Pharmacia-Wyeth-King's revenge


Hey, now that you'll be hitting the street soon, good luck interviewing with former displaced Pharmacia, Wyeth and King out in other companies now. As legacy Pfizer, you'll never stand a chance getting that job. Emotions run deep.


Hey, now that you'll be hitting the street soon, good luck interviewing with former displaced Pharmacia, Wyeth and King out in other companies now. As legacy Pfizer, you'll never stand a chance getting that job. Emotions run deep.

Not to mention. Pharmacia had good quality people with good principles. Something I did not see as much with Pfizer. Most work was focused on activity vs getting business

Ditto that- the hatred of Pfizer in the industry in unbelievable.

As a hiring DM in another company, I will tell you that no Pfizer resume will see the light of day in my company.... That is the truth.

What is a sad reality with all the acquisitions, Pfizer really is no better...

Product wise? What do we have?

All the acquired blockbusters have or will be expiring.

The Pfizer luster is GONE, and WILL NOT return.

Get out while you can!!

Ditto that- the hatred of Pfizer in the industry in unbelievable.

As a hiring DM in another company, I will tell you that no Pfizer resume will see the light of day in my company.... That is the truth.

Couldn't agree more! Ex Pfizer folks need not apply! Pfizer is w/o a doubt the most poisonous company in the industry!

Wow! You guys sure are giving us Pfizer people the business! Golly gee willikers I don't think I'll survive in that cold cruel world, especially after all of the pfired pformer Pfizer reps from companys that no longer exist join forces to keep me from ever working again!!!

Pweeze pweeze pweeze whiff sugars on tops canz I have job?

(no wonder you losers got canned...)

Pfizer Rep who's just plain better than you

Ditto that- the hatred of Pfizer in the industry in unbelievable.

As a hiring DM in another company, I will tell you that no Pfizer resume will see the light of day in my company.... That is the truth.

If you are really a DM which I doubt you are then you are stupid and are not really committed to your role. There will be a lot of Pfizer reps laid off and many of them are outstanding. If you summarily reject everyone of those resume's you will be missing the chance to hire some great reps.

Not to mention. Pharmacia had good quality people with good principles. Something I did not see as much with Pfizer. Most work was focused on activity vs getting business

I completely agree......Pharmacia was a class act all the way, from the initial interview, throughout the training, and well beyond into the first 7 years of my career. I was devastated when Pfizer bought Pharmacia in 2003, but was offered a position and assumed a Pfizer role nonetheless. My career was never the same. Although I met and worked with some fantastic colleagues, the Pfizer culture is sour. When I eventually was laid off in 2011, after almost 15 years in the business, I made certain to place on my resume that I was hired by Pharmacia which was subsequently acquired by Pfizer. I also verbally stressed during interviews that I was originally part of the Pharmacia and Upjohn organization. I think it's wise to play that up in interviews for those of you who were part of the Pharmacia org, as others on the outside interviewing may likely look upon you in a more favorable light. Let's face it....Pfizer reps for the most part were and are the most arrogant SOBs around, and many folks from other companies are aware of the vile culture within the sinking ship. Good luck to all of my former Pharmacia colleagues......the best of the bunch!!

Wow! You guys sure are giving us Pfizer people the business! Golly gee willikers I don't think I'll survive in that cold cruel world, especially after all of the pfired pformer Pfizer reps from companys that no longer exist join forces to keep me from ever working again!!!

Pweeze pweeze pweeze whiff sugars on tops canz I have job?

(no wonder you losers got canned...)

Pfizer Rep who's just plain better than you


No, you're the loser. You'll soon be the proud recipient of the least favorable severance package. No, you're not plain better. Quite frankly, you're arrogant, rude, and an activity-oriented twit. Legacy companies provided Pfizer not only viable products to promote, but also the most classy, talented pool of reps.

Best of you to you'll need it post Pfizer.....


Pharmacia rep


No, you're the loser. You'll soon be the proud recipient of the least favorable severance package. No, you're not plain better. Quite frankly, you're arrogant, rude, and an activity-oriented twit. Legacy companies provided Pfizer not only viable products to promote, but also the most classy, talented pool of reps.

Best of you to you'll need it post Pfizer.....


Pharmacia rep


Retired Wyeth Leghacy Vaccine rep who is watching the Pfizer mental midgets kill a product's potential.

I completely agree......Pharmacia was a class act all the way, from the initial interview, throughout the training, and well beyond into the first 7 years of my career. I was devastated when Pfizer bought Pharmacia in 2003, but was offered a position and assumed a Pfizer role nonetheless. My career was never the same. Although I met and worked with some fantastic colleagues, the Pfizer culture is sour. When I eventually was laid off in 2011, after almost 15 years in the business, I made certain to place on my resume that I was hired by Pharmacia which was subsequently acquired by Pfizer. I also verbally stressed during interviews that I was originally part of the Pharmacia and Upjohn organization. I think it's wise to play that up in interviews for those of you who were part of the Pharmacia org, as others on the outside interviewing may likely look upon you in a more favorable light. Let's face it....Pfizer reps for the most part were and are the most arrogant SOBs around, and many folks from other companies are aware of the vile culture within the sinking ship. Good luck to all of my former Pharmacia colleagues......the best of the bunch!!

Well said and a great tip when interviewing. Upjohn and Pharmacia had integrity and pride and were trained o drive business. Pfizer focused on activities to get recognition. What a joke when about 6 reps would want to put their name on a program to get credit to brag to their DM. This went on all the time

Oh, the good ole days. No computers, cell phones, no partners, company cars had 8 cylinder engines and I actually felt productive. I'm one of the lucky ones. Escaped the rat race in 09 with nearly 40 years. Thank God for Parke-Davis.. Someone decided in 96 that we needed a cardio partner to sell Lipitor. The 2 cultures never blended. We were never accepted and I dare say that only a hand full of PD/Warner-Lambert folks are around today. Pfizer always kept things in an uproar with district alignment changes, new managers, different product assignments every 2 years, and to many people. You young folks should have been there. I was great to feel needed

It's clear this time, after Pfizer destroyed the industry now Pfizer is killing Pfizer. No one left to buy out any more time.

Pharmacia-Wyeth-King just bought the old, sagging franchise more time for inept management and sales talent.

All of you non-Pfizer legacy reps have been $h!t-canned for a reason... You weren't very good at your job, and your physical attractiveness was not up to the high standards we enforce at Pfizer. You can make all of the nasty, snide, bitter comments you want on CP, but even YOU know it's true. You're not Pfizer material.

Good luck in your new careers in the food service industry... The Golden Arches are calling your names!


Another Pfizer rep who is superior to you in every imaginable way!

Well said and a great tip when interviewing. Upjohn and Pharmacia had integrity and pride and were trained o drive business. Pfizer focused on activities to get recognition. What a joke when about 6 reps would want to put their name on a program to get credit to brag to their DM. This went on all the time

Pfizer here. Here is what I saw in the 2001-2003 time frame: 7-10 reps would show up at a dinner program, each one trying to get signatures for samples. They would all give their credit cards to the restaurant manager.

They would have extra dinner orders set aside in styrofoam boxes, and a bottle of wine or two added in. Coming from PD, I couldn't believe what I saw. Many of them told me that the only time they saw their managers that quarter or semester was at dinner programs and sample inventory time.

Not that we were 100% clean at PD, but this kind of behavior was shocking to us. Everything seemed to be activity-related. They always talked about collecting signatures, "doing programs", blowing through samples, and emptying their expense account budgets by June as their most important metrics. Maybe thats not the way it was everywhere, but thats what I saw with my own eyes.

The last 2 posters show why we never ever hire PFE reps or managers. Such childeshness. You are all robots and signature hoarders. Good luck. The non legacy people are all in otjer jobs. We have hired many. They all wanted to leave the hell that is PFE asap. are all left to get cut this year and next. Good luck children.

Ditto that- the hatred of Pfizer in the industry in unbelievable.

As a hiring DM in another company, I will tell you that no Pfizer resume will see the light of day in my company.... That is the truth.

You're not the first who's said this.
I will be making the distinction on my resume that I was former Upjohn, pfizer by way of take over.

I was previously Upjohn, hired in the early 80's. Let go in 2009, have had a great gig, but another lay off. Just had a phones screen with a big pharma company. The guy sounded 12 with several uhhs, "ok where were we?", sounded like he was multi-tasking. Anyway I, too, to distance my time with Pfizer as I believe Upjohn and Pharmacia were better run and productive companies. Problem: the kid had never heard of The Upjohn Company. I must say I had not anticipated this. I have decided to retire! Pharma is just not the industry it used to be.

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