My version of 15 by 15

You mean STEALING Merck's time, car and resources. Shall we call a spade a spade? Last you have no idea if I'm prepared or not. But know this I have my morals and you don't.

Everything you accuse Merck of, YOU possess 100 fold worse and brag about it as well. Last you expect people to slap you on the back and say, WELL DONE. I won't do it.

First, I don't want a slap on the back from some brain-dead Merckbot.

I wholly intend to STEAL as much from this evil company as I possibly can, for as long as I possibly can. I've watched these scum-sucking pigs flush damn near every person I was hired with right out the door. They've ridden every non-minority hard until they were half insane and couldn't have cared any less about the damage done to those families. They've caused more damage than I care to even ponder.

I will take my morals and use them to do EVERYTHING I can to rob this horrible company and its evil managers of as much as humanly possible. I know of others that are doing the same and I'd bet there are hundreds of us. And I don't mean something like working 10-2. I make that simple charade look like child's play.


What a disgusting post. I also hope you are out of here, having you as part of the human race is bad enough, having you as a colleague turns my stomach.

thats right punk ass. And I do what I do because of what the company does to me and to others. 16,000+ jobs cut while the asses at the top rake in their millions. Your a punk. too bad you don't live closer douchebag

Well I like hearing from the 15X15 guys. I've jumped on a couple of years ago, and am also glad I did. Truth be told, I hope I'm gone. I'll take the severance, which should hold me over until I land my new job-which Im told will begin in November. I was hoping to milk the jackasses from Merck for as long as possible. With the nig$ers running the show, we have no hope. Take that one Merck. Go ahead and fire me.


Great weather here again this week. I shot a 71 today! I just bought a new box of the Titleist Pro V1 golf balls and maybe that made the difference. I'm gonna try and get in 36 tomorrow with some friends. If you are still going out in the field trying to make a difference and believe it will impress your manager and S3 and ultimately help you hang on to your job, you are an idiot!

Mother, just keep depositing money into my accounts and I will continue to golf and do my 15x15 thing. I will never give this company more than the bare minimum and I'm proud of it. After all, Merck started not caring long before I did. The only difference between me and Ken Frazier is that he is doing it at a grander scale! I guess you could say he is my mentor!

Take care and be well my friends!


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep

I conclude the 15x15 guy is either ex-Merck or has friends/relatives at Merck. His goal, while sitting in his room, is to create daily posting about his fabulous life to drive you guys crazy.

Nope, sorry. I just happen to know who the original 15X15 guy is, and he's for real. I can't believe he gets away with what he does, but I'm telling you, he's for real.

And by the way, I wonder how the company is doing on it's mission to the stated "15X15" goal?

My guess: not so good.

Get rid of the company trial lawyers, get rid of the EEO hires which would include Kenny boy and Jackie, and get rid of the political correctness. Let us get back to selling without all the handcuffs on.

If not, well then, get ready for a lot more of the same-losses, continued downward trends in market share and sales, and eventual lose of leadership in our therapeutic categories.

Oh wait, we don't have any more leadership-you can say that again.

Yep, he's the poster child for rep downsizing. Reps ( like him) have minimal influence and even less access. They are hugely expensive, benefits, salary, training, computers, cars, gas, expense account, IT and support. Sales people are a huge liability. They lose their computers,wreck their cars, break HIPPA, FDA and confidentiality laws,speak off label, divert samples, become whistle blowers, run over patients in parking lots with their company cars. Trust me, the fact that this guy doesn't work is the least of Merck's worries. He does much less damage on the golf course than he can by being in the field.
A field force with a bloated management support is only a drag on revenue. The sooner Merck gets to a reasonable size (say 1,500) for its field force the sooner we might see some gains for the stock. The "share of voice" arms race sales model is long over, and Merck lost.

Do what you want, but I'm making a ton of money on the side----using Merck's time, car and resources, no less. I'm also prepared for the axe to fall. You're not. Two wrongs don't make it right. They make it even.

FU Merck.

You are a sad excuse for an employee. If only the hiring and your manager knew....

Ask yourself, would you hire you? The answer should be no unless you place value on someone deceiving and robbing you blind. That is exactly what you are doing to this company.

Honorable, trustworthy and honest nice words but these will never describe you...unless you change your ways 110%.

You are a sad excuse for an employee. If only the hiring and your manager knew....

Ask yourself, would you hire you? The answer should be no unless you place value on someone deceiving and robbing you blind. That is exactly what you are doing to this company.

Honorable, trustworthy and honest nice words but these will never describe you...unless you change your ways 110%.

Inspiration comes from the biggest crooks of all, Ken and Willie

Yep, he's the poster child for rep downsizing. Reps ( like him) have minimal influence and even less access. They are hugely expensive, benefits, salary, training, computers, cars, gas, expense account, IT and support. Sales people are a huge liability. They lose their computers,wreck their cars, break HIPPA, FDA and confidentiality laws,speak off label, divert samples, become whistle blowers, run over patients in parking lots with their company cars. Trust me, the fact that this guy doesn't work is the least of Merck's worries. He does much less damage on the golf course than he can by being in the field.
A field force with a bloated management support is only a drag on revenue. The sooner Merck gets to a reasonable size (say 1,500) for its field force the sooner we might see some gains for the stock. The "share of voice" arms race sales model is long over, and Merck lost.

Nope-sorry dicklicker. 15X15 is doing just fine, and I am too. YOu get a company that treats their employees as poorly as merck has done, you're going to have this happen to a degree nobody wants to admit. You're doing it too-you're not fooling anyone. Company doing badly because nobody is working. Period. End of story. It will continue. Many have side jobs and letting merck pay for it, and they deserve it. Think Kenny and his $15 million dollar bonus. Now try to make everyone feel guilty. Not

So this is the level of intelligence left at Merck? If so than the sooner thousands of rep and management jobs are cut the better. All you read on this board is whining and self pity and bragging about how little actual work is done. The village must be burned down in order to save it. A bloated non-working sales force is a luxury this company can no longer afford. Senior management should make HUGE job cuts before the end of the year or its not doing its job either. It's nice you have been able to hone your non working skills here, you will find them in high demand at the unemployment office.

So this is the level of intelligence left at Merck? If so than the sooner thousands of rep and management jobs are cut the better. All you read on this board is whining and self pity and bragging about how little actual work is done. The village must be burned down in order to save it. A bloated non-working sales force is a luxury this company can no longer afford. Senior management should make HUGE job cuts before the end of the year or its not doing its job either. It's nice you have been able to hone your non working skills here, you will find them in high demand at the unemployment office.

Thank you for your boring sermon, CEO wannabe. Now how about a reality check? The disaster called Merck starts at the very top, with the tone set by the CEO, CFO, HR execs, and MRL execs. They have instituted a culture of fear, distrust, and complete lack of any new ideas within the ranks. Your boring and utterly predictable solution of cutting the rank-and-file...and then cutting some more....and then cutting some more....only breeds more contempt and and more toxicity within this sad excuse for a corporation. Blaming the worker bees for multiple years of arrogance by senior leadership is typical, unimaginative BS. The fact of the matter is that Merck has been left in the dust by smaller, more nimble biotechs because those companies have a culture of trust, inclusiveness, and respect for individual ideas. Innovation comes from stimulating debate within your ranks and encouraging individual contributions. All Merck encourages are yes-men and sycophants. No one is buying into your holier-than-thou work-ethic lecturing, because the true moral corruption in this company are the senior leadership you are trying to prop up. These so-called "leaders" have succeeded in alienating and disenfranchising their workforce. So you can start by pointing your preachy little fingers towards the very top. But instead, here you are with your "cut more" and "lay off more" solutions. Wow, you are just genius! Give us more of your "I am here to save Merck" brilliance. Please.

Yep, he's the poster child for rep downsizing. Reps ( like him) have minimal influence and even less access. They are hugely expensive, benefits, salary, training, computers, cars, gas, expense account, IT and support. Sales people are a huge liability. They lose their computers,wreck their cars, break HIPPA, FDA and confidentiality laws,speak off label, divert samples, become whistle blowers, run over patients in parking lots with their company cars. Trust me, the fact that this guy doesn't work is the least of Merck's worries. He does much less damage on the golf course than he can by being in the field.
A field force with a bloated management support is only a drag on revenue. The sooner Merck gets to a reasonable size (say 1,500) for its field force the sooner we might see some gains for the stock. The "share of voice" arms race sales model is long over, and Merck lost.

Facts are pesky things. You've outlived your usefulness. Time to axe overhead.

Thank you for your boring sermon, CEO wannabe. Now how about a reality check? The disaster called Merck starts at the very top, with the tone set by the CEO, CFO, HR execs, and MRL execs. They have instituted a culture of fear, distrust, and complete lack of any new ideas within the ranks. Your boring and utterly predictable solution of cutting the rank-and-file...and then cutting some more....and then cutting some more....only breeds more contempt and and more toxicity within this sad excuse for a corporation. Blaming the worker bees for multiple years of arrogance by senior leadership is typical, unimaginative BS. The fact of the matter is that Merck has been left in the dust by smaller, more nimble biotechs because those companies have a culture of trust, inclusiveness, and respect for individual ideas. Innovation comes from stimulating debate within your ranks and encouraging individual contributions. All Merck encourages are yes-men and sycophants. No one is buying into your holier-than-thou work-ethic lecturing, because the true moral corruption in this company are the senior leadership you are trying to prop up. These so-called "leaders" have succeeded in alienating and disenfranchising their workforce. So you can start by pointing your preachy little fingers towards the very top. But instead, here you are with your "cut more" and "lay off more" solutions. Wow, you are just genius! Give us more of your "I am here to save Merck" brilliance. Please.

The company is toxic. The management is messed up.

So it is okay for me to steal.