Pfizer has little talent


Little talent, little research, which is why Pfizer gobbles up other companies to exist.

This is why Ian needs to go. Bad decisions upon bad decisions. He cares nothing for the science, people or the patients. This is a man with no empathy for disease states - he sees numbers in form of dollars and cents. Human cost never factored in. He will get this AZ deal done, welsh on his word to the UK, screw over the American taxpayer, fire thousands of people, hurt local economies, cash out huge amounts of stock before PFE price drops and Ian won't lose 1 minute of sleep over it. That is not a honorable man. He is a thug suited up to look like a honorable man. I am sure one way or another Ian will be faced with unrelenting scrutiny in the near future, and I hope it is unbearable.

Pfizer has plenty of talent but because the corporate culture is so controlling and there are so many rules the talent is rarely used. The HQ requirement is everybody behave exactly the same. If you don't, you're gone. You must spend your time meeting all those metrics, going to meetings, reading corporate email. It's a recipe for failure but our isolated HQ just doesn't get it!!! Why would any great mind work at Pfizer?

This is why Ian needs to go. Bad decisions upon bad decisions. He cares nothing for the science, people or the patients. This is a man with no empathy for disease states - he sees numbers in form of dollars and cents. Human cost never factored in. He will get this AZ deal done, welsh on his word to the UK, screw over the American taxpayer, fire thousands of people, hurt local economies, cash out huge amounts of stock before PFE price drops and Ian won't lose 1 minute of sleep over it. That is not a honorable man. He is a thug suited up to look like a honorable man. I am sure one way or another Ian will be faced with unrelenting scrutiny in the near future, and I hope it is unbearable.

I'm thinking Ian is very sorry he took the job of CEO. The board brought him in to be a steady and uncontroversial figure after two flakey CEOs that made a laughing stock of the corporation. They promised him their support but Frank runs the show and not in a pleasant way at all. Don't get in Frank's way. Ian gets to be the public face of Frank's ugly behavior and complete lack of respect for everyone. I'll bet Ian can't wait to retire................

I'm thinking Ian is very sorry he took the job of CEO. The board brought him in to be a steady and uncontroversial figure after two flakey CEOs that made a laughing stock of the corporation. They promised him their support but Frank runs the show and not in a pleasant way at all. Don't get in Frank's way. Ian gets to be the public face of Frank's ugly behavior and complete lack of respect for everyone. I'll bet Ian can't wait to retire................

He hit "rule of 90" already. Not that he needs it, since his stock/options/RSU's etc are worth millions and millions of dollars. He can leave today if he wants... unless he has some kind of contract preventing him from doing so.

PFE reaps what it sows. Has anyone checked to see if there is any Goodwill assessed in the financials of PFE? I am sure that whatever amount appears under Goodwill is a vast overstatement. This M&A deal revealed that when it comes to PFE there is little or no respect for the company which is perceived as a greedy shark devoid of redeeming qualities.