Opana ER pulled of market, is Subsys next?


Andrew Kolodny successfully had Opana ER take off the market in the past few weeks. He has made it very clear "The next drug on his list? Subsys, the Binaca-like fentanyl spray made by Insys Therapeutics"
We'll just pretend that isn't a real threat as we continue to hire more executives with lucrative salaries. Did I mention the SSP's salaries remain at $68k - lowest by industry standards, and many managers make less than their reps after bonuses? I just can't wait to get in my car and make calls tomorrow!! I'm feeling so empowered!!!!!


Andrew Kolodny successfully had Opana ER take off the market in the past few weeks. He has made it very clear "The next drug on his list? Subsys, the Binaca-like fentanyl spray made by Insys Therapeutics"
We'll just pretend that isn't a real threat as we continue to hire more executives with lucrative salaries. Did I mention the SSP's salaries remain at $68k - lowest by industry standards, and many managers make less than their reps after bonuses? I just can't wait to get in my car and make calls tomorrow!! I'm feeling so empowered!!!!!

$68k a year isn't too bad when you consider most of us work 3-4 hours a week, tops.

Andrew Kolodny successfully had Opana ER take off the market in the past few weeks. He has made it very clear "The next drug on his list? Subsys, the Binaca-like fentanyl spray made by Insys Therapeutics"
We'll just pretend that isn't a real threat as we continue to hire more executives with lucrative salaries. Did I mention the SSP's salaries remain at $68k - lowest by industry standards, and many managers make less than their reps after bonuses? I just can't wait to get in my car and make calls tomorrow!! I'm feeling so empowered!!!!!

Hmm. I think this company is about to crash. Things just aren't going well. Salaraies are way low. No company car either. Reps are just driving their cars into the ground each day.