OK Folks, When Will The Music Finally Stop?

Ok Mr June 24th here, I am alive and well and still with abbott. Here is the deal, Re org is on , look for Jan 2012, there will be a mens health division, andro and one other drug, there will also be a dyslipedemia divison nia, tris, and a co promote and also a metabolic division with synth and another co promote, word is that PC is going to survive

Funny, you talk about re-org, but didn't mention anything about head count. And how is all this planned change going to be jumbled if the final Aim-High results confirm no benefit w/Niaspan plus statin at the same time we're looking at TXL/TC going away?

Sorry, dude, too many unanswered questions.

I heard the same. I also heard Abbott is putting their money in for AndroGel and Humira! If thats true, that explain the freeze on marketing funds. So until Abbott buys another company, or co-promotes with another company, we will all promote AndroGel/Synthroid/ and or Humira!!

Hey ! Don't forget neuro!! And Lupron!! And us kidney people too!