Organizational announcement NBU

Never! Guess it will be so last minute! Anyone else think it is very odd that there are NO Q3 reports? So we will just get a surprise number on the 22nd when we hopefully get our very late bonus check!?

Is the possibility of a spin off really that awful? Leadership at Shire is terrible at the moment so that can’t get worse. Given-we likely would be stuck with the with the same NBU leadership but maybe getting out from under the thumb of FO and PS will provide a better environment?

Is the possibility of a spin off really that awful? Leadership at Shire is terrible at the moment so that can’t get worse. Given-we likely would be stuck with the with the same NBU leadership but maybe getting out from under the thumb of FO and PS will provide a better environment?

A spin-off NBU with new leadership is a best of both worlds scenario!

It won't be Rus as CEO it will be Perry as CEO and his cronies will be leading the company, we will be handed the baxalta debt and if you think things will be warm and fuzzy you are delusional, they will turn the screws and downsize in order to squeeze as much profit as they can.

Spinning off the NBU is now a historically stupid move. We are getting our asses kicked in hemophilia by Roche, BioMarin and other gene companies, and FO saying “Ve ahr leaders” is total BS no matter how many times FO says it in the press. Flemming is completely clueless about this and the science, and our horrible R&D leadership has cost us plenty. Now we are giving up the one area in the NBU where we are somewhat in the lead just so Flemming can generate the cash to hide his miserable performance and mistake buying Baxalta. This is the perfect storm of incompetence. We need a real leadership team to rescue us please!

Flem is running the show. He knows what he's doing. You just stick to posting and whining all day
whilst the real employees get it done. Know your place in life, Flem, Perry, Kathy are riding high at the top and you're at the bottom, just a cellar dweller.

This is so precious ! What exquisite sarcasm. The race to the cellar is of course our stock and Flemming’s Glassdoor rating which are public record. What a jokester you must be to post such ridiculous junk- brightens ones day in this sinking slave ship.

This is so precious ! What exquisite sarcasm. The race to the cellar is of course our stock and Flemming’s Glassdoor rating which are public record. What a jokester you must be to post such ridiculous junk- brightens ones day in this sinking slave ship.

Glassdoor ratings don’t mean crap!!!
That’s almost like saying a posting on CP means something.

Sold or spun, I don't see anyone buying neuroscience. Well at least anyone with $8-$11 billion. Vyvanse has 5 1/2 years left and Mydayis 6 years after that.. and max it's a $500 mil drug