Next wave of layoffs


I'm just going to enjoy my summer, polish my resume, and start networking like hell. History has shown that come September, the next wave of layoffs will begin again through the end of December. With the stock price in the thirties, Wall Street is going to want to see some activity, or a plan, from our senior leaders. With no real solid prospects in the pipeline, and the patent cliff rapidly approaching, going to be a wild ride through the end of the year.


I'm just going to enjoy my summer, polish my resume, and start networking like hell. History has shown that come September, the next wave of layoffs will begin again through the end of December. With the stock price in the thirties, Wall Street is going to want to see some activity, or a plan, from our senior leaders. With no real solid prospects in the pipeline, and the patent cliff rapidly approaching, going to be a wild ride through the end of the year.

Our leaders have the age-old plan of stock buy backs and competing our dividend yield with CD rates. With this type of financial acumen and forward thinking business savvy, how could they possibly consider RIF?
Oh sorry, I forgot. RIFs are the other low bar for unimaginative “leaders” who write books and bank stock grants. At least they are experiencing the drop in stock value too.

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