My version of 15 by 15

I kind of enjoy the golf updates. Keep 'em coming, 15 Guy! The troll is also keeping careful track of the golf updates, while claiming that no one cares. Notice his need to comment on each update. He cares more than anyone.

I think the 15 Guy is awesome. A true Merck hero. Rock on until the end, 15 Guy!

Um...actually...he can't. He was just laid off. Something about being too cocky. Merck doesn't like that either. Just shut up and either be dumb or play dumb. He is going through his mandatory government re-education class right now. They do not like arrogant smart-a$$es either.

Um...actually...he can't. He was just laid off. Something about being too cocky. Merck doesn't like that either. Just shut up and either be dumb or play dumb. He is going through his mandatory government re-education class right now. They do not like arrogant smart-a$$es either.

I heard he told the trainers at the government re-education class to kiss his ass. He then lit up a cigar and blew the smoke in their faces, smiling all the while.

Love the 15 Guy.

Exactly! In my tenure at Merck I've lived a pretty frugal life. No big expensive vacations each year, don't spend tons of money on new cars and clothes, you get the picture. But I did max out my 401K every year and built a nice nest egg.

I remember going to meetings and seeing many reps with designer clothes, $500 purses, $1000 watches and the like. One rep was telling me proudly that she had over $75K in credit card bills like that was some sort badge of honor! Then she got her bonus check and blew most of it on a very expensive vacation! Talk about living outside your financial means! I always thought these people were total IDIOTS!

I was sitting on the bus one time heading to the hotel for a meeting and we were discussing 401K's and this gal next to me (wearing designer clothes, custom jewelry...) said she only put 2% into her 401K! I told her she should increase that a few percent to get the match from Merck and she said she couldn't afford to do that! Again, IDIOTS!

While reps like this are screaming and crying about getting laid off and are in dire personal financial situations, I am sitting here ready and prepared. In all this time I've also put my kids

through college too!

Please forgive me if I don't have a lot of sympathy for most of the reps here today complaining

about getting down sized. You had your opportunities to build financial security and you blew them.

Guess whose laughing (and golfing) now?


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep[/QUOTE

Here's the mistake you are making. You think someone cares anymore what you say,do or think. We don't. Go tee off. That's all you have to brag about. That and how good you are at doing so little. Congrats. Tee off and shut up we no longer care. You have nothing to say and less to contribute.

Wow! Sounds like I struck a nerve with you. If you don't care about me then why keep reading my posts? You are probably one of those reps that are financially over extended that I referred to.

That being the case you should stop by my country club and I will pay you to clean my golf shoes. If you do a good job I may even let you wash my balls!


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep

Wow! Sounds like I struck a nerve with you. If you don't care about me then why keep reading my posts? You are probably one of those reps that are financially over extended that I referred to.

That being the case you should stop by my country club and I will pay you to clean my golf shoes. If you do a good job I may even let you wash my balls!


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep

Yeah, yeah yeah...blah, blah, cheat the company, you play a lot of golf, you have all the money you'll ever need. Just cause I'm commenting on your detritus, don't think for a moment that you have touched a nerve. People like you are so unimpressive. Unless you are generating patents, or publishing journal articles or a novel, I wouldn't bother sharing a conversation with you over a beer because there is nothing original about you. Doesn't matter to me whether you sell prescription drugs, used cars or shoes, you are redundant and uninteresting. I do find your posts particularly funny because you spend most of your time talking about the size of your pecker without actually saying it. What is most amusing is that you probably don't even work a Merck anymore. Yet, you keeping coming back to these boards so regularly that it is testament that there is nothing really going on in your life. Go ahead, provide any detail to which you are privy that demonstrates that you still work at Merck. Quick...check with one of your old pals. Even if you do work here, once your gig at Merck is over you won't go away from these boards. You will have so much additional free time and still nothing better to do. I just can't predict whether your posts will reflect that Merck is in your past or will you continue to post as though you are still employed. Doesn't matter to me, I come to hear the 15 x 15 guy for comic relief. Not so much what you say, cause you don't, but rather the response from others. Which is of course, your sole motivation. Go get em'. You're funny.

Yeah, yeah yeah...blah, blah, cheat the company, you play a lot of golf, you have all the money you'll ever need. Just cause I'm commenting on your detritus, don't think for a moment that you have touched a nerve. People like you are so unimpressive. Unless you are generating patents, or publishing journal articles or a novel, I wouldn't bother sharing a conversation with you over a beer because there is nothing original about you. Doesn't matter to me whether you sell prescription drugs, used cars or shoes, you are redundant and uninteresting. I do find your posts particularly funny because you spend most of your time talking about the size of your pecker without actually saying it. What is most amusing is that you probably don't even work a Merck anymore. Yet, you keeping coming back to these boards so regularly that it is testament that there is nothing really going on in your life. Go ahead, provide any detail to which you are privy that demonstrates that you still work at Merck. Quick...check with one of your old pals. Even if you do work here, once your gig at Merck is over you won't go away from these boards. You will have so much additional free time and still nothing better to do. I just can't predict whether your posts will reflect that Merck is in your past or will you continue to post as though you are still employed. Doesn't matter to me, I come to hear the 15 x 15 guy for comic relief. Not so much what you say, cause you don't, but rather the response from others. Which is of course, your sole motivation. Go get em'. You're funny.

Multiple insecurities revealed by the troll. What's funny is that you declare with such passion "Don't think for a moment that you have struck a nerve". Which basically tells us 15 Guy DID strike a nerve. Do you fancy yourself as a noble knight in Merck's service? Do you play dress-up with a Merck sword in one hand, and a "Be Well" shield in the other? Does that excite you? Halloween is coming up. You can go trick-or-treating to 15 Guy's house, since you are stalking him and must know where he lives by now.

Multiple insecurities revealed by the troll. What's funny is that you declare with such passion "Don't think for a moment that you have struck a nerve". Which basically tells us 15 Guy DID strike a nerve. Do you fancy yourself as a noble knight in Merck's service? Do you play dress-up with a Merck sword in one hand, and a "Be Well" shield in the other? Does that excite you? Halloween is coming up. You can go trick-or-treating to 15 Guy's house, since you are stalking him and must know where he lives by now.

What makes you think I work for Merck? I come for the laughter. Be well.

Wow! Sounds like I struck a nerve with you. If you don't care about me then why keep reading my posts? You are probably one of those reps that are financially over extended that I referred to.

That being the case you should stop by my country club and I will pay you to clean my golf shoes. If you do a good job I may even let you wash my balls!


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep

This is not the 15x15 guy. It does not fit his profile. Never said a bad thing about anyone. Just brags about not working. He is not about striking a direct nerve.
Same thing with that halo guy. Never wrote anything bad about people. I think he tried to tell people about signs of cheating. That got out of control and somehow the whole QA thing happened. That blew his cover. I have never seen so much carnage. A group was created on another site. That was crazy. You will never hear from him again. I bet he gets pissed when his name get mentioned here. (sorry halo or holo)

I have been retired for 10 years from Merck. I go on this site because I am bored. Merck has been good to me. Over time you can tell what's real and what isn't on this site.

This is not the 15x15 guy. It does not fit his profile. Never said a bad thing about anyone. Just brags about not working. He is not about striking a direct nerve.
Same thing with that halo guy. Never wrote anything bad about people. I think he tried to tell people about signs of cheating. That got out of control and somehow the whole QA thing happened. That blew his cover. I have never seen so much carnage. A group was created on another site. That was crazy. You will never hear from him again. I bet he gets pissed when his name get mentioned here. (sorry halo or holo)

I have been retired for 10 years from Merck. I go on this site because I am bored. Merck has been good to me. Over time you can tell what's real and what isn't on this site.

Hard to make out who's who sometimes. Hopefully you are not the same frustrated troll threatening everyone how the big bad layoff monster will come and eat their children and their houses. He fancies himself as a Merck HR axeman, at least in his wet dreams.

Personally, I can appreciate and believe that Merck has been good to you. Your retirement timing was impeccable, since 10 years ago was also when the leadership and culture "downfall" started in earnest. As you have probably figured out by now: the folks who vent here about Merck are talking about an entirely different company than the one you left 10 years ago. If you were to spend just a week or two observing what is happening today on the inside, whether at Kenilworth, West Point, Rahway, would not believe your eyes and ears. I have talked with many Merck veterans who are with the company 20+ years, and who have lived through both the old and the new Merck. It is a study in contrasts. Leader accountability vs arrogance. Science vs process. Inclusiveness vs pointing fingers.

Granted that the industry as a whole is in serious trouble, and many big pharmas have gone through changes. But the change at Merck has been nothing short of dramatic...and not in a good way. It is a case study in the rise and fall of a once respected pharma powerhouse. Converted into a process-based law firm. Where most of the talent saw the writing on the wall years ago, and have bailed out.

"Converted into a process-based law firm."

Precisely and very astute! The pharmaceutical industry began with science, grew through the developments of business, and is now in the process of destruction through a 'not-so-subtle' law industry takeover.

So my guess is 1 to 2 jealous, obsessed trolls and probably a dozen or more fans of the 15s. The troll doesn't get it, fellas. He tries so hard to make us tremble with fear at the feet of some mythical MRK Monster. Get a clue loser: most of us don't give a sh!t one way or the other if we get laid off, we've got all bases covered. We have alternate sources of income and back-up plans...AND we have lives outside of Merck. Merck does not own us and it does not control us. You can keep trying to scare us with that big Layoff monster in the closet until your diapers get tangled around your little pee-pee. But it won't do any good, you will still be a jealous loser troll, hanging on the 15 Guy's every word. It is hard and un-rewarding work being a troll, so you have our sympathy. Well, sort of like a sickly rat bleeding out on the subway tracks has our sympathy. LOL.
Multiple insecurities revealed by the troll. What's funny is that you declare with such passion "Don't think for a moment that you have struck a nerve". Which basically tells us 15 Guy DID strike a nerve. Do you fancy yourself as a noble knight in Merck's service? Do you play dress-up with a Merck sword in one hand, and a "Be Well" shield in the other? Does that excite you? Halloween is coming up. You can go trick-or-treating to 15 Guy's house, since you are stalking him and must know where he lives by now.

Ah...the minions and sycophants. A time tested tradition at Merck. Not only do they pervade the corridors of Merck itself but even those that reject such a world exhibit the same group dynamic here on these boards. The toxic culture, at this once formidable institution, has marinated the brains of it's harshest critics so that they are now indistinguishable from the objects of their ire.

Hard to make out who's who sometimes. Hopefully you are not the same frustrated troll threatening everyone how the big bad layoff monster will come and eat their children and their houses. He fancies himself as a Merck HR axeman, at least in his wet dreams.

Personally, I can appreciate and believe that Merck has been good to you. Your retirement timing was impeccable, since 10 years ago was also when the leadership and culture "downfall" started in earnest. As you have probably figured out by now: the folks who vent here about Merck are talking about an entirely different company than the one you left 10 years ago. If you were to spend just a week or two observing what is happening today on the inside, whether at Kenilworth, West Point, Rahway, would not believe your eyes and ears. I have talked with many Merck veterans who are with the company 20+ years, and who have lived through both the old and the new Merck. It is a study in contrasts. Leader accountability vs arrogance. Science vs process. Inclusiveness vs pointing fingers.

Granted that the industry as a whole is in serious trouble, and many big pharmas have gone through changes. But the change at Merck has been nothing short of dramatic...and not in a good way. It is a case study in the rise and fall of a once respected pharma powerhouse. Converted into a process-based law firm. Where most of the talent saw the writing on the wall years ago, and have bailed out.

Get your head out of your ass. The "Layoff Monster" has already eaten 40,000 of us. Is there anything mythical about that? Oh, and he's not finished yet. If you think that's B.S., then you're a damn idiot.

Ah...the minions and sycophants. A time tested tradition at Merck. Not only do they pervade the corridors of Merck itself but even those that reject such a world exhibit the same group dynamic here on these boards. The toxic culture, at this once formidable institution, has marinated the brains of it's harshest critics so that they are now indistinguishable from the objects of their ire.

You're such a profound poet....not. Perhaps some of the points discussed here are way over your simple head. So in your douchy attempt to simplify the equation, you just want to lump everyone into the same bucket. If it's REALLY that hard for you to distinguish the "harshest critics" from the Merck "sycophants" you speak of, then that's a commentary on your ADD and inability to focus.

Your desire to let loose with some fancy philosophical prose sounds pathetic. You remind me of a 4th grader who just learns some new vocabulary and is asked by his teacher to use it in a sentence. I commend you on your sentences being grammatically correct. You get a sticker! Unfortunately, they also portray an infantile inability to distinguish honest critics of Merck toxic culture from the douche-bag defenders of said culture. Please visit an attention deficit forum for help, before posting more of your Pulitzer-winning Shakespearean prose.

Get your head out of your ass. The "Layoff Monster" has already eaten 40,000 of us. Is there anything mythical about that? Oh, and he's not finished yet. If you think that's B.S., then you're a damn idiot.

Misinterpret much? Let me see if I can relay this to you in my best Dr. Evil voice: We're not so different, you and I...Mr. Powers!

My point, if you happen to re-read it more carefully, is not that the layoffs are "mythical". Rather, it's the troll who entertains us regularly by pretending to be an all-powerful predictor of who among us will get the boot. He likes to play house in his leaky diapers, by pretending to be some big, bad Merck HR President who comes to CP and says "You're fired" in his best Donald Trump voice. It's not a power trip, because that would imply he has actual power over anything besides his Star Wars action figures.
This, plus Merck stock sinking like a block of concrete since the latest layoff announcement, has our resident troll foaming at the mouth.

Perhaps you and him are the same person? In which case I can send you more Princess Leah dolls, which you can pretend to fire from Merck. While you wear your pretend HR President badge. Look, I am not judging. Whatever you do for sexual gratification is your own business.

You're such a profound poet....not. Perhaps some of the points discussed here are way over your simple head. So in your douchy attempt to simplify the equation, you just want to lump everyone into the same bucket. If it's REALLY that hard for you to distinguish the "harshest critics" from the Merck "sycophants" you speak of, then that's a commentary on your ADD and inability to focus.

Your desire to let loose with some fancy philosophical prose sounds pathetic. You remind me of a 4th grader who just learns some new vocabulary and is asked by his teacher to use it in a sentence. I commend you on your sentences being grammatically correct. You get a sticker! Unfortunately, they also portray an infantile inability to distinguish honest critics of Merck toxic culture from the douche-bag defenders of said culture. Please visit an attention deficit forum for help, before posting more of your Pulitzer-winning Shakespearean prose.
"Some of the points discussed ..." What point? A pointless thread that was infinite. Someone gave some golf scores.

You're such a profound poet....not. Perhaps some of the points discussed here are way over your simple head. So in your douchy attempt to simplify the equation, you just want to lump everyone into the same bucket. If it's REALLY that hard for you to distinguish the "harshest critics" from the Merck "sycophants" you speak of, then that's a commentary on your ADD and inability to focus.

Your desire to let loose with some fancy philosophical prose sounds pathetic. You remind me of a 4th grader who just learns some new vocabulary and is asked by his teacher to use it in a sentence. I commend you on your sentences being grammatically correct. You get a sticker! Unfortunately, they also portray an infantile inability to distinguish honest critics of Merck toxic culture from the douche-bag defenders of said culture. Please visit an attention deficit forum for help, before posting more of your Pulitzer-winning Shakespearean prose.

I think the poster was saying 15 x 15 guy is the leader and you are the sycophant

You're such a profound poet....not. Perhaps some of the points discussed here are way over your simple head. So in your douchy attempt to simplify the equation, you just want to lump everyone into the same bucket. If it's REALLY that hard for you to distinguish the "harshest critics" from the Merck "sycophants" you speak of, then that's a commentary on your ADD and inability to focus.

Your desire to let loose with some fancy philosophical prose sounds pathetic. You remind me of a 4th grader who just learns some new vocabulary and is asked by his teacher to use it in a sentence. I commend you on your sentences being grammatically correct. You get a sticker! Unfortunately, they also portray an infantile inability to distinguish honest critics of Merck toxic culture from the douche-bag defenders of said culture. Please visit an attention deficit forum for help, before posting more of your Pulitzer-winning Shakespearean prose.

Must have been the word "ire" that triggered the tongue-lashing.

You're such a profound poet....not. Perhaps some of the points discussed here are way over your simple head. So in your douchy attempt to simplify the equation, you just want to lump everyone into the same bucket. If it's REALLY that hard for you to distinguish the "harshest critics" from the Merck "sycophants" you speak of, then that's a commentary on your ADD and inability to focus.

Your desire to let loose with some fancy philosophical prose sounds pathetic. You remind me of a 4th grader who just learns some new vocabulary and is asked by his teacher to use it in a sentence. I commend you on your sentences being grammatically correct. You get a sticker! Unfortunately, they also portray an infantile inability to distinguish honest critics of Merck toxic culture from the douche-bag defenders of said culture. Please visit an attention deficit forum for help, before posting more of your Pulitzer-winning Shakespearean prose.

You sir are too kind. “Profound”, “fancy philosophical prose” and “Pulitzer-winning Shakespearean prose” are terms that come to mind? I am flattered by your portrayal of my post. I never considered my language skills in this manner but I thank you for the complement.

The rest of your nonsensical rant simply substantiates my original observation and makes me muse about how immaterial your post actually is. So, I will do my best to help connect you to the original point.

The 15 x 15 guy is disgruntled and expresses his distaste for all things Merck. So be it, not everybody in this world is happy with their circumstances or choices. Although he referred to himself as “an honest rep”, he has advocated for the “15x15 lifestyle” that promotes doing as little as achievable while gladly receiving his compensation for the deception. He has chronicled his exploits for the last two years, on a forum he started, for the purpose of instigating reactions from others. What other reason could there be? From this effort, two factions have emerged, those that disagree and question his ethics and those that admire his resolute and kowtow to each of his accomplishments.

It is undeniable; this individual demonstrates a number of leadership qualities. His posts suggest that he is creative, confidence and committed. He appears decisive and capable of inspiring others as he beckons “Who’s with me?” But many of those other leadership traits needed to be successful such as vision, honesty and values are completely absent. Any observer, not caught up in the emotion of the moment, realizes that all he embraces is self-serving and in the end counterintuitive to success. He is in effect, selling “Kool-Aid”.

If "Kool-Aid" rings familiar, its because this metaphor is often used to describe the Merck managements efforts to establish unquestioned belief in their decisions. From my perspective, the 15 x 15 guy shares many of the attributes as those leaders within the Merck organization. Full of their own self-worth, no allegiance to any of those around them, and grabbing at all they can while they can. So who can blame him, as this thinking is all part of the indoctrination at Merck because it accepted and rewarded. Those that have been most successful, rose through the ranks of this company, because they excel at this behavior. Others have simply arrived at their station through the process of attrition. Just as it exists in the Merck culture, it exists here in this forum. The 15x15 guy has his detractors that cannot fathom such behavior and in my opinion, justifiably so. On the other side are his sycophants, of whom you are clearly one, and is why you take such umbrage in my words. Even though you were not explicitly a target of my post you felt compelled to respond the way you did. While I have little respect for company management and their cronies, I don’t see much distinction between them and the 15x15 guy and his minions. You, on the other hand, think you share nothing in common with those within the organization that you most clearly despise. Here in lies the incongruity to which I referred.