My version of 15 by 15

The company is toxic. The management is messed up.

So it is okay for me to steal.

Three people---all white males and all former VP Club winners---that I know well all got the big investigation/ride-them-until-they-quit treatment. All were in their 15th year. After almost 15 years, their pensions are worth next to nothing. Their pension modeling showed that had they stuck around for 10-12 more years, which would be age 55 for each of them, their pensions would be worth roughly ten times as much. They all did the pension modeling and their numbers were all very similar.

Merck stole that retirement income from each of them, no differently than if they had pointed a shotgun at their heads and demanded it. It's happened to countless others, too.

Is it Ok for the rest of us to steal from Merck? You bet it is. I intend to take these a--holes for every single penny I can.

F--k you and F--k this company.

You lost me at " thanks for your boring sermon..." I didn't bother with the rest. Your "details" run on the same way, I'm sure. Question: why ain't you fired yet?

Who you trying to kid? Your saying you "didn't bother with the rest" tells all of us you went back and re-read what I posted at least 3 times. All the while trying to come up with some brilliant comeback. And the best you could summon was "why ain't you fired yet?" Epic fail, bro. You need to dig a little deeper.

Three people---all white males and all former VP Club winners---that I know well all got the big investigation/ride-them-until-they-quit treatment. All were in their 15th year. After almost 15 years, their pensions are worth next to nothing. Their pension modeling showed that had they stuck around for 10-12 more years, which would be age 55 for each of them, their pensions would be worth roughly ten times as much. They all did the pension modeling and their numbers were all very similar.

Merck stole that retirement income from each of them, no differently than if they had pointed a shotgun at their heads and demanded it. It's happened to countless others, too.

Is it Ok for the rest of us to steal from Merck? You bet it is. I intend to take these a--holes for every single penny I can.

F--k you and F--k this company.

If you go back a few more years you'll discover Merck eliminated those with 30 years in, then 25 years in and now are down to the 15 years.

That said, many of my fellow VP Club winner colleagues won because the criteria were different. Some were in high-growth area. They even said they had no idea why their sales kept going up. Their skill sets were ordinary. Many were masters in throwing parties for docs. For awhile they were given bonuses and awards for organizing fake educational programs at upscale steak houses. Without a budget many of them could not sell crap when Merck ended the "Wild & Crazy Unlimited Budget Party" approach.

Who you trying to kid? Your saying you "didn't bother with the rest" tells all of us you went back and re-read what I posted at least 3 times. All the while trying to come up with some brilliant comeback. And the best you could summon was "why ain't you fired yet?" Epic fail, bro. You need to dig a little deeper.

"Tell all of us..." What makes you think anyone took the time to read your drivel? Dig deeper? For what? I didn't bother but let me guess, you listed everything that's wrong with this company and by extension, your life. Why do you keep coming on here whining and complaining? Nonsense that no one reads and Merck certainly doesn't care to hear- haven't you learned anything by now? Why not just wait and see if your number comes up in the upcoming layoff? Which it will eventually. Or better yet, quit and save your career. Is it that you really don't have anywhere else to go? It's simple really. Merck can no longer afford you, you're expensive and have little to no impact on sales, the model must change and it no longer includes you. It's just business, move on, everyone else has.

Who you trying to kid? Your saying you "didn't bother with the rest" tells all of us you went back and re-read what I posted at least 3 times. All the while trying to come up with some brilliant comeback. And the best you could summon was "why ain't you fired yet?" Epic fail, bro. You need to dig a little deeper.

He needs a diaper.

"Tell all of us..." What makes you think anyone took the time to read your drivel? Dig deeper? For what? I didn't bother but let me guess, you listed everything that's wrong with this company and by extension, your life. Why do you keep coming on here whining and complaining? Nonsense that no one reads and Merck certainly doesn't care to hear- haven't you learned anything by now? Why not just wait and see if your number comes up in the upcoming layoff? Which it will eventually. Or better yet, quit and save your career. Is it that you really don't have anywhere else to go? It's simple really. Merck can no longer afford you, you're expensive and have little to no impact on sales, the model must change and it no longer includes you. It's just business, move on, everyone else has.

Nah chief, you got it all wrong. In answer to your question, the reason we come on here and speak the TRUTH about this sh!tty to watch your panties bunch up and see you throw toddler tantrums as Merck's self-appointed superhero defender...with your pink cape and a "Be Well" bra. While the rest of us just sit back and enjoy your pathetic routine of defending this sorry excuse for a health-care company. We post because we love to hear you preach about what Merck can and cannot afford, and hear you lecture us about their business model because who knows....maybe some day Ken Frasier himself will descend down your chimney in a Batman outfit and appoint you as his Robin. Only for you to be disappointed was all a wet dream. You will once again wake up and find your man-diapers soaked. And we will still be here giving Merck the big FU it so richly deserves.

I'm not in sales and I used to read this thread literally appalled knowing this goes on, en masse, while many of my colleagues and I are stressed to the max and inundated with work in HQ (again not sales related).

Then they announced this latest round of crazy and a good clip of my colleagues, as well as myself, are likely to get the door. We work hard, we produce results on our efforts but we'll still hit the unemployment line as fast as anyone who has been 'living the 15x15 lifestyle'. Hell, even the CEO has been noted as Chief Moonlighting Officer - first Penn State now the Presidential Export Council. Export of what, btw? Talent?!?!? Scientists who want to keep their jobs go to China? But I digress.....

Anyway, while I still don't think the 15x15s are 'right' for what they do, I completely understand why. Why give anything more than the bare minimum to a place that is going to fork you over to appease the bloody mouth of Wall Street? Well played 15s, well played.

Nah chief, you got it all wrong. In answer to your question, the reason we come on here and speak the TRUTH about this sh!tty to watch your panties bunch up and see you throw toddler tantrums as Merck's self-appointed superhero defender...with your pink cape and a "Be Well" bra. While the rest of us just sit back and enjoy your pathetic routine of defending this sorry excuse for a health-care company. We post because we love to hear you preach about what Merck can and cannot afford, and hear you lecture us about their business model because who knows....maybe some day Ken Frasier himself will descend down your chimney in a Batman outfit and appoint you as his Robin. Only for you to be disappointed was all a wet dream. You will once again wake up and find your man-diapers soaked. And we will still be here giving Merck the big FU it so richly deserves.

There you go again with a long meaningless paragraph that says nothing. Something about me defending Merck. As an adolescent, you again entirely miss the point. I don't care what happens to Merck other that its stock performance. You and a bloated do nothing sales force are the problem. You are obsolete. You must be trimmed. I'd rather take a shower at Penn State than be today's drug rep. But you do have my sympathy. This job is obviously the best you can do and it's going away. Good luck to you.

If you go back a few more years you'll discover Merck eliminated those with 30 years in, then 25 years in and now are down to the 15 years.

Actually, those 25 to 30-year people were among the first to be formally downsized. After all, Merck knew that trying to manage them out of the company would bring age discrimination lawsuits. The sub-15-year reps have been getting managed out continuously, in case you haven't noticed. Most Merck reps can't see beyond the end of their nose, so you probably haven't.

The sub-15-year reps are usually in their 40's and much safer to pick on. It's all part of the Merck playbook. You're nothing more than a pawn on the chess board. Soon, you too will hear the word "checkmate". This time, everyone goes. even the blind ignorant Merck ass-kissers who think they can save their own asses by playing along.

There you go again with a long meaningless paragraph that says nothing. Something about me defending Merck. As an adolescent, you again entirely miss the point. I don't care what happens to Merck other that its stock performance. You and a bloated do nothing sales force are the problem. You are obsolete. You must be trimmed. I'd rather take a shower at Penn State than be today's drug rep. But you do have my sympathy. This job is obviously the best you can do and it's going away. Good luck to you.

Funny how you just assume I am a drug rep. You don't know the first think about me, dipsh!t. Not everyone who calls out Merck on their arrogance and mismanagement is a drug rep, or is in sales. But you just revealed quite a bit about yourself: 1) Your loser thinking that Merck's stock will actually go anywhere on account of trimming. Wishful thinking. This stock is a dog. So good luck to you, Mr. Investor, as you try to suckle on Merck's wrinkled teat. 2) You would rather take a shower at Penn State. Your own words. This pretty much tells us all we need to know. Enjoy your shower.

Funny how you just assume I am a drug rep. You don't know the first think about me, dipsh!t. Not everyone who calls out Merck on their arrogance and mismanagement is a drug rep, or is in sales. But you just revealed quite a bit about yourself: 1) Your loser thinking that Merck's stock will actually go anywhere on account of trimming. Wishful thinking. This stock is a dog. So good luck to you, Mr. Investor, as you try to suckle on Merck's wrinkled teat. 2) You would rather take a shower at Penn State. Your own words. This pretty much tells us all we need to know. Enjoy your shower.

I think we're all taking a shower at Penn State right now.

Funny how you just assume I am a drug rep. You don't know the first think about me, dipsh!t. Not everyone who calls out Merck on their arrogance and mismanagement is a drug rep, or is in sales. But you just revealed quite a bit about yourself: 1) Your loser thinking that Merck's stock will actually go anywhere on account of trimming. Wishful thinking. This stock is a dog. So good luck to you, Mr. Investor, as you try to suckle on Merck's wrinkled teat. 2) You would rather take a shower at Penn State. Your own words. This pretty much tells us all we need to know. Enjoy your shower.

My mistake, you are obviously not intelligent enough to be a rep. Maybe you wash beakers over at MRL or you're a server in the lunch room. Why worry? You won't have any trouble finding another minimum wage job. But your pathetic attempt at a sad work stoppage matters not a whit to Merck. Downsizings almost always cause the stock to go up so when you are fired it will help us all since Merck is part of the Dow and widely held. Best wishes.

Our corporate color should be emerald green instead of teal green.

Ha ha ha
Ho ho ho
And a couple of tra la las
That's how we laugh the day away
In the merry old land of Oz

Bzz, bzz, bzz
Chirp, chirp, chirp
And a couple of La di das
That's how the crickets crick all day
In the merry old land of Oz

We get up at twelve and start to work at one
Take an hour for lunch and then at two we're done
Jolly good fun

My mistake, you are obviously not intelligent enough to be a rep. Maybe you wash beakers over at MRL or you're a server in the lunch room. Why worry? You won't have any trouble finding another minimum wage job. But your pathetic attempt at a sad work stoppage matters not a whit to Merck. Downsizings almost always cause the stock to go up so when you are fired it will help us all since Merck is part of the Dow and widely held. Best wishes.

I'm sorry, but I am a rep and I must say that I am surrounded by the biggest collection of idiots in my 20 years in the field right now. It doesn't take a rocket scientist, but this sales force is an embarrassment.

My mistake, you are obviously not intelligent enough to be a rep. Maybe you wash beakers over at MRL or you're a server in the lunch room. Why worry? You won't have any trouble finding another minimum wage job. But your pathetic attempt at a sad work stoppage matters not a whit to Merck. Downsizings almost always cause the stock to go up so when you are fired it will help us all since Merck is part of the Dow and widely held. Best wishes.

If, as you claim, I am just a meager server in the lunchroom....and you are an important Merck investor...I find it quite amusing that my opinion matters so much to you. It obviously irks you to no end how my co-workers from all ends of the Merck spectrum come on here and speak their minds. And note how you carefully take the time and energy to "educate" us on what Merck leadership does or does not care to hear. If, as you claim, Merck does not care what we say, why do you feel compelled to throw a toddler tantrum when one of us "insignificant pawns" has their say?? For someone who claims to be an all-powerful, all-seeing predictor of how things will play out, you sure are revealing a lot of insecurities to us. You are obviously obsessed with what we think and how we go about our day, even as you continue to throw diaper fits about Merck not caring. And the fact that you are prepared to be a coach's b!atch in a Penn State shower (your words) just to prove a point, reveals volumes about your fragile, scared state of mind. It's ok to be scared. You are just a little boy, crying out for help. And no one is taking it seriously.

What the fuck are you trying to say? Get therapy.

Exactly right. "Get therapy". You clearly have some psychological issues and you need to "get therapy". It seems you understood the poster point, appear angry at his suggestion and are lashing out. Which brings us full circle to the fact that you need to "get therapy".