Oblivious ABLs...


Share what stupid things your DCV ABLs are talking to you about. Ours just had a call where she told us to not use business time as interview time and that she would be having more touch points with all of us (Conference calls, voice calls, etc) to make sure we all stay engaged. Yes, telling your worried team to not interview during the day and having more touch points will totally help with morale. No wonder this ship is sinking...


Share what stupid things your DCV ABLs are talking to you about. Ours just had a call where she told us to not use business time as interview time and that she would be having more touch points with all of us (Conference calls, voice calls, etc) to make sure we all stay engaged. Yes, telling your worried team to not interview during the day and having more touch points will totally help with morale. No wonder this ship is sinking...

Sadly, this anecdote is far too common among the narcissistic douchebag managers remaining at Sanofi. Knowing at least one is going to be unemployed soon, a quality ABL that gave a shit about his/her people would ENCOURAGE all podmates to interview and would actively HELP them.
These reprehensible ‘leaders’ deserve no more respect than they themselves have for you and the loved ones you are trying to support.

I've had my same clueless manager for the last three downsizings. He says the same thing every time, "maybe I'm naive, but I didnt think this was coming". Shut up ass, we all knew it was coming!

Share what stupid things your DCV ABLs are talking to you about. Ours just had a call where she told us to not use business time as interview time and that she would be having more touch points with all of us (Conference calls, voice calls, etc) to make sure we all stay engaged. Yes, telling your worried team to not interview during the day and having more touch points will totally help with morale. No wonder this ship is sinking...

Our ABL reminded us that it’s not professional to use company resources for personal gain- so don’t use your car for interviews and don’t use your printer to print resumes. Hilarious.

I sincerely hope these comments by ABL’s are not true. During times like these when the company is “striving to hit business objectives” as stated in Thursday’s newsletter, managers should be helping their people connect, network and engage with others outside and, perhaps, inside the organization.

The problem I see all too often in Sanofi is that managers believe that decisions by upper “leadership” to downsize is a reflection of themslves and their organization. They take it personally. But, as we know, a downshift in market share on a top selling insulin has ramifications. Not the reps fault, not the ABL’s fault, hell, not the fault of any upper leadership in the US. It’s the shortsightedness of France of continually reacting to market conditions, rather than leading the market which account for calls like we had this week. Shame on them!

Sadly, this anecdote is far too common among the narcissistic douchebag managers remaining at Sanofi. Knowing at least one is going to be unemployed soon, a quality ABL that gave a shit about his/her people would ENCOURAGE all podmates to interview and would actively HELP them.
These reprehensible ‘leaders’ deserve no more respect than they themselves have for you and the loved ones you are trying to support.

Beautifully phrased. This group is FUBAR.

I've had my same clueless manager for the last three downsizings. He says the same thing every time, "maybe I'm naive, but I didnt think this was coming". Shut up ass, we all knew it was coming!

If you want to be truthful, ask yourself why we came out with 'Toujeo', and not just Lantus Max, or Lantus u300, as a complete rebrand and then try and force Drs to switch pts over, after restricting all Lantus samples. Remember those really sharp providers who were pissed about that? Hint: they saw right through it.

We could have just launched a u300 Lantus as a benefit to patients, if there was an actual clinical benefit outside of higher dose patients, but there wasn't. ( Lantus performed better in all 3 trials in the PI and is more potent). Basaglar was on the horizon and Sanofi was fully aware of it. They knew this event was coming and it was an attempt ( a rather successful one relatively speaking) and grabbing as much MS in basal as they could before the biosims started to appear. We all knew there would be massive MS losses at some point.

I wish everyone the best, and if I were an abl I would certainly help all of my teams network and land new gigs outside of here now!! Network, network, network, linkedin everyone you can, look outside of your comfort zone and look at med device, cgm, wound care ( most of your patients would be diabetic), nutritionals, ortho, injectibles for rheum & osteoarthritis of the knee, bracing, hospital physician liasison, etc . Think about where your years of diabetes experience would be an asset.

If you want to be truthful, ask yourself why we came out with 'Toujeo', and not just Lantus Max, or Lantus u300, as a complete rebrand and then try and force Drs to switch pts over, after restricting all Lantus samples. Remember those really sharp providers who were pissed about that? Hint: they saw right through it.

We could have just launched a u300 Lantus as a benefit to patients, if there was an actual clinical benefit outside of higher dose patients, but there wasn't. ( Lantus performed better in all 3 trials in the PI and is more potent). Basaglar was on the horizon and Sanofi was fully aware of it. They knew this event was coming and it was an attempt ( a rather successful one relatively speaking) and grabbing as much MS in basal as they could before the biosims started to appear. We all knew there would be massive MS losses at some point.

I wish everyone the best, and if I were an abl I would certainly help all of my teams network and land new gigs outside of here now!! Network, network, network, linkedin everyone you can, look outside of your comfort zone and look at med device, cgm, wound care ( most of your patients would be diabetic), nutritionals, ortho, injectibles for rheum & osteoarthritis of the knee, bracing, hospital physician liasison, etc . Think about where your years of diabetes experience would be an asset.
Great advice! Thank you!

Share what stupid things your DCV ABLs are talking to you about. Ours just had a call where she told us to not use business time as interview time and that she would be having more touch points with all of us (Conference calls, voice calls, etc) to make sure we all stay engaged. Yes, telling your worried team to not interview during the day and having more touch points will totally help with morale. No wonder this ship is sinking...

Our ABL told us to not even consider going to work for Novo and that he was not allowed to be put down as a reference. Think of the arrogance required for that last statement.

No layoffs in France. Protected by unions and government . North America takes it in the ass for the Frogs everytime. They would riot in the streets of Paris if they got layed off. Were used to yearly Christmas and Thanksgiving slaughters .

No layoffs in France. Protected by unions and government . North America takes it in the ass for the Frogs everytime. They would riot in the streets of Paris if they got layed off. Were used to yearly Christmas and Thanksgiving slaughters .

No layoffs in France. Protected by unions and government . North America takes it in the ass for the Frogs everytime. They would riot in the streets of Paris if they got layed off. Were used to yearly Christmas and Thanksgiving slaughters .

That's why there's been riots in that insane country for months and months now. It's not just the cheese that stinks from that sh'thole country.

No layoffs in France. Protected by unions and government . North America takes it in the ass for the Frogs everytime. They would riot in the streets of Paris if they got layed off. Were used to yearly Christmas and Thanksgiving slaughters .
Don't be fooled. Diabetes will have additional cuts during the traditional Christmas season. If offered a package, take it! If not, start looking now.

Don't be fooled. Diabetes will have additional cuts during the traditional Christmas season. If offered a package, take it! If not, start looking now.
More cuts will definitely be coming. IMHO, these cuts were always going to happen, but when the SGLT got swatted down by the FDA, the company pushed up the timeframe. Now that we’ll be down to one person per pod, the only thing left is to consolidate territories. Best of luck to all of you, I’m going to do everything I can to leave this place...even if it means giving up all my vacation days

More cuts will definitely be coming. IMHO, these cuts were always going to happen, but when the SGLT got swatted down by the FDA, the company pushed up the timeframe. Now that we’ll be down to one person per pod, the only thing left is to consolidate territories. Best of luck to all of you, I’m going to do everything I can to leave this place...even if it means giving up all my vacation days
Consolidate? Meaning ? Territories are already huge- at least in most rural geographies. 1 person with the same goals? How is this company not expecting a huge loss . 2 people can barely maintain .

Consolidate? Meaning ? Territories are already huge- at least in most rural geographies. 1 person with the same goals? How is this company not expecting a huge loss . 2 people can barely maintain .
It’s time to abandon ship, mates. Time to push Sanofi over to lost civilizations thread. You are witnessing history. It’s over, last one out turn off the lights.

My ABL is a shithole human being. He's treating things as if it was business as normal. He even straight said that he's not concerned about the layoffs because since he's been here so long he'll get over a year of severance and that as an award winning manager, he won't be unemployed for long. Never did he mention that he was worried about his reps, especially those of us who have only been here since 2016 and 2015 - you know, the ones who won't be getting a years worth of severance? I've always tolerated him when he's been my manager (the constant changes gave me a reprieve from him for a bit), but honestly, this was the moment where I fully realized he has no empathy towards anyone but himself and he has no idea what the job market is these days for pharma district managers. Sorry, just had to vent. He's such a lousy human being and my district mates and I are just worried about our jobs, our families, and he's out here like nothing is happening. I can't wait to land another job.

My manager is being extremely cool about this whole thing. Helping us get our stuff together while still helping us with the business to try to make a tiny bit of money before we are axed. Unfortunately, this is uncommon and one of the major reasons why this company is in a death spiral. They have been running off good leaders and keeping the lackeys since the Sanofi Aventis merger. The last few remaining good leaders will most likely be gone soon. Good Lord willing they will take us with them!

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