NO IS numbers: attention Kirsten & Murphy


You know exactly where you sit with your numbers. You get a daily feed. You have weekly data and you know exactly where you are sitting with your dashboard.

So, STFU until we in the field have our number. At least our January number. Do you even realize that we do not have January numbers?

Everything may be a cost savings move. We get that. Our DBM does a fine job of trying to spin the company line, but at the end of the it all I still don't have my January number. January!

Imagine if Liz and Geno would not tell you where you sat with your number here in mid summer! What if they changed your plan from a semester to a year June! What if you had your alingment changed in April and again in 3rd quarter and Liz and Geno wouuld tell you how that affected your numbers but at the same time they held meetings ripping you a new one? For performance?

As best I can get out Murphy's gibberish messages, the first I will see how I am peforming in my 3rd quarter ADAM alingment is with the September number -which should be available in.........December? Not a lot of time to make adjustments.

WTF is wrong with you people. If you had 1 ounce of sales experience in you, you would be fighting mad to try to get your sales teams data. Not directional. Not preliminary. Not conditional. Just tell me how much my quota is and how much I have sold against it through April. Like right now. This afternoon, before I head to the shore.


Newsflash: They don't give a Rats F__ A__ about anyone in IS. Days were numbered before CMS announced elimination of Pneumo vaccine, its now been put on fast-track status. You won't ever need to worry about numbers in the near future.

Newsflash: They don't give a Rats F__ A__ about anyone in IS. Days were numbered before CMS announced elimination of Pneumo vaccine, its now been put on fast-track status. You won't ever need to worry about numbers in the near future.

Agree. You all are in WAY more trouble than your vaccines counterparts!

You know exactly where you sit with your numbers. You get a daily feed. You have weekly data and you know exactly where you are sitting with your dashboard.

So, STFU until we in the field have our number. At least our January number. Do you even realize that we do not have January numbers?

Everything may be a cost savings move. We get that. Our DBM does a fine job of trying to spin the company line, but at the end of the it all I still don't have my January number. January!

Imagine if Liz and Geno would not tell you where you sat with your number here in mid summer! What if they changed your plan from a semester to a year June! What if you had your alingment changed in April and again in 3rd quarter and Liz and Geno wouuld tell you how that affected your numbers but at the same time they held meetings ripping you a new one? For performance?

As best I can get out Murphy's gibberish messages, the first I will see how I am peforming in my 3rd quarter ADAM alingment is with the September number -which should be available in.........December? Not a lot of time to make adjustments.

WTF is wrong with you people. If you had 1 ounce of sales experience in you, you would be fighting mad to try to get your sales teams data. Not directional. Not preliminary. Not conditional. Just tell me how much my quota is and how much I have sold against it through April. Like right now. This afternoon, before I head to the shore.

Every division is in the same boat from talking to the PC and some of the specialty reps in my area. They don't have any data, at least we have some.