One word to describe KK

I am appalled, no, shocked at the venom being directed at KK.
I have known her for many years and find her to be a very warm, caring person full of love and compassion. Yes, she is driven, but all successful people are.
She regards us all as family. We are happy, she is happy. We are sad, she is sad. We excel, and she applauds and rewards us. We slip and fall, and she picks us up and puts us in a position to all be successful. She cares deeply for each and every one of us like brothers and sisters. Her entire life is the company and us. She truly loves us.
I know the nasty, hurtful remarks hurt her deeply. She's too good a person to be attacked so viciously. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

I am appalled, no, shocked at the venom being directed at KK.
I have known her for many years and find her to be a very warm, caring person full of love and compassion. Yes, she is driven, but all successful people are.
She regards us all as family. We are happy, she is happy. We are sad, she is sad. We excel, and she applauds and rewards us. We slip and fall, and she picks us up and puts us in a position to all be successful. She cares deeply for each and every one of us like brothers and sisters. Her entire life is the company and us. She truly loves us.
I know the nasty, hurtful remarks hurt her deeply. She's too good a person to be attacked so viciously. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
Then you must be a family member. I personally worked with KK and for her and can safely say she is none of what you described. She is controlling, non-inclusive, sexist and discriminatory against working parents who try to balance family responsibilities and a job. She has made admins cry with her over the top style and on many occassions gone behind her direct reports backs to try to write them up when they appropriately challenged her demands that were ethically questionable.

Your message above is nothing more than fake news. I can post specific examples to support my story, can you? If so, start another thread with SPECIFIC examples and lets see how it plays out.

I am appalled, no, shocked at the venom being directed at KK.
I have known her for many years and find her to be a very warm, caring person full of love and compassion. Yes, she is driven, but all successful people are.
She regards us all as family. We are happy, she is happy. We are sad, she is sad. We excel, and she applauds and rewards us. We slip and fall, and she picks us up and puts us in a position to all be successful. She cares deeply for each and every one of us like brothers and sisters. Her entire life is the company and us. She truly loves us.
I know the nasty, hurtful remarks hurt her deeply. She's too good a person to be attacked so viciously. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.
If you're shocked then I guess you haven't been reading these boards about her for the last five years and three companies. Wake up. KK=NG

I am appalled, no, shocked at the venom being directed at KK.
I have known her for many years and find her to be a very warm, caring person full of love and compassion. Yes, she is driven, but all successful people are.
She regards us all as family. We are happy, she is happy. We are sad, she is sad. We excel, and she applauds and rewards us. We slip and fall, and she picks us up and puts us in a position to all be successful. She cares deeply for each and every one of us like brothers and sisters. Her entire life is the company and us. She truly loves us.
I know the nasty, hurtful remarks hurt her deeply. She's too good a person to be attacked so viciously. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

If this is how she treats family, I am glad I am not related. #nokissingcousin

I am appalled, no, shocked at the venom being directed at KK.
I have known her for many years and find her to be a very warm, caring person full of love and compassion. Yes, she is driven, but all successful people are.
She regards us all as family. We are happy, she is happy. We are sad, she is sad. We excel, and she applauds and rewards us. We slip and fall, and she picks us up and puts us in a position to all be successful. She cares deeply for each and every one of us like brothers and sisters. Her entire life is the company and us. She truly loves us.
I know the nasty, hurtful remarks hurt her deeply. She's too good a person to be attacked so viciously. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

I can attest to the above. She's not great, but is above industry standards as far as fairness and honesty. Keep up the good work Kathy.

I am going to park my comments on this thread. Today we got Q2 goals. With all this major distraction of the crazy NBU shit and the unbelievable ninja alignments this HAG puts out goals that are completely unattainable.
kK, do you understand what happens to a sales force when you do this? I think NO. there is a line between motivation and demotivation for sales people. When the numbers are so outrageously beyond reach, we tend to lay back, let the numbers play out and wait until next quarter with new goals set on lower numbers. Yes, I bust it daily. Yes, I stay in the top 20%. But when I see what you put in front of me for the quarter I have to assume that you are 1. DELUSIONAL. 2. SMOKING CRACK 3. Not understanding of how to motivate a sales force.

I am going to park my comments on this thread. Today we got Q2 goals. With all this major distraction of the crazy NBU shit and the unbelievable ninja alignments this HAG puts out goals that are completely unattainable.
kK, do you understand what happens to a sales force when you do this? I think NO. there is a line between motivation and demotivation for sales people. When the numbers are so outrageously beyond reach, we tend to lay back, let the numbers play out and wait until next quarter with new goals set on lower numbers. Yes, I bust it daily. Yes, I stay in the top 20%. But when I see what you put in front of me for the quarter I have to assume that you are 1. DELUSIONAL. 2. SMOKING CRACK 3. Not understanding of how to motivate a sales force.

It all revolves around that stupid 1.5 forecast. Of course the goals are ridiculous, how else can they make it appear 1.5 is possible?
Good for you in the top 20%, I struggled thru Q1 now facing these goals? Time to update the resume.
Wondering how many others are thinking the same?

It all revolves around that stupid 1.5 forecast. Of course the goals are ridiculous, how else can they make it appear 1.5 is possible?
Good for you in the top 20%, I struggled thru Q1 now facing these goals? Time to update the resume.
Wondering how many others are thinking the same?

Yes, the goals are based on their miscalculation. They miscalculated how PAs would affect the refill rate. They miscalculated how step edits of using Restasis first would affect TRX, they miscalculated how much of the business is Medicare. They miscalculated how many patients are not coveted. They miscalculated how many patients would pay a high price for Xiidra. They also miscalculated the success rate of Xiidra.
Most of these issues will work themselves out, but in the meantime we will pay for their miscalculations all year. Do not expect bonus money. Most of us did not hit target bonus for Q1. Do not expect it Q2. We will fall further behind and motivation will fall off as we see our work is not paying off. Playing with the WHAT IF calculator on the incentive report will be depressing. Q3 goals will be worse. The micromanaging will strangle us. Reps will start falling off. The money won't be there, but the new listings on the resume will be. Launched a new category drug. Everyone has heard of Eyelove. Other companies will pay for our success and experience.
Your other choice is to admit you miscalculated. You can take the high road. Blame it on the managed care environment. Other companies do this. It's the right thing to do. In the latest g run, it will be the fiscally right thing to do. The cost of a demotivated sales force is great.

Did you catch that?

The cost of a demotivated sales force is great.

No formulary coverage I will continue to struggle. No coverage on top plans, constant PAS, constant denials, it's frustrating and exhausting. Flooding the sample closet and adding irritating NBU reps just dropping samples and going all bill in a China shop to get it isn't going to help

Yes, the goals are based on their miscalculation. They miscalculated how PAs would affect the refill rate. They miscalculated how step edits of using Restasis first would affect TRX, they miscalculated how much of the business is Medicare. They miscalculated how many patients are not coveted. They miscalculated how many patients would pay a high price for Xiidra. They also miscalculated the success rate of Xiidra.
Most of these issues will work themselves out, but in the meantime we will pay for their miscalculations all year. Do not expect bonus money. Most of us did not hit target bonus for Q1. Do not expect it Q2. We will fall further behind and motivation will fall off as we see our work is not paying off. Playing with the WHAT IF calculator on the incentive report will be depressing. Q3 goals will be worse. The micromanaging will strangle us. Reps will start falling off. The money won't be there, but the new listings on the resume will be. Launched a new category drug. Everyone has heard of Eyelove. Other companies will pay for our success and experience.
Your other choice is to admit you miscalculated. You can take the high road. Blame it on the managed care environment. Other companies do this. It's the right thing to do. In the latest g run, it will be the fiscally right thing to do. The cost of a demotivated sales force is great.

Did you catch that?

The cost of a demotivated sales force is great.
They also miscalculated the gross incompetence of PS and KK when they put them in charge.

you must be one of the bottom performers. Top performers enjoy great base salary, top tier bonuses, dinners with top management, luxury trips, upgrade plane seating, hotel suites, etc.
You forgot to note that we are selected to be on the field sales advisory board. We provide great counsel and are wined and dined by management. Great perk!

you must be one of the bottom performers. Top performers enjoy great base salary, top tier bonuses, dinners with top management, luxury trips, upgrade plane seating, hotel suites, etc.

Glad to see the hard earned money from the NBU is going somewhere... too bad the NBU doesn't get any of these perks, you know, since we earned it all. We're over here working for peanuts. Enjoy it while you can OBU. You're already starting to realize that what's really behind the curtain isn't all you were promised it would be. Good luck with those Q2 goals...

you must be one of the bottom performers. Top performers enjoy great base salary, top tier bonuses, dinners with top management, luxury trips, upgrade plane seating, hotel suites, etc.

Glad to see the hard earned money from the NBU is going somewhere... too bad the NBU doesn't get any of these perks, you know, since we earned it all. We're over here working for peanuts. Enjoy it while you can OBU. You're already starting to realize that what's really behind the curtain isn't all you were promised it would be. Good luck with those Q2 goals...