You mean STEALING Merck's time, car and resources. Shall we call a spade a spade? Last you have no idea if I'm prepared or not. But know this I have my morals and you don't.
Everything you accuse Merck of, YOU possess 100 fold worse and brag about it as well. Last you expect people to slap you on the back and say, WELL DONE. I won't do it.
First, I don't want a slap on the back from some brain-dead Merckbot.
I wholly intend to STEAL as much from this evil company as I possibly can, for as long as I possibly can. I've watched these scum-sucking pigs flush damn near every person I was hired with right out the door. They've ridden every non-minority hard until they were half insane and couldn't have cared any less about the damage done to those families. They've caused more damage than I care to even ponder.
I will take my morals and use them to do EVERYTHING I can to rob this horrible company and its evil managers of as much as humanly possible. I know of others that are doing the same and I'd bet there are hundreds of us. And I don't mean something like working 10-2. I make that simple charade look like child's play.