Oh Where oh where has BD gone??? Oh where oh where could he be?

No one knows - but the affects of his "leadership" still carryon today. Once successful territories are being trimmed and combined with other's, seasoned PSR's and Sales Associates are being fired for doing a good job (at least one with a baby on the way) and sales are even lower than ever thought possible. Thanks Ben! Sales Reps having relationships with referral sources seems like a stellar idea now doesn't it? Central Intake? Bah-ha-ha-ha. How long can we survive now? Someone check for a pulse.

Sales Associates don't get fired for doing a "good job", ie: bringing in revenue and growing the business. I am sorry, but that is the truth. It is very unfortunate to loss a job in this job market/economy but, we have all (this generation) been used to things being easy. It is time to get some grit or we will all be out jobs!

Re: Oh Where oh where has Ben David gone??? Oh where oh where could he be?

Please tell me what "get some grit" means. What is grit and how does grit pay my bills? The comment about a Sales Associate getting fired for doing a good job was sarcastic. Of course someone in sales should be selling and growing the territory. Problem is that in the absence of a true sales person in a territory a PSR (re: driver) is given a fake title of Sales Associate. We all know that it is a title only and in truth was to make them feel important and do Up-Chuck's work so he can collect the real commission. In truth, these unfortunate PSR's work extra hard, stay dedicated and put up with a lot of bullgrit. They keep the territories running in the face of certain doom. Yes, these territories are doomed as many of them have 2+ former reps with all the business (an ex-distributor, ex-ORehab Rep, and ex-OB Rep). How am I, a "driver" who has never even met a single surgeon supposed to do setups and pickups AND meet surgeons? I guess making 8 qualified sales calls after 3pm is pretty gritty.

Whoever said GRIT was right on the money.

Noun: Small, loose particles of dirt or sand.
Verb: Clench (the teeth), esp. in order to keep one's resolve when faced with an unpleasant or painful duty.

Sounds about right. Treated like "dirt" and my teeth are clenched from unpleasant and painful duty.

Same thing happened on the East Coast when he up and vanished after the nursing agency went under...let his employees go a week before xmas - they didn't even know it was coming! Never trusted him!!

Same thing happened on the East Coast when he up and vanished after the nursing agency went under...let his employees go a week before xmas - they didn't even know it was coming! Never trusted him!!

Nurses Now "went under"? He bragged how he built it from scratch out of bubble gum and paper clips then sold it and coulda bought a tropical island with the money. Now YOU'RE saying that it "went under"? Hmmm, what's that sayin' about a leopard and it's spots?