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New VP Sales from GSK impemented new sales model....here it comes

Well we all know what Tilton's merry band of idiots will do. They will be sucking up to him so hard they may pull his head out through his asshole. And you know they will be telling him how awful MT was and how glad they are that he is their new boss. These people are totally shameless and sooooooo obvious. If he is smart he will see through them and ax them all. Then they can go sell vitamins and food supplements with big mike.
A clear signal was sent when they went outside to hire his replacement. Not only did he fail as our sales leader but he also failed to develop one of his toadies to take his place.
But that would have required some talent and an interest in developing others and he had neither.

Take it for what it is worth but TB is a good guy. I can't believe he would take the mess that GSK has created to AZ. He was required to drive the GSK crap by his senior leaders - not sure he believed it all and decided to look at opportunities as any marketable individual would do. Good for him and probably good for you at AZ.

not sure about Tosh Butt or his capabilities, but doesn't seem all that bright. Just find it interesting that he is best buds with Hudson. So was he hired because he is capable or a case of the boss hiring his friends?

not sure about Tosh Butt or his capabilities, but doesn't seem all that bright. Just find it interesting that he is best buds with Hudson. So was he hired because he is capable or a case of the boss hiring his friends?

And his first presentation opened up with dont believe all the stuff on CP. Surely, he is one informed individual.

And his first presentation opened up with dont believe all the stuff on CP. Surely, he is one informed individual.

Senior leadership is obsessed with CP which is why there is such an interest in editing out negative posts. There are people who spend more time cleaning up their mess on cp than doing their real jobs.

Lets hope he reads this and gets rid of the last of MTs toads. WHo gives a shit what incentive comp plan they use - it cant be any worse than the sales ones where they think they can set objectives and then measure TRx in a given set of zip codes. That was impossible 10 years ago and now?

Nothing is worse than pretending we can measure sales from zip codes when all the major players admit openly that we can track at best less than 30%. And for that you would put your career on the line? In any state but TX?

Time to grow the fuck up and stop pretending you are a sales person when you are a customer service associate at best. Piece of shit.

Nothing is worse than pretending we can measure sales from zip codes when all the major players admit openly that we can track at best less than 30%. And for that you would put your career on the line? In any state but TX?

Time to grow the fuck up and stop pretending you are a sales person when you are a customer service associate at best. Piece of shit.
People at AZ are given Excellent performance ratings with statements like "Always first to complete administrative tasks and leads the District in call activity." One could mean that they stay home and work on admin and then head to the mall and the other can be accomplished the same way. Neither are true measures of performance but people at AZ get promoted for this shit.

Take it for what it is worth but TB is a good guy. I can't believe he would take the mess that GSK has created to AZ. He was required to drive the GSK crap by his senior leaders - not sure he believed it all and decided to look at opportunities as any marketable individual would do. Good for him and probably good for you at AZ.

Thanks Tosh Butt for self praising and defining yourself and clearing the air. I feel relieved now. Just out of curiosity, how much time do you spend on the CafePharma reading and deleting negative posts?

Mr. Butt was the equivalent of a CBD at GSK prior to his VP Sales job here. Big step up. Amanda Mott left because of him and more will follow. If you have heard him talk, it becomes evident quickly that he is way over his head.

Mr. Butt was the equivalent of a CBD at GSK prior to his VP Sales job here. Big step up. Amanda Mott left because of him and more will follow. If you have heard him talk, it becomes evident quickly that he is way over his head.
Except for chasing off female managers, he sounds like a perfect fit for AZ. His last name is perfect and being in over his head is no problem at all here.