No bonus this year and no 401k match - what next?


We are getting no to little bonus and they took away the matching 401k. Health benefits already have been cut and suck. We are all underpaid and treated like shit. This holiday break made me really think about why I stay and I have decided to get out ASAP. You all should do the same.


We are getting no to little bonus and they took away the matching 401k. Health benefits already have been cut and suck. We are all underpaid and treated like shit. This holiday break made me really think about why I stay and I have decided to get out ASAP. You all should do the same.
You’re clearly not in aesthetic sales. We have no break. Maybe work a little harder supporting the sales team and you’d get a bonus?

You’re clearly not in aesthetic sales. We have no break. Maybe work a little harder supporting the sales team and you’d get a bonus?

You do realize there are teams supporting other parts of the organization that are working their asses off and are burned out, right? There is no gain, just being told you are “meeting expectations” after working 24/7 - am not everyone had the luxury of taking PTO in 2022 or the holiday break. US Ax is not the only entity. Try to open your myopic view a little and be kind.

You do realize there are teams supporting other parts of the organization that are working their asses off and are burned out, right? There is no gain, just being told you are “meeting expectations” after working 24/7 - am not everyone had the luxury of taking PTO in 2022 or the holiday break. US Ax is not the only entity. Try to open your myopic view a little and be kind.

24/7? My ass.. no one at Galderma works that hard. There’s no incentive not to take PTO so the only moron is you for giving the company that time. AX is definitely the favorite child at Galderma . RX was crippled by the company , no resources… sale’s definitely didn’t grow to the level the company wanted for thwir aggressive IPO goals. The GCC card changes & the lack of samples , budget resources handcuffed sales. If you’re not in sales, you’re a financial burden!

24/7? My ass.. no one at Galderma works that hard. There’s no incentive not to take PTO so the only moron is you for giving the company that time. AX is definitely the favorite child at Galderma . RX was crippled by the company , no resources… sale’s definitely didn’t grow to the level the company wanted for thwir aggressive IPO goals. The GCC card changes & the lack of samples , budget resources handcuffed sales. If you’re not in sales, you’re a financial burden!

AX and RX, sure... but what about CX?

AX and RX, sure... but what about CX?

You mean the CX division where Galderma thought they needed a dedicated sales force & to pay them like RX or AX? Store shelves were empty the greater part of last year so I know it that division wasn’t doing anything special & certainly nothing that RX wasn’t already doing. That decision was definitely part of the downfall. Especially when Galderma was so late to the party. Which seems to be a recurring theme. Nemo is a me too product & extremely late to the party,

It’s the high price of constant turnover. A lot of these mistakes have already been made by prior leadership (gutting GCC, Cx sales force, etc).
The problem is high turnover at all levels in all functions. Simply, A players won’t work for B players. It’s really that simple. The problem for Galderma is that they can’t attract any ‘A’ players. They can only get ‘C’ players who want to think they’re in a real pharma medical device or consumer company.

You mean the CX division where Galderma thought they needed a dedicated sales force & to pay them like RX or AX? Store shelves were empty the greater part of last year so I know it that division wasn’t doing anything special & certainly nothing that RX wasn’t already doing. That decision was definitely part of the downfall. Especially when Galderma was so late to the party. Which seems to be a recurring theme. Nemo is a me too product & extremely late to the party,

So how long does CX have before it gets totally cut? I'm in a different division but heard that the CX expansion already got trimmed back?

Whining and complaining when so many making $200 and $300. Take your history and communication degree and go away and find a corner to cry. You can’t even sell so watch ya complaining bout sista????

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