Painkillers can reduce antidepressants' effect


The study references avoiding co-administration of SSRI's with NSAID's when there is no AD response. There is no mention of SNRI's being evaluated with NSAID's in patient studies.

In fact there is a recommendation to trial antidepressants of other classes in non-reponding SSRI patients.

Perfect opportunity to expand Pristiq market share at the expense of Lexapro and generic SSRI's! Pristiq has the lowest overall discontinuation rate on file with the FDA than any other SNRI branded or generic.

Winning vs whining!!!

Get some Tiger blood pumping out there...

The study references avoiding co-administration of SSRI's with NSAID's when there is no AD response. There is no mention of SNRI's being evaluated with NSAID's in patient studies.

In fact there is a recommendation to trial antidepressants of other classes in non-reponding SSRI patients.

Perfect opportunity to expand Pristiq market share at the expense of Lexapro and generic SSRI's! Pristiq has the lowest overall discontinuation rate on file with the FDA than any other SNRI branded or generic.

Winning vs whining!!!

Get some Tiger blood pumping out there...

What's the S in S-NRI? Pfizer people are stupid. Just ask a legacy Wyeth.

Who gives a rat's ass; depressed, in pain, chicken...egg....fucking crybabies.
These turds should get off their asses and take some responsibility for their miserable lives.
Drink some scotch with your a-d and'll feel better, or win both ways.

What's the S in S-NRI? Pfizer people are stupid. Just ask a legacy Wyeth.

I sure hope u do not work 4 Pfizer or previously with Wyeth. There r significant differences in response & remission rates with snri's vs ssri's. Some of the depressed NSAID non-responders may have a NE deficiency. Better review your AD pharmacology 101!

I sure hope u do not work 4 Pfizer or previously with Wyeth. There r significant differences in response & remission rates with snri's vs ssri's. Some of the depressed NSAID non-responders may have a NE deficiency. Better review your AD pharmacology 101!

or they could be vitamin B deficient and need methyl folate. Whatever douchebag!