One more insult from Pfizer

No, actually the demise started with McKinnel. When a rep performs in the bottom 25% of his territory in many cases he is given a partially meets expectations. This sets the wheels in motion to keep salaries down. That is unless you are Hank McKinnel. We had a bad year and he was given a 30% increase in salary and a big huge bonus. CNBC asked him if thought that it was a fair deal. His response was that the board felt they needed to give him the world to keep him!! When was the last time you got a 30% raise for underperforming? or even over performing? Or being at the very top? NEVER!!!!!!!!!!! Why do you think the company is so bloated with Managers, directors, VP's EVP's and every other management title that exists. Management takes care of themselves and only themmselves. If they want you in, it will happen in short order. Check some Linkedin profiles of directors. They were on average promoted every two years. The regional manager in Midwest was a tupperware sales rep in 2006! HA!

No, actually the demise started with McKinnel. When a rep performs in the bottom 25% of his territory in many cases he is given a partially meets expectations. This sets the wheels in motion to keep salaries down. That is unless you are Hank McKinnel. We had a bad year and he was given a 30% increase in salary and a big huge bonus. CNBC asked him if thought that it was a fair deal. His response was that the board felt they needed to give him the world to keep him!! When was the last time you got a 30% raise for underperforming? or even over performing? Or being at the very top? NEVER!!!!!!!!!!! Why do you think the company is so bloated with Managers, directors, VP's EVP's and every other management title that exists. Management takes care of themselves and only themmselves. If they want you in, it will happen in short order. Check some Linkedin profiles of directors. They were on average promoted every two years. The regional manager in Midwest was a tupperware sales rep in 2006! HA!

Hank M. Was a worthless piece of shit.

Haha how about Tuesday's & Wednesday's 11am-1:30pm which yes does include a nice padded ( wink-wink) lunch. Oh course, extras go home with rep not to mention the Starbucks, pastries, gift cards at "friends" restaurants with dummy receipt! Oh my please don't forget the company gas card for wives & sons cars, fishing & hunting on Pfizer's dime. That's Pfizer Vaccine for ya-the good ole crooked Wyeth Texas rep! Never works, huge expense reports, bonus? Yep high volume Medicaid-dah!!

No, he was worth a ton of money.
Don't blame him. Blame his cronies on the board that gave him such a ridiculously lucrative contract. He just cashed in.

And those cronies made a tidy sum doing nothing but attending 4 board "meetings" a year..... broads 'n booze and got paid to do it to the top end of 3-400 K a year. Read the annual report. It's buried under misc. expenditures.

Big pharma acts the same across the board; not Pfizer unique.

True. But Pfizer leads this merry band of shit shows masquerading as well - run businesses.
When regulation gets tighter, price controls stricter, and patients get smarter, pharma will begin scrambling to survive w/o drastic consolidation and contraction. It's only a matter of time....not if, but when.

I been hearing you displaced mice saying it's over for Pfizer for 15 years on here. It's NEVER EVER going to be over for big blue. It's a well oiled machine that methodically sucks up company's and shreds thier employees over and over and over Hell, there has to be 65,000 folks whom PFE let go after acquiring them.
Warner/Lambert folks took it the hardest as did the Wyeth drones. Hiliarious !

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