Pfizer to force out those not vaccinated by Jan 2022

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is informing employers that it's possible they could be held liable for "any adverse reactions" if they mandate employees take COVID-19 vaccines "as a condition of their employment."

From LifeSite, "Employers may be liable for 'any adverse reaction' from mandated coronavirus shots: OSHA":
OSHA released its new guidance on April 20 under a "Frequently Asked Questions" section of its website having to do with COVID-19 safety compliance.

After lengthy discussion with Legal and HR, Pfizer has made the decision every rep who calls on physicians, in waiting with patients have to be documented vaccinated to go back LIVE.
If they choose not to get vaccinated, they will stay as a Virtual Rep.
End of Q4 the Virtual Reps will be offered a new PT 20hr wk Virtual Rep role for half pay and if turn down then they will be given severance of 2 wks per year of service.
Severance pay will be paid out in monthly installments until 100% paid.
I believe this 100%!!!!

My health has been in a full throttle decline since I got the shot. Documenting. They may not be liable thru emergency use but I have my manager on a webex demanding that we get it


Once fired for failure to perform a medical procedure , sue the fucking shit out of your immediate supervisor < named > and the Company /Corp paying you for services .

Welcome to 1 million buddy . it may take years but they cannot fire you over this .

it's illegal and there is an attorney recently on the fat man show that had this all wrapped up in federal law that trumps state law and labor law .

You win .

Interesting how Cleveland Clinic is bringing up natural immunity and memory T cell function now relating to Covid. Up until now, anyone who brought up natural immunity has been labeled a danger to society and a public health menace (even though we all had chicken pox and we know how that worked)

Complain all you want.
Pfizer has the legal right to require anything from you as an employee because the are a "Right to Work Company" thus can also fire you for refusal.

Is what it is...... we are legally toaste & unemployed if we do not get vaccinated even though our CEO took 7 months to take 1 shot & has not taken the 2nd??????

Complain all you want.
Pfizer has the legal right to require anything from you as an employee because the are a "Right to Work Company" thus can also fire you for refusal.

An employer may have the right to ask “anything” they want from an employee, but it doesn’t mean it comes without consequences. This has the potential to be much bigger than getting fired for refusing to get the vaccine. The optics could be enormous based on the employer. And if Pfizer in particular mandates this, it could mean much more than simply firing their employees who refuse the mandate.

An employer may have the right to ask “anything” they want from an employee, but it doesn’t mean it comes without consequences. This has the potential to be much bigger than getting fired for refusing to get the vaccine. The optics could be enormous based on the employer. And if Pfizer in particular mandates this, it could mean much more than simply firing their employees who refuse the mandate.
You must be joking, if anyone has the right to fire someone for non-compliance it would be PFE. Yes it would set a precedent, but understand it’s not unreasonable. But fear not, PFE has no ballz.

If I have learned one thing the past 14 months, it's that we don't need managers to oversee teams of 7 or 8 reps. You could cut out so many layers of management it's scary.

The Oncology Managers do not seem to have anything to do - perhaps less managers would be the place to cut. A manager can handle 10 Community reps + 2 Institutional reps, restructuring seems to be needed.