One word to describe KK

New flash! No one is honest on the surveys! Especially not when KK calls them out by name. Get a clue.
LMAO. Who does that? Who sends out an anonymous survey and then identifies people who send it in early? So much for anonymous. Just like how she even got her job, it's all rigged and they don't care (or comprehend) how obvious it all is.

What a joke!

Project 20/20 was not KK's idea! Those of us who are close to HQ personnel know that KK's boss forced the decision to bolster reach/frequency! As a loyal Shire family member, she tried to sell it to OBU. It is important that folks know the real dynamics.

It's how this was rolled out that is the problem and that is on KK. If she was given this task, she showed very poor leadership skills, a complete lack of execution and non existent organizational skills. We got no direction. It is a total cluster but could have been a helpful resource. Now two teams are pitted against each other and doctors and office staff are complaining.
If she's so great and wonderful. How is this whole 20/20 + niinja plan a mess? It's not that hard. I think she is a mess. I think she has the marketing team and an outstanding sales force brought on board by excellent RDS and ZDS to thank. Without all of thsee people making it all happen, she is a DISASTER. TOTAL DISASTER.

This Co promote is a fucking nightmare, I have 6 counterparts and they are all combative with me when I tell them not to sample or go into an office so much because it's SEVERELY deteriorating the relationship. I don't care if you have a Metric to hit for a bonus, I have one TO KEEP MY JOB!

NBU reps are typical "drone" pharma reps.
They need to remember that I'm fucking the dog and their holding the tail.
This is a class A cluster fuck!

It's beyond me how people like yourself could find a way to place any blame on the NBU reps for any of this mess. I'm and OBU rep and hate this copromote as well, but it's not the NBU's fault. They were given a metric that they're trying to hit. Anytime management gives a metric based on reach/frequency/signature collecting, you're incentivizing drone behavior.

It's beyond me how people like yourself could find a way to place any blame on the NBU reps for any of this mess. I'm and OBU rep and hate this copromote as well, but it's not the NBU's fault. They were given a metric that they're trying to hit. Anytime management gives a metric based on reach/frequency/signature collecting, you're incentivizing drone behavior.

This is not the NBUs fault, but there are certainly many NBU reps who are not behaving well.

She frightens me. That probaby makes her happy. Anything can and will be used against you. There are so many instances of her breaking trust. She keeps up with how long we stay on certain presentation pages on our ipads. She monitors anonymous surveys. I cannot imagine what the RDS and ZDS go through. I thought her reputation was fueled by a few reps who didnt work or got fired or were low performers, but I'm seeing a terrifying woman that is going to destroy everyone in her path. A woman who will stab you in the back for no reason. A woman who plays detective hoping and seeking to find anything to pick at or beat you up over. I've tried to take her side, but I've seen way too much. She's fake behind that smile.

And here we are still with NOT ONE positive example of what KK has done for the sales force.
C'mon KK, surely you can make up something? Or maybe you know just how shitty your leadership style is?