OBU working Dec 26 through 31?

The key is optimizing customer value. Every week bring in information that will help their practice or expand their knowledge (e.g., articles on office efficiency, new trends in healthcare coverage, cutting edge information on rare eye diseases, the expanding role of tele-medicine, etc.). Make yourself seen as a valuable resource and integral part of their practice. I know this takes time, patience, and grit but it will lead to success. Use your brain to determine what each of your offices could benefit by your personal attention. Good Selling!

THANKS for the tips! Makes great sense and I am going to implement. Happy Holidays!

The key is optimizing customer value. Every week bring in information that will help their practice or expand their knowledge (e.g., articles on office efficiency, new trends in healthcare coverage, cutting edge information on rare eye diseases, the expanding role of tele-medicine, etc.). Make yourself seen as a valuable resource and integral part of their practice. I know this takes time, patience, and grit but it will lead to success. Use your brain to determine what each of your offices could benefit by your personal attention. Good Selling!

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Best bullshit I've heard in years! Hahahahahahahahah!
Thanks for the(I hope) sarcasm. If not, you are one delusional moron.

Your behavior is why so many reps are being laid off! It is lazy slobs like you that besmirch the reputation of pharma sales reps! Tell me where y'all are located so I can kick you A**!

Hahahahahahahaha! Reputation of pharma reps...Hahahahahaha!
You naive little nitwit. Your reputation is nothing. Drs dont see you because you simply waste their time. Office cows love you for free food. Tryto get areal sales job and you'll be lucky to get an interview. Wake up to reality, asshole.
Kick my ass? Anytime you jerk. You couln't find your own ass with a GPS.
You are insignificant and irrelevant. Embrace the facts.

Here is a tip on providing value to your offices. When I do lunch and learns, I provide product information and then show the staff and docs a Ted Lectures (~18 - 20 minutes) on futuristic trends in medicine or an entertaining lecture on motivation, etc. The docs and staff love the Ted Lectures! It breaks up their day with new and interesting information and I build a deeper relationship with my account. Try it, it works!

Here is a tip on providing value to your offices. When I do lunch and learns, I provide product information and then show the staff and docs a Ted Lectures (~18 - 20 minutes) on futuristic trends in medicine or an entertaining lecture on motivation, etc. The docs and staff love the Ted Lectures! It breaks up their day with new and interesting information and I build a deeper relationship with my account. Try it, it works!
So you are breaking compliance guidelines by showing something not approved for distribution. Nice! Ask KK about that. She's been reprimanded and brought in for "extra training" for not following the rules very well.

I keep my accounts happy by buying a cheap pair of sunglasses from their office on most visits. Most I can expense in some way or another and the ones I can't I figure the ROI is positive with respect to my bonus.

Here is a tip on providing value to your offices. When I do lunch and learns, I provide product information and then show the staff and docs a Ted Lectures (~18 - 20 minutes) on futuristic trends in medicine or an entertaining lecture on motivation, etc. The docs and staff love the Ted Lectures! It breaks up their day with new and interesting information and I build a deeper relationship with my account. Try it, it works!

Wanna provide value? Stay home. The only value you provide is lunch, adding to their obesity.

I have watch that I don't lose business because I have to shit twice a day. Therefore I rotate the offices where I drop a deuce and have started to track it on a spreadsheet. I actually color-code it too. When KK rides with me I plan to share it with her.

The key is optimizing customer value. Every week bring in information that will help their practice or expand their knowledge (e.g., articles on office efficiency, new trends in healthcare coverage, cutting edge information on rare eye diseases, the expanding role of tele-medicine, etc.). Make yourself seen as a valuable resource and integral part of their practice. I know this takes time, patience, and grit but it will lead to success. Use your brain to determine what each of your offices could benefit by your personal attention. Good Selling!

You are a f'ing rocket scientist! Where did you get that wonderful degree. I can't believe I didn't think of that bullshit that you are spewing.
Just what the hell do you think most of this damn sales force does on a regular basis Peabody??? These offices have better things to do other than seeing a rep every week (have you heard these offices actually see a couple of patients every now and then!
Go on now child and keep thinking that you are bringing something of value when you keep marching into those offices with your worthless studies and articles. Someday you'll get the picture that this industry is a dying one...let me clue you in.. the doctors really don't need you or your samples or studies for that matter.
Now go play in the street!

I have watch that I don't lose business because I have to shit twice a day. Therefore I rotate the offices where I drop a deuce and have started to track it on a spreadsheet. I actually color-code it too. When KK rides with me I plan to share it with her.

This is a childish and gross post that should not be on our site.

Office access is not a problem for me. Here is a tip that will help you. Most office staff members sell Avon, Amway, HerbaLife, school fund raising items, etc. on the side. I make sure to identify what they are selling and purchase their items. They love me and I always have access to the PA, NP, MD! These simple little things can make a HUGE difference in making you Successful and Promotable. Good Selling & Happy Holidays!!

I volunteer this tip to the cause. Dependent on the religion of the office staff, I will wear my cross, star of David, Buddha ring or Muslim head dress to gain access. It works like a charm! I wish you Good Selling as well and keep the faith.

I volunteer this tip to the cause. Dependent on the religion of the office staff, I will wear my cross, star of David, Buddha ring or Muslim head dress to gain access. It works like a charm! I wish you Good Selling as well and keep the faith.
I hear ya! You know how many times I had to pretend I was I gay just to get the business. It started to get out of hand when after every speaker program was in the Dr's car until 1am. It's hard to fake that shit, but I hit my goal!!!!!

Office access is not a problem for me. Here is a tip that will help you. Most office staff members sell Avon, Amway, HerbaLife, school fund raising items, etc. on the side. I make sure to identify what they are selling and purchase their items. They love me and I always have access to the PA, NP, MD! These simple little things can make a HUGE difference in making you Successful and Promotable. Good Selling & Happy Holidays!!

Hahahahahahaha! You should. E a trainer.

High Volume/No Access Doctors Solution: I have targeted 5 'No Sees" with a tactic that is gaining me ACCESS! I identify the gyms that they work at either early morning or after office hours. I have bought temporary passes to those gyms and work out at the same time the doctor does. I will help spot their weights or take the bike next to theirs at the spin class. This tactic works! They interact with me outside the office and realize that I am a decent guy! Pretty soon, I will have 100% ACCESS to my key accounts! Merry Xmas!