No more severance

Wait a minute. Why is it wrong to target Medicare and Medicaid? They are patients too and in some cases takes quite large rebates/ discounts to get on these formularies. If the conversation follows the PI and brand messaging, I don't see an issue. Please clarify. Thanks.

Medicaid and Medicare are taxpayer funded programs. The products can never be promoted for anything but the intended stated indication. If a company rep has a conversation with a doctor off label or leads to a Rx written for an off label use in those patients, then AZ has committed fraud against the American taxpayer. Not good when it can be proven. Just ask Pfizer. Those attorneys know how to school the reps they represent. Been collecting on this shit show company for a while.

Above, read #40 posters statement again. You appear to ignore a complete sentence.

It is also illegal to encourage the improper use of rebates, coupons, etc. for Medicaid patients. The above postings are just one example of what our CBD and RD are on record for supporting and encouraging with a wink and a nod.

Wait a minute. Why is it wrong to target Medicare and Medicaid? They are patients too and in some cases takes quite large rebates/ discounts to get on these formularies. If the conversation follows the PI and brand messaging, I don't see an issue. Please clarify. Thanks.

Focusing solely on the cost and affordability and attempting to influence a 90 vs 30 day script, costing the taxpayer more money, is what is being pointed out. But thanks again CBD for your interest in the subject matter.

Lol. Severance is never going away. I was let go not long ago, and you need to sign away basically all your rights to sue/make any claim whatsoever against AZ in exchange to get the payout. It's a bribe.

My suggestion, take the money and run, I already got a much better paying job and banked the severance. Fuck AZ. Take all their cash you can and let them burn