For the people looking for accurate information about life at OsteoMed, it may be hard for you to get it here. There seem to be a lot of emotional posts from current and ex-employees that for one reason or another hate it. I will do my best to leave the opinions out of it and go with the facts.
I worked for Osteomed for over 3 years in the N.E. I came from B2B, so I was pretty excited for the opportunity. I had heard many rumors on the company, much like the ones posted on this site. However; knowing that my options were slim, I decided to take the job anyway.
It was a difficult job. The competition was fierce and abundant which really kept me on my toes for my time there. My territory was in shambles, so in addition to fighting off the competition, I had to fight off the negative view of the company. Regardless, I left making around $110,000. I was willing to work hard and it payed off for the most part. I knew that the majority of companies out there were paying more, but hey, I was getting my foot in the door and putting in my time.
Here are the facts:
(1) The products are really out-dated. They try to play catch-up but they have fallen so far behind that by the time they release something, it's already old news. This is by far one of their biggest weaknesses.
(2) At least on the CMF side (and becoming more prevalent on the podiatric side) cranial closure products are a commodity item. Hospitals are in some of the toughest economic times in history and when "a plate's a plate and a screw's a screw" they will inevitably choose the cheaper product. They are taking losses in the millions and if anyone thinks that a nanometer thinner plate will make them pay more, they are sadly mistaken. As these products move more to a commodity based market, you will see revenues from companies unwilling to discount fall hard. This is not a dying market, but a very mature market. As long as there are faces and brains, there will be a need for plating.
(3) Money is made in large, level 1 teaching hospitals. These hospitals are sought after in this industry and without the ability to work directly with surgeons in a timely fashion to put out innovative products, the business will go to the company who has this ability. OsteoMed has never been known to work well with surgeons. When they do, it takes them so long to produce that they move to a company who can make it happen in a reasonable time frame. Fact is, it is much harder for OsteoMed to gain business in level 1 trauma centers than its deep-pocketed competition.
(4) It takes the "right" person for the job. You must be patient, friendly, extremely hard working to win the surgeons respect enough for them to try your product. They have long lasting relationships that need to be broken. This will not happen overnight. The old adage "it's a marathon not a sprint" has never been more applicable. This is a long haul job, not one where you can expect to gain market share overnight. It will take you years of hard work.
(5) Expenses are much in the favor of the company, not the rep. I lost thousands of dollars putting on lunches, dinners and mileage that OsteoMed would not reimburse. This was a necessary part of the job in this circumstance. For every $500 I’d spend, I'd make a thousand back. It is wrong for a company to expect their reps to invest their hard earned money for the greater good of the company, but sadly, it is a reality here. You will make NO money from your expense reimbursement. You will not have a company car and the new Advamed contract will make reimbursement or simple lunches and dinners impossible to cash in on.
(6) Upper management is concerned with the bottom line. It's not that they hate sales people, but they are more concerned with profits than keeping their sales people happy. Your ass will not be kissed here. No matter how well you are doing, you will be looked at as an expense. They will treat you with respect, but don't expect for them to go above and beyond. Be careful though, these posters are correct. Don't do too well or your territory may be split.
(7) Your job is fairly secure here. If you are working, you have job security. I rarely saw people get fired and in today's economy, that's a great thing.
(8) They are growing far less than in the past. If this keeps up, I think it would be safe to assume they might be interested in selling or merging in 5 years or less.
With this said, I hope this gives you an accurate depiction of life at OsteoMed. I didn't really hate my time there as much as other posters, but can understand their frustrations. What I can say with all certainty is that it's a great place to build your resume. Work with the Surgeons, make your relationships, learn the business and your way around an O.R. When you get to frustrated to continue, take those priceless relationships and sell yourself to the next company. You'll make more money and be treated a little better. I know I did!
Good luck to you!
P.S. Upper management is comprised of born again Christians. If you are gay, an atheist or anything else that makes you remotely different… Keep it to yourself.