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Oh MS! How sad!

I thought he was your buddy MS! Again, another one who can’t deal with you. These are people leaving, facts! Black and white! Zero leadership. Denise Cullen time is right. You have yet to pay the price of your contribution to her disgrace, another black and white fact for your one supporter on her which wouldn’t surprise me if it was you. You are a terrible incompetent person. Someday you will be held accountable. Keep up the great work and go Aklief!

J and DC left because of MS leadership…After MS managed Philly team for a decade she created the monster that it is today…shady incompetent whiny reps. Good luck to the next manager…may the force be with you

Now that's bullying you punk. That's why idiots like you ruin forums when we share information about managers and upper management thst have done people harm like MS. Keep your high school mean girl vibes to yourself . You loser

To all those cyber bullies on this site, karma is a bitch and when it happens to someone close to you, you will know what I mean. Our teenage daughter was cyber bullied and it was a living hell. Can't believe you all would stop to that low as ADULTS. You name people on this site and trash them anonymously. Cowards.

This crazy environment is not happening anywhere else but in the east. Why senior management should care all the way at the top is because the NE represents the most profitable area in US rx. MS is not the right fit. She is a nightmare and hated among most managers and reps. She is the wrong person to be in this role. Cafepharma may just be a message board but with this much noise and stories there is clearly something wrong here. It’s not one poster it’s constant. She needs to go ASAP before the company goes down in a lawsuit. She is a liability

Another delusional person stating completely wrong positive facts about KJ. Trust me you won’t have many people come to her defense. Her true colors have shined through for a long time. There’s nothing great about her! Nothing!

MS spins pathetic increase to our pathetic drugs. I know you all can sell it , we are the best and the brightest and out RX is worth it compared to the others. I know you all can do it. Please go back to WV.

  1. I heard from a very trustworthy source in Fort Worth that Dan is watching her every move and holding her accountable for the NE turnover rate. If she was smart she should be looking for a career change out of Derm.

Ask Dan to take a look at all the out and open fraudulent activities over the years that have been completely covered up. The entire field force laughs about her and all say the same thing, she should have never been given that job! Embarrassing to say the least!

The North East needs a leader to motivate and appreciate our sales force. We can not survive with someone like her that likes this person but not that one. That shares personal info on others and review information like PIPs etc. It's time to move on to a desk job in Fort Worth .