OK Folks, When Will The Music Finally Stop?


Time to place your bets on when the next round of layoffs will hit. EVERYONE is expecting it soon, but when is soon?

My best guess is anytime from tomorrow until November 30.
Anyone else care to make a prediction?
Oh and as far as magnitude of cuts go, my guess is about 30-50 percent cut at this next round followed by more mid next year.


2 layoffs in the same year......I doubt it.
It looks like its gonna be the same time as last. Late Jan, thats my guess, as you asked.

PrimCare and district management....we betta getta ready. We are heavy and we know it.
Fat lady is tuning up.

Yes, as you can see, I'm getting out really fast to make some more fictitious calls. Hey, better yet, the NLA is definitely helping me for sure. They will keep dumping more shit on you guys just to keep your heads spinning.

it will be the 2nd or 3rd week in Jan 2012.

Duffy said there will be layoffs if.....

Look around us what products will we co-promote?? zip zero interest in us.
Abt had an opp to get a pain med from Solvay acq. that is just about to launch.
Abt turned it away. Nice move.


Not for quite some time. We have just completed the Foundational Track and are awaiting advanced training, NLA, ACC and they won't dare tamper with us until we are properly trained.

In some areas CSS was hit big last time, others not so much.
Currently the true PC reps are overloaded(solvay included) and we know it.
Where there is 5-7 total, they will cover it with 3 in future.
There is NO need for the BIG pods and any mgr left over will have a huge geo.
CSS may go to one per terr.

Its going to be BiG, HUGE i tell ya

In some areas CSS was hit big last time, others not so much.
Currently the true PC reps are overloaded(solvay included) and we know it.
Where there is 5-7 total, they will cover it with 3 in future.
There is NO need for the BIG pods and any mgr left over will have a huge geo.
CSS may go to one per terr.

Its going to be BiG, HUGE i tell ya

Is that right??? This has been posted so many times over the past several years!! Nobody has clue!

Let me pop a cold one here.....sure its right.
You think its sustainable once T-cor is outta here?

Lawyers are ambulance chasers......pharma reps are signature chasers.
Lose a billion and nothing positive on the horizon.