Jennifer never mentioned anything about blurred vision or burning so I think you must be misinformed.


On serious note company has great program in place to get people started, but that retail price tag has shocked some folks even though their cost is zero now. Most who have to pay full price are going to switch so I think it's not realistic to not understand that or be prepared for it. Side effects are also definitely going to be a real obstacle to growth at some point when discontinuation rates equal new trials then plateau. Been there with a Med before with a tough side effect profille. shouldn't just dismiss what these doctors say to us.


On serious note company has great program in place to get people started, but that retail price tag has shocked some folks even though their cost is zero now. Most who have to pay full price are going to switch so I think it's not realistic to not understand that or be prepared for it. Side effects are also definitely going to be a real obstacle to growth at some point when discontinuation rates equal new trials then plateau. Been there with a Med before with a tough side effect profille. shouldn't just dismiss what these doctors say to us.
Ahhh phooey! Who cares? This is all for show and to pump up sales activity so our leadership can cook the books and get a nice price to merge with someone.