Oncology Future


Leadership was banking on 3 drugs to secure the future - inotuzumab, dacomitinib, and palbocilib. Cross the first two off the list - they are dead in the water. Palbo is at a stage where more products have failed than succeeded - even with good phase 2 results. Feel good about the future? Pfizer is Pfucked.


Leadership? I was in HQ last week. all the talk was about posting for other jobs outside oncology. you could sense the general anguish. i used to sell Zoloft in the old days and was reminded of what the psych floors looked like. What happened? It can't be just 2 bad study results. One thing for sure, I am also starting to look outside oncology. A sinking Ship is not a good place to be.

Things are looking up? What planet are you on? The breast cancer info is good, however it does not guarantee anything, last place I would be is in the Pfizer Oncology Division

Things are looking up? What planet are you on? The breast cancer info is good, however it does not guarantee anything, last place I would be is in the Pfizer Oncology Division

Since you are not there you have nothing to worry about. For those of us there the breast info was a nice relief and we may see some stability if they don't screw things up

I feel good about the recent info as well. However, I am not sure if this will help. Our division has created this arrogant culture and in an attempt to insulate us from reality. Think about what you do every day and for many of us, if we are really honest; it has very little to do with sales.

I feel good about the recent info as well. However, I am not sure if this will help. Our division has created this arrogant culture and in an attempt to insulate us from reality. Think about what you do every day and for many of us, if we are really honest; it has very little to do with sales.

The culture isn't arrogant. It's aloof. Management is a few steps removed from the reality so that is where decisions are made. It's ivory tower leadership. They try but it's hard to come out of that bubble.