Our CEO: First, a Nobel Prize, next have the board remove him


Mr. Bourla deserves the Nobel Prize. He correctly "bet the farm" on creating the vaccine at shareholder risk, in lieu of taking upfront development money from The Trump administration via Warp Speed. The purchase guarantee was weighed and found sufficient to proceed with the risky development process.

As a result, likely hundreds of thousands -- if not millions -- of lives were saved.

On the other hand, the release of the clinical trial information was politically timed. It was conveniently released AFTER the election rather than BEFORE which would have given hope to the American people and confidence that the public/private partnerships of Warp Speed and a vaccine would be imminent.

Not a single Democrat politician stood by Donald Trump when he announced that commercial availability of a vaccine would be ready prior to the end of 2020. Instead, they, and the media, mocked the President.

Mr. Bourla also made another bet. He bet that a Democrat administration would be friendlier to his company and our industry. Donald Trump was already talking about price controls and reigning in certain categories of drugs paid for by Medicare. If you know Donald Trump, that's how he begins his negotiation strategies: Asking for the world.

Mr. Bourla got what he wanted, a Biden administration. And he bet wrong. The companywide email he just sent out, where the entire company should beg lawmakers -- send entreaties by mail or email or phone call -- to object to the de facto "nationalization" of our patents to be given to India and elsewhere. How pathetic. You should have seen this was coming. This is what socialists do. And make no mistake, the Biden administration is run by socialists. The theft of Pfizer's intellectual property will set a heinous precedent and Mr. Bourla is entirely responsible. He could have released that data prior to the election. But he didn't.

For that, the board should remove him. That way, there's more time for him to write a book while a Nobel Prize sits at his desk, alongside the typewriter.

And Pfizer can hire a politically neutral CEO where business is the goal and people are judged by merit alone. Then we can all get back to business and away from all of this "woke" boot-licking where awards are given to Districts who have weekly "anti-racist" training calls.

Nobel Committee: Award him.
Pfizer Board: Remove him.


Trump repeatedly said the pandemic would go away with or without the vaccine.

And like you said, Pfizer did everything privately, without any help from Trump

So why does the timing of the announcement matter?

Interesting commentary and speculation. I’m not convinced the clinical trial data pre-election would have changed the outcome, but that’s another chip on the pile of conspiracy theories that abound. Yes it was smart not to take warp speed money, and yes it is scary that Joe basically wants to give the IP away. I do agree that there is no way in hell that Trump would let that happen. From a practical standpoint Its doubtful it will happen anyway, but the point remains that it sets a very dangerous precedent, and certainly does not bode well for American technology and innovation. Schools need to start teaching Chinese as a second language cause the way it’s going it’s going to be necessary in another 30-50 years unless we get our shit together quickly.

This is the step towards state control that I knew would happen once he got elected. China lets companies operate in a semi capitalistic way but the government controls all intellectual property rights to everything. After a period of time, the government controls what is and is not produced because they give resources to who they want to manufacture things, thus controlling the output and the market.

The paper, published on April 30, 2021, in Circulation Research, also shows conclusively that COVID-19 is a vascular disease, demonstrating exactly how the SARS-CoV-2 virus damages and attacks the vascular system on a cellular level. The findings help explain COVID-19’s wide variety of seemingly unconnected complications, and could open the door for new research into more effective therapies.

Mr. Bourla deserves the Nobel Prize. He correctly "bet the farm" on creating the vaccine at shareholder risk, in lieu of taking upfront development money from The Trump administration via Warp Speed. The purchase guarantee was weighed and found sufficient to proceed with the risky development process.

As a result, likely hundreds of thousands -- if not millions -- of lives were saved.

On the other hand, the release of the clinical trial information was politically timed. It was conveniently released AFTER the election rather than BEFORE which would have given hope to the American people and confidence that the public/private partnerships of Warp Speed and a vaccine would be imminent.

Not a single Democrat politician stood by Donald Trump when he announced that commercial availability of a vaccine would be ready prior to the end of 2020. Instead, they, and the media, mocked the President.

Mr. Bourla also made another bet. He bet that a Democrat administration would be friendlier to his company and our industry. Donald Trump was already talking about price controls and reigning in certain categories of drugs paid for by Medicare. If you know Donald Trump, that's how he begins his negotiation strategies: Asking for the world.

Mr. Bourla got what he wanted, a Biden administration. And he bet wrong. The companywide email he just sent out, where the entire company should beg lawmakers -- send entreaties by mail or email or phone call -- to object to the de facto "nationalization" of our patents to be given to India and elsewhere. How pathetic. You should have seen this was coming. This is what socialists do. And make no mistake, the Biden administration is run by socialists. The theft of Pfizer's intellectual property will set a heinous precedent and Mr. Bourla is entirely responsible. He could have released that data prior to the election. But he didn't.

For that, the board should remove him. That way, there's more time for him to write a book while a Nobel Prize sits at his desk, alongside the typewriter.

And Pfizer can hire a politically neutral CEO where business is the goal and people are judged by merit alone. Then we can all get back to business and away from all of this "woke" boot-licking where awards are given to Districts who have weekly "anti-racist" training calls.

Nobel Committee: Award him.
Pfizer Board: Remove him.


Trump repeatedly said the pandemic would go away with or without the vaccine.

And like you said, Pfizer did everything privately, without any help from Trump

So why does the timing of the announcement matter?
It sadly probably didn’t matter. All the cheating was going to occur and was already set in place. This leader, AB is connected to soros and is a scum. He does not care about people, just his financial goals. He saw the writing on the wall with Trump looking into price controls.that’s why the scumbag gave so much of our PAC money to the Biden campaign. 200 million!

On the other hand, the release of the clinical trial information was politically timed. It was conveniently released AFTER the election rather than BEFORE which would have given hope to the American people and confidence that the public/private partnerships of Warp Speed and a vaccine would be imminent.

Not true. The interim analysis timing was unfortunately delayed because of the dropoff of infection rates in the US during the late summer of 2020. The UK rates dropped off even more. Pfizer then quickly added trial participants in Argentina where the infection rates were climbing. Without that it is likely that the accumulation of cases would have delayed the analysis past Nov 15 when Moderna was able to present their interim analysis. Their trial was actually part of Warp Speed, unlike Pfizer's. Remember, both companies started their phase 3 trials on the SAME DAY, July 27, 2020. So if you concerned about some kind of political timing, I would dig into Moderna's timeline.

On the other hand, the release of the clinical trial information was politically timed. It was conveniently released AFTER the election rather than BEFORE which would have given hope to the American people and confidence that the public/private partnerships of Warp Speed and a vaccine would be imminent.

Not true. The interim analysis timing was unfortunately delayed because of the dropoff of infection rates in the US during the late summer of 2020. Vaccine R&D then quickly added trial participants in Argentina where the infection rates were climbing. Without that it is likely that the accumulation of cases would have been delayed past Nov 15 when Moderna was able to present their interim analysis. Their trial was actually part of Warp Speed, unlike Pfizer's. Remember, both companies started their phase 3 trials on the SAME DAY, July 27, 2020. So if you concerned about some kind of political timing, I would dig into Moderna's timeline.

It sadly probably didn’t matter. All the cheating was going to occur and was already set in place. This leader, AB is connected to soros and is a scum. He does not care about people, just his financial goals. He saw the writing on the wall with Trump looking into price controls.that’s why the scumbag gave so much of our PAC money to the Biden campaign. 200 million!

If you are in the Pfizer PAC: GET OUT. That's the joke of this whole thing. Yes, AB thought Trump was going to institute price controls. If AB can't understand that's an opening gambit in a negotiation strategy, he isn't fit to lead a multinational public corporation.

Instead, he sided with the enemy of business, the enemies of capitalism, and the enemies of innovation -- hoping that we, Pfizer, would be eaten last.

Now that Biden and Co. have come for our patents and our intellectual property, we are going to be eaten.

Imagine. Two hundred million dollars sent to an absolutely hostile administration that doesn't understand business. And, taking the same poisonous mentality and trying to inoculate your entire company with it.

Get woke, go broke. AB -- you need better advisors. But enjoy your Nobel all the same, you earned that.

Now that Biden and Co. have come for our patents and our intellectual property, we are going to be eaten.

It does not work that way for biologics, for two reasons. 1) a multitude of trade secrets usually protect them even if patents are suspended, 2) to actually get something to work quickly you need technology and process transfer.

Without those, maybe in five years India could manage some kind of bad copycat vaccine. Too late.

The best way forward is for the world to buy enough vaccines at a reasonable price from existing producers.

Look at Israel. Contracted early and payed a premium also. Best investment ever in history.

Eurotrash people don't understand how business works either. In the EU you suck up to the government. You don't do that here, especially to an admin that is openly hostile to capitalism and has party members that are self avowed socialists. Wow. Talk about being stupid

Eurotrash people don't understand how business works either. In the EU you suck up to the government. You don't do that here, especially to an admin that is openly hostile to capitalism and has party members that are self avowed socialists. Wow. Talk about being stupid

god damn shut up you know nothing fucking morons. its the same idiot every time too. go change your diaper you fool

You have to admit, this is total karma. If you really read his open letter to all Pfizer employees about the patent situation you have to laugh. I mean this guy is from Europe. He watched how wealth is transferred there. For crying out loud he left. Yet he seemed genuinely shocked by the announcement. You don’t deal with Marxists.

You have to admit, this is total karma. If you really read his open letter to all Pfizer employees about the patent situation you have to laugh. I mean this guy is from Europe. He watched how wealth is transferred there. For crying out loud he left. Yet he seemed genuinely shocked by the announcement. You don’t deal with Marxists.

Maybe the guy is just as dumb as he seems.

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