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Oh MS! How sad!

I had the pleasure of seeing her Phony self at AAD. I use to work under her. She went after me behind my back with claws out. I had no idea. I found out the truth a few years after I left and moved up the ladder elsewhere. She came over for a I miss you, I'm so proud of you moment and I turned and walked away.

That women went from one of the most loved and respected among her colleagues to one of the most hated laughing stock in no time. Once her career and visibility grew…her true colors prevailed. She is DONE after Galderma.

She's at it again. Desperately trying to keep reps from jumping ship. Her new line, I shouldn't be sharing this but the IPO is going to happen next year and you will be so happy you stayed$$$$$.

There's lots of money coming you-all. This company is gonna do right by you when it does the IPO you-all. We have new technology of a BPO and then the IPO who has that you-all.

She tried so hard to have Jeff stay, she offered him a promotion more $$$ and talked about Managers Golden Parachute and Ghost Stock worth when 2022 IPO happens. HE STILL RAN FAR FROM HER

When I left she pretend to care about me as a person, where were you the entire time I was there when you went out of your way to ignore me since I wasn’t one of your little favorites, a game you play all the time. Too bad I wasn’t Denise or nasty Kelly. They could do no wrong until you let them get away with way too much while covering complete fraudulent activities.

Marcia,. Sorry for all of the post. Many people act out of anger not realizing the consequences. Forgiveness is a good thing. I am sorry for contributing out of hurt and anger. Good luck in this tense environment, it's not easy making the right choices all of the time. ️‍