New RBD's and others

Words on the wall in HQ in NY like Loyality, Pride, Honesty and the other words that were once pillars of a successful company, now read like graffiti left behind by some adolecent who don't know the meanings of the words they stand for. For those of you that love the abbreviations of RSM, DBM,TCR and all the other words used to describe a sales rep. This latest just goes to show that we are all just a number or just a pawn in the much larger game.

Don't blame it on NY son. This is about the regional business model. Now you own it. How does it feel?

I'm shocked that Jeff Harshfield and Randy Williamson didn't make it, both great leaders. Does anybody know what happened to Russ Williamson?? He changed his linkedin headline to Vice President of Sales, is this true or is he just preparing for the job hunt?

Richard Blackburn, RBD CT/MA/NE/NH/RI/VT
Patrick Doyle, RBD NJ/PA
Rick Dudek, RBD KS/MO/IL
Kathy Spencer-Pike, RBD MI/OH
David Terranova, RBD NY
Eliza Cha, DBO
Jeff Muchnick, Regional Strategy and Analytics Lead
Scott Richardson, Regional Marketing Lead

Keith Connell, RBD AL/MS/AR/LA/OK
Kevin Jones, RBD Florida
Michael Romano, RBD IN/KY/TN
Thomas Salamone, RBD GA/NC/SC
Roy Bell, DBO
Jeremy Bahr, Regional Strategy and Analytics Lead
Amrish Luthra, Regional Marketing Lead

Dennis Kozack, RBD CA
Chip Parkinson, RBD AZ/CO/HI/NM/NV/UT
Kate Walsh, RBD IA/MN/WI/NE
Marty Whalen, RBD TX
Elise Andreas, DBO
Chrishan Muttiah, Regional Strategy and Analytics Lead
James Humphreys, Regional Marketing Lead

No Pitzel? Our state is carrying your incompetent ass Duprey you sham!

Rumor has it that Geno Germano was pissed off that he did not keep any of the Psych people and had him in his cross hairs. It looks like Germano won!

BS. K was tired of our compliance investigations and such and took advantage of the opportunity as did CW who managed him before. No loyalty and cut a high salaried SD and pension. We feel like we went from the frying pan into the fire with MR coming aboard. Wish we got RW.

Seems oddly familiar to Wyeth old model of 3 Zone VPs and 23 ABDs prior to the merger. Looks like Wyeth had it right all along. But Pfizer has more fat to cut with all the support in the regional offices. Too much overhead.

If you are a former employee, then stay the hell off of our company site, you bum! You are no longer a part of our Pfizer Pfamily!! Get a life loser, and find someting better to do than checking out your ex-company on cafepharma.

So now we know what is wrong with this company. Complete losers like you times (who knows how many) are running this crap__-organization. So much for caring about those former employees who were loyal and dedicated to Pfizer. Weze gots a different set of losers at the place now. They look like the a___h___ in the above statement.

I miss TC...NOT!

TC, you are a sham and it looks like KD & CW knows it. Also, MR wants u in his office by noon to get a full briefing on the state's performance, operations, etc. After that, feel free to box up ur stuff and leave the building.

post # 34 Paul (Chip) Parkinson was Massachusetts and now he will be in charge of West. He and Dave T are the only one left from NE Region.

Yep, NE got hosed. MCS was moved out of her VP RBU role, and DT is the only current SD who remains in place. Anyone got credible info on why long-time managers like JJP, AL KH didn't have the juice to get placed? And what sunk MCS? Hard to believe she wasn't at least as qualified as CS, CW...

Good news is Massachusetts has new leadership, The bad news is the old leader gets promoted for doing a terrible job. Gotta love climbing the corporate ladder in Pfizer, good luck to the people out West!!