Non- Compete Agreements


To a certain degree it’s enforcable. But the likelihood of it being utilized against a rep is not going to happen because you are not aware of proprietary trademarks that are considered secretive.

Here’s how you play it- if you leave- especially if you go to a competitor - don’t tell any managers and if they ask “Where are yoI going to work at?” Just say “It is not pertinent to this conversation.” Galderma will immediately take your car and electronics - you will be on your way.

I’d also advise you not to update your employer on LinkedIn - and to cut and block any management from Galderma (they wouldn’t help you anyways).

The reps are sick small fish that it is a waste of time and money for a big company to chase down non competes. They may send you a threatenening letter - ooohh be so scared LOL - but that is it.

If you are so uneasy, spend a few bucks and call your family attorney to read it and they can laugh and tell you your best options.

To a certain degree it’s enforcable. But the likelihood of it being utilized against a rep is not going to happen because you are not aware of proprietary trademarks that are considered secretive.

Here’s how you play it- if you leave- especially if you go to a competitor - don’t tell any managers and if they ask “Where are yoI going to work at?” Just say “It is not pertinent to this conversation.” Galderma will immediately take your car and electronics - you will be on your way.

I’d also advise you not to update your employer on LinkedIn - and to cut and block any management from Galderma (they wouldn’t help you anyways).

The reps are sick small fish that it is a waste of time and money for a big company to chase down non competes. They may send you a threatenening letter - ooohh be so scared LOL - but that is it.

If you are so uneasy, spend a few bucks and call your family attorney to read it and they can laugh and tell you your best options.

To a certain degree it’s enforcable. But the likelihood of it being utilized against a rep is not going to happen because you are not aware of proprietary trademarks that are considered secretive.

Here’s how you play it- if you leave- especially if you go to a competitor - don’t tell any managers and if they ask “Where are yoI going to work at?” Just say “It is not pertinent to this conversation.” Galderma will immediately take your car and electronics - you will be on your way.

I’d also advise you not to update your employer on LinkedIn - and to cut and block any management from Galderma (they wouldn’t help you anyways).

The reps are sick small fish that it is a waste of time and money for a big company to chase down non competes. They may send you a threatenening letter - ooohh be so scared LOL - but that is it.

If you are so uneasy, spend a few bucks and call your family attorney to read it and they can laugh and tell you your best options.
hey Saul Goodman, your advice is to be silent on where you’re going and not update LinkedIn? Are you fucking serious?

hey Saul Goodman, your advice is to be silent on where you’re going and not update LinkedIn? Are you fucking serious?

Absolutely serious. Leave the LinkedIn profile still showing Galderma for a while before you update it with the new employer.

The likelihood of the non-compete being exercised in the states that will allow it is very slim. But just cover your bases.

In Rare Disease Biotech- most of the Reps I know have to sign a Non-Compete. They still go to a competitor of it’s a better gig.

As for the person who actually believes Galderma’s lawyers will follow through on this- you must be high. The lawyers have bigger issues- especially now that it looks like part of this company is either being spun off (not too likely) or flat out sold (much more likely).

a non compete? is this for certain divisions or all? and where is this communication or is this just speculation and something to talk about? seen nothing on this yet...

It’s for Aesthetics only. Non competes just got emailed to sales force today. Can’t sell injectibles for 12 months after you quit or get fired. Galderma is paying $10k to sign them. If you don’t sign you’ll be blackballed from promotions, etc. What would Jesus do?

well unless you are planning on leaving it sounds like free money to me.. wheres my pen?
If Wanda gets you, your job is eliminated, your boss moves on you, whatever. You’re signing to work at G for the rest of your life. For $10k? No thanks.
Options and sanity are worth more than $6k after taxes.

The biggest issue is they are using Texas law which is very much for non compete agreements. If your state doesn’t acknowledge non competes you are still screwed because Texas law will prevail.

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