pfizer needed tons of assistance from the so called "hangers-on" as you so eloquently refer to the legacy's those legacy companies who provided Pfizer a successful and competitive pipeline. Second, "these hangers-on" as you so aptly refer to those of us who are "legacy" reps....I don't know know one rep from Pharmacia, King, or Wyeth who spoke favorably of the each respective acquisition. By the way, hailing from Pharmacia, I know that we interviewed with 4 different DMs in that integration, so the term "hangers-on" is far from accurate. You need to get your facts straight. I have one more I'm shopping on Newbury Street boutiques this holiday season and enjoying my 6-figure salary at an IT company, I'll be thinking of you and how misplaced you really are in life. It's quite pathetic that someone with your attitude is actually feigning to be a compassionate human being in healthcare supposedly helping patients. Get some help------STAT! You exude the sour Pfizer's people like you who taint the company's image. Pfizer isn't bad, it's the people within Pfizer that stink! No amount of cheap perfume could remedy you!

All of you non-Pfizer legacy reps have been $h!t-canned for a reason... You weren't very good at your job, and your physical attractiveness was not up to the high standards we enforce at Pfizer. You can make all of the nasty, snide, bitter comments you want on CP, but even YOU know it's true. You're not Pfizer material.

Good luck in your new careers in the food service industry... The Golden Arches are calling your names!


Another Pfizer rep who is superior to you in every imaginable way!

Noone is being cruel or making bitter comments. Just speaking truth and reality. No slander here, just fact

Look, I'm sorry but what do you want me to say? Those of us who are Legacy Pfizer are simply the best of the best, and having been subjected to sitting through meetings and conference calls with the various dullards that were brought into the fold after each acquisition, well, I just feel like I need a shower every time I'm near one of these mouth-breathers. Where the f* did these losers come from? They all dress straight off the rack and stink of cheap perfume/cologne. I know of one legacy Pharmacia RM who wears a damn FOSSIL watch... Seriously? Don't we pay you enough to buy a decent timepiece? I'd rather just check the time on my phone than be caught wearing a cheap POS like that...

Typical non-Pfizer legacy... Hopefully we will be rid of all of them by Friday. Well, ok, we may have to wait until Cluster 1 is eliminated next year. Either way, I've had enough of the riff-raff around here. Hopefully we'll be able to re-institute the high standards that made Pfizer #1 and the envy of all of these hangers-on we've picked up over the past 12 years.

A legacy Pfizer rep that has always been better than you, and always will be

Keep drinking the kool aid. Sounds like it is working for you. The only high standards Pfizer ever had was decent products and when that died they bought the rest. They are destroying theirselves. They were the reason for the Bextra penalties. Pharmacia VP stressed compliance while the Pfizer side stressed pushing the dose. Saw it at launch befor merger took place

Did you just say, "hopefully we'll be able to re-institute the high standards that made Pfizer number 1"........? First, I must take issue with this statement.....Pfizer needed tons of assistance from the so called "hangers-on" as you so eloquently refer to the legacy's those legacy companies who provided Pfizer a successful and competitive pipeline. Second, "these hangers-on" as you so aptly refer to those of us who are "legacy" reps....I don't know know one rep from Pharmacia, King, or Wyeth who spoke favorably of the each respective acquisition. By the way, hailing from Pharmacia, I know that we interviewed with 4 different DMs in that integration, so the term "hangers-on" is far from accurate. You need to get your facts straight. I have one more I'm shopping on Newbury Street boutiques this holiday season and enjoying my 6-figure salary at an IT company, I'll be thinking of you and how misplaced you really are in life. It's quite pathetic that someone with your attitude is actually feigning to be a compassionate human being in healthcare supposedly helping patients. Get some help------STAT! You exude the sour Pfizer's people like you who taint the company's image. Pfizer isn't bad, it's the people within Pfizer that stink! No amount of cheap perfume could remedy you!

Yes, you are doing so well at your new IT gig that you still stop by CP and check in to see how everyone's doing....riiiiiiiiiiight... I hope you aren't around any sharp objects or have access o any firearms.

Keep drinking the kool aid. Sounds like it is working for you. The only high standards Pfizer ever had was decent products and when that died they bought the rest. They are destroying theirselves. They were the reason for the Bextra penalties. Pharmacia VP stressed compliance while the Pfizer side stressed pushing the dose. Saw it at launch befor merger took place

"theirselves"???? JesusF-inChrist on a Pony, did your ghetto HeadStart Program get around to teaching you the Queen's English or was it just Ebonics from Pre-K to Community College? Or perhaps you're a rural Southerner who was home-schooled by some Evangelical lard-ass baby momma and communicated by pointing and grunting?

Thank you for proving my point, dumb-dumb...

A Legacy Pfizer rep who can't wait to be rid of the non-Pfizer Legacy parasites!

Yes, you are doing so well at your new IT gig that you still stop by CP and check in to see how everyone's doing....riiiiiiiiiiight... I hope you aren't around any sharp objects or have access o any firearms.

Yes, I'm doing quite well, thank you. I'm here simply to vent on behalf of specific colleagues that unfortunately aren't off your sinking ship........good riddance to you Pfizer rubbish. Jealous much??

None of you losers could make it here at Novartis. Here we make a difference. Our products mean so much to the doctors and patients. No room for you here.

Novartis is another losing proposition. You're no different from Pfizer, and have extremely unprofessional, pompous jack-asses at your company. Have you called California Closets lately??

Yes, you are doing so well at your new IT gig that you still stop by CP and check in to see how everyone's doing....riiiiiiiiiiight... I hope you aren't around any sharp objects or have access o any firearms.

Learn how to spell, dumb-ass! You better call unemployment now....they're waiting for you!

Noone is being cruel or making bitter comments. Just speaking truth and reality. No slander here, just fact

Many Pfizer reps resemble the very cows they serve at the offices.....a true observation. More importantly, you Pfizer legacy reps are the most pompous, unscrupulous liars I've ever had the displeasure of working with......and believe me folks, thank Christ it's not like that elsewhere. I have discovered a much better place conducive to productivity, integrity, and just plain fun. Pfizer has an innate talent for instilling fear and using negative reinforcement to get results, and all the while, it's the Pfizer reps who were scurrying around like fools chasing after signatures, taking credit for programs, and kissing ass and brown-nosing at meetings....gag me with a spoon. You legacy Pfizer reps are just plain nauseating! No, don't bother to find us Pharmacia/Wyeth/King folks on Linked-In or Facebook, as we can guarantee there will not be any room for you in our respective places of employment.


Pharmacia/Wyeth/King colleagues

Many Pfizer reps resemble the very cows they serve at the offices.....a true observation. More importantly, you Pfizer legacy reps are the most pompous, unscrupulous liars I've ever had the displeasure of working with......and believe me folks, thank Christ it's not like that elsewhere. I have discovered a much better place conducive to productivity, integrity, and just plain fun. Pfizer has an innate talent for instilling fear and using negative reinforcement to get results, and all the while, it's the Pfizer reps who were scurrying around like fools chasing after signatures, taking credit for programs, and kissing ass and brown-nosing at meetings....gag me with a spoon. You legacy Pfizer reps are just plain nauseating! No, don't bother to find us Pharmacia/Wyeth/King folks on Linked-In or Facebook, as we can guarantee there will not be any room for you in our respective places of employment.


Pharmacia/Wyeth/King colleagues

Ditto from Warner Lambert colleagues. And oh by the way POD selling with multiple partners is so far outdated that if you confess any of your sales results were achieved while a member of a POD, your sales will be questioned and you will not be hired here either.

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