OK Folks, When Will The Music Finally Stop?

no Solvay reps to be affected though

Ok to the Bozo who has posted this in multiple places.
1. CSS reps are going to be moved into some of your positions rather than let them go altogether.
2. You were not touched last go round. All other divisions could join in a big ass class action lawsuit if they don't touch you at all again. Ain't gonna happen.
3. They are going to pick a little from every division to get the numbers right,

Class action lawsuit??? What's our argument? "Our portfolio performance sucks and 1/2 of it is going generic...it's not fair that another salesforce has viable products". It's like Titanic....1000's of people trying to get on board life rafts that can only supports 100's.

Class action lawsuit??? What's our argument? "Our portfolio performance sucks and 1/2 of it is going generic...it's not fair that another salesforce has viable products". It's like Titanic....1000's of people trying to get on board life rafts that can only supports 100's.

Who are you referring to as having viable products in PPD? Certainly not Solvay or dyslip.

Time to place your bets on when the next round of layoffs will hit. EVERYONE is expecting it soon, but when is soon?

My best guess is anytime from tomorrow until November 30.
Anyone else care to make a prediction?
Oh and as far as magnitude of cuts go, my guess is about 30-50 percent cut at this next round followed by more mid next year.

Look, we all know it's gonna happen. Losing TLX/TC next year is gonna take 2/3 of our business away, and unless they can switch a whole bunch of us to selling Ensure or Nutrition bars, we're gonna be toast.

The economy sucks, and the job market is a disaster. Still,we're being paid right now and I didn't get a call to stay home this morning, so I'm going out to try and have a good day. The only thing worrying will do is send you nuts.

Enjoy the free ride while you can. Party bus is running out of gas.

Amen, brother! With Tricor and TLX not long for this world, the only thing that could have prolonged PC's life expectancy would have been a strong, positive, early end for AIM-HIGH. Now, not only is Niaspan under pressure, but the changes to simvastatin labeling are killing Simcor even faster.

Face it, boys and girls, best enjoy the paycheck, company car, and free lunches while they last. Start thinking about what you want to do with the rest of your life, cause it ain't gonna be in pharma.

Abbott is going to lay off or "realign" like they call it. November is the time frame it will hit. It will affect Primary Care/CSS. They will keep a few in each territory, (whatever makes sense) and they will join the Metabolic division. Trilipix and or Tricor will be a 3rd product until it goes generic. So the old Primary Care side will soon have AndroGel, Synthroid, AND 1 of the 2 products that they currently promote.
SO....after all that crap you threw on Solvay, now you will be working for us! Get ready to be the STEPCHILD as you called us.

I heard the same. I also heard Abbott is putting their money in for AndroGel and Humira! If thats true, that explain the freeze on marketing funds. So until Abbott buys another company, or co-promotes with another company, we will all promote AndroGel/Synthroid/ and or Humira!!

Abbott is going to lay off or "realign" like they call it. November is the time frame it will hit. It will affect Primary Care/CSS. They will keep a few in each territory, (whatever makes sense) and they will join the Metabolic division. Trilipix and or Tricor will be a 3rd product until it goes generic. So the old Primary Care side will soon have AndroGel, Synthroid, AND 1 of the 2 products that they currently promote.
SO....after all that crap you threw on Solvay, now you will be working for us! Get ready to be the STEPCHILD as you called us.

Hate to pick on such an easy mark buttt...you are obviously full of shit. Where's Niaspan in your brilliant plan? Oh yeah and sure that an obvious troublemaker like you who is either truly SOgay or just trying to stir things up, is a reputable source for reorgs.
Go back in your hole, dipshit.

I heard the same. I also heard Abbott is putting their money in for AndroGel and Humira! If thats true, that explain the freeze on marketing funds. So until Abbott buys another company, or co-promotes with another company, we will all promote AndroGel/Synthroid/ and or Humira!!

Agree with much of this except the "all" part--more like "some" or "a few".

Abbott is going to lay off or "realign" like they call it. November is the time frame it will hit. It will affect Primary Care/CSS. They will keep a few in each territory, (whatever makes sense) and they will join the Metabolic division. Trilipix and or Tricor will be a 3rd product until it goes generic. So the old Primary Care side will soon have AndroGel, Synthroid, AND 1 of the 2 products that they currently promote.
SO....after all that crap you threw on Solvay, now you will be working for us! Get ready to be the STEPCHILD as you called us.

Okay, put your legal hat on. They cannot not touch Solvay again. Solvay has sold Tricor, Trilipix and Simcor. We have sold all lipid products and Synthroid. The reason they get a 3rd party to pick who goes is to limit their legal liability. With all of us having sold some of each other's products, why is Solvay not getting touched at all? Can't happen. Big discrimination lawsuit. They are going to cherry pick from CSS, PC, and Solvay. We will all be affected, AND CSS will possibly be moved into some of our slots rather than let a lot of them go because they supposedly are the upper tier. Dream on.

Okay, put your legal hat on. They cannot not touch Solvay again. Solvay has sold Tricor, Trilipix and Simcor. We have sold all lipid products and Synthroid. The reason they get a 3rd party to pick who goes is to limit their legal liability. With all of us having sold some of each other's products, why is Solvay not getting touched at all? Can't happen. Big discrimination lawsuit. They are going to cherry pick from CSS, PC, and Solvay. We will all be affected, AND CSS will possibly be moved into some of our slots rather than let a lot of them go because they supposedly are the upper tier. Dream on.

Ok Mr June 24th here, I am alive and well and still with abbott. Here is the deal, Re org is on , look for Jan 2012, there will be a mens health division, andro and one other drug, there will also be a dyslipedemia divison nia, tris, and a co promote and also a metabolic division with synth and another co promote, word is that PC is going to survive