OBU working Dec 26 through 31?

High Volume/No Access Doctors Solution: I have targeted 5 'No Sees" with a tactic that is gaining me ACCESS! I identify the gyms that they work at either early morning or after office hours. I have bought temporary passes to those gyms and work out at the same time the doctor does. I will help spot their weights or take the bike next to theirs at the spin class. This tactic works! They interact with me outside the office and realize that I am a decent guy! Pretty soon, I will have 100% ACCESS to my key accounts! Merry Xmas!
I take KK in with me and that usually does the trick. Until she opens her mouth that is, then it's back to the drawing board.

I just got a puppy and I bring the adorable pup with me to my hard to see/no see offices. The pup is a hit with the entire staff and permits me access to the nurses and doctors! This is just amazing and my pup will help me become #1 in the nation. Try this technique to gain access my friends!

I just got a puppy and I bring the adorable pup with me to my hard to see/no see offices. The pup is a hit with the entire staff and permits me access to the nurses and doctors! This is just amazing and my pup will help me become #1 in the nation. Try this technique to gain access my friends!

Great idea! I am going to bring my baby boy during the last week of December!!

I carry a cooler with me into my offices marked Transplant. I tell them I'm waiting for a kidney and I have to be ready at a moments notice, my life is hanging by a thread. You won't believe how many sympathy Rx it has generated!

High Volume/No Access Doctors Solution: I have targeted 5 'No Sees" with a tactic that is gaining me ACCESS! I identify the gyms that they work at either early morning or after office hours. I have bought temporary passes to those gyms and work out at the same time the doctor does. I will help spot their weights or take the bike next to theirs at the spin class. This tactic works! They interact with me outside the office and realize that I am a decent guy! Pretty soon, I will have 100% ACCESS to my key accounts! Merry Xmas!
Why bother getting sweaty. Just follow them home and detail them in their driveway. They will probably invite you in for dinner. See you on the cruise!

Tired of posts criticizing KK. She is very smart, very attractive and poised. Fair to the N'th degree. Completely sexist people hate her like they hated Hillary. I for one support our leader! The bottom 10% always deserve to be let go.

Tired of posts criticizing KK. She is very smart, very attractive and poised. Fair to the N'th degree. Completely sexist people hate her like they hated Hillary. I for one support our leader! The bottom 10% always deserve to be let go.
Let me guess, she offered you a spot at Shire from B&L? Tell it to all the people she scewed over when she first came to Shire. Also ask all the home office people she ran rough-shot over. She stomped on a lot of people and it wasn't warranted. She's an asshole in many people's book and lacks social graces as well as ethics. Legal had to bring her in and read her the riot act for her behavior for God's sake. Just read the reviews from each of the last three companies shes been at.

No sexist bias here. Stop letting your dick do your thinking for you. Now if you're telling me she turned over a new leaf, it's about fucking time, but that witch's damage is done.

i'm sure you were a poor performer who we had to let go. bitter grapes ;)
Typical response. Don't be like Hillary and attack the messenger. Ask anyone in a leadership role who has been with Shire for more than 3 years and they will tell you.

She is a Pitbull that follows the other few dogs from company to company wreaking havoc while lining their pockets. If you are not in their club or try to question ANY of their personal tactics, watch out! So, if that makes me or any of the others "poor performers" than you are working off your own definition (which is EXACTLY a a stunt KK would pull). The only "Poor performers" are KK and her asswipe boss PS. They're poor performers at being respectable people.

Typical response. Don't be like Hillary and attack the messenger. Ask anyone in a leadership role who has been with Shire for more than 3 years and they will tell you.

She is a Pitbull that follows the other few dogs from company to company wreaking havoc while lining their pockets. If you are not in their club or try to question ANY of their personal tactics, watch out! So, if that makes me or any of the others "poor performers" than you are working off your own definition (which is EXACTLY a a stunt KK would pull). The only "Poor performers" are KK and her asswipe boss PS. They're poor performers at being respectable people.
You are totally wrong and you do not work at Shire. You are the lone poster that tries to denigrate everyone at Shire. We are sorry that your mommy is kicking you out of the basement. Get a life at McDonalds!

You are totally wrong and you do not work at Shire. You are the lone poster that tries to denigrate everyone at Shire. We are sorry that your mommy is kicking you out of the basement. Get a life at McDonalds!
Sorry can't sit quietly. More like this is the lone poster defending her. All the comments are true. Look it up people, it's all right there. Shire, Bausch and Novartis. Google her name and read about the lawsuits.

The key is optimizing customer value. Every week bring in information that will help their practice or expand their knowledge (e.g., articles on office efficiency, new trends in healthcare coverage, cutting edge information on rare eye diseases, the expanding role of tele-medicine, etc.). Make yourself seen as a valuable resource and integral part of their practice. I know this takes time, patience, and grit but it will lead to success. Use your brain to determine what each of your offices could benefit by your personal attention. Good Selling!

I hear ya! You know how many times I had to pretend I was I gay just to get the business. It started to get out of hand when after every speaker program was in the Dr's car until 1am. It's hard to fake that shit, but I hit my goal!!!!!
You how many I pretend like I was bi just to get what wanted. Who Iam kidding I wasn't pretending. Lol