New Derm openings


You’ve got to be extremely desperate and delusional for wanting to working here. What once was a dream destination dermatology organization has now only become a sinking toxic ship. The CEO has ruined this company. Leadership can no longer hold on to the culture we once were. Run - run far and go elsewhere. you’ll thank me later

You’ve got to be extremely desperate and delusional for wanting to working here. What once was a dream destination dermatology organization has now only become a sinking toxic ship. The CEO has ruined this company. Leadership can no longer hold on to the culture we once were. Run - run far and go elsewhere. you’ll thank me later

“You must be truly desperate.. to come to me for help” - Loki

All jokes aside, this is serious truth. Run. If you end up here, you will be labeled appropriately.

Before you even consider coming here do your due diligence and speak to some of the current sales reps at Galderma. Go on LinkedIn and talk to people who quit, got laid off or left due to mental health reasons. This place is a dog and pony show. The leadership is trying to take this company public soon so Fleming will make his money back for the investors who own Galderma. People absolutely hate working here. The culture was once amazing and it sucks the big dong right now. They don’t pay jack sheet either. Run forest run.

If you’re right out of college and broke, definitely take the job. If you have a solid resume, run Forest. Run!!!

your mental health and soul will thank you, trust us. ALL OF US!

If you are asking you don’t know and don’t have experience in derm so I will give you the run down. Take the job if you want to get into derm but know this company is a joke in derm at this time. It use to be great many years ago but now Galderma is a dog that can’t hunt. Leadership changes with the season and the quality keeps getting worst with every turn over. The only people left with any experience are either too afraid to leave or not good enough to be recruited. The pay is on the low side and layoffs are more consistent than commission. Keep reading the above post and consider yourself informed. The only upside is it gets you into derm. Good luck!

Everything has already been said. Do not even consider Galderma unless you have no other options. It’s a a disheartening experience. Associates are miserable, payout is low as targets are not achievable, culture inexorably destroyed, subpar leadership, empty pipelines, morale low, catastrophic company reputation, and the list goes on and on. Galderma used to be a reference in dermatology but those days are long gone.

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