My version of 15 by 15

Isn't it nice when people come on here and advertise their worthlessness accelerating all the reasons to critically reduce head count? You guys are right! You are no longer needed or wanted.

Hey numnuts, catharsis is therapeutic. CP at least allows one to be honest about their state and break out of the dishonest make believe game for a moment - quite uplifting and it's always nice to make sure one hasn't lost all touch with reality.

Bunch of parasites gloating over how to get even. Merck never force you to join the company nor stay. Stop justifying being a thief.

I guess tomorrow you are going to walk into an Apple Store and steal something because "Apple screwed you before" after you dropped an iPod into a river and they would not fix it for free.

Isn't it nice when people come on here and advertise their worthlessness accelerating all the reasons to critically reduce head count? You guys are right! You are no longer needed or wanted.

As if Merck has demonstrated that they give a shit about about anything EXCEPT reducing headcount. Give me a break with your "control your own destiny" mindset. I'm controlling my own destiny by working a second job in preparation for leaving this rat's nest. You should be so smart.

Wow, its one thing to not be in the lab but its sad when you think its ok to commit scientific fraud. Maybe one of those fraudulent 'negative' results was truely a worthwhile compound which could have saved lives.

Wow, it sounds like a value judgment as to which fraud is more acceptable than the other. Cheating the company out of money isn't as egregious as making up data. Not sure I can make such as distinction. Both are dishonest and wrong. What about selling a drug that is advertised to save lives but doesn't or worse, knowing that it won't. Marketing fraud vs, scientific fraud. Which is worse, you tell me?

Wow, it sounds like a value judgment as to which fraud is more acceptable than the other. Cheating the company out of money isn't as egregious as making up data. Not sure I can make such as distinction. Both are dishonest and wrong. What about selling a drug that is advertised to save lives but doesn't or worse, knowing that it won't. Marketing fraud vs, scientific fraud. Which is worse, you tell me?

Can't comment on marketing fraud vs scientific fraud. My point was if you take off early or come in late, that should be obvious to everyone that you aren't on the job. You live with the consequences. But making up lab data is very difficult to detect and has potentially serious implications. And doing it just to spite the company seems insane to me.

You guys is sales are a bunch of schlepps with you silly schemes for turning off your iPad. In R&D in doesn’t take a Ph.D. to game the system. I have had so many half-days and 3 day weekends I’ve lost track. I’ve only used two vacation days of my 4 weeks and I doubt I will use more than one day for the remainder of the year. The salary is decent and the job is rarely challenging. Been part of 3 clinical recommendations and have seen some pretty decent bonus checks and stock grants for my work over the years. Best thing is, most of my days I sit in front of my computer, listen to music and work on my book which I think could be ready in another 4 months. What’s my secret? I don’t actually do most of the experiments that are in my lab notebook. Usually I only need to do the first one, which is kinda fun because you get to see something novel. After that I just need to fudge around the experimental excel file and viola, the next experiment is done, usually with better looking curves. Modify the variables a little, tweak the numbers again and I practically have the whole next day to do nothing but take off for a long lunch. It’s great, my manager never looks at my notebook, let alone my electronic files and he is happy as a clam that the program is moving along. Sometimes though, I report negative made-up results, particularly if I do a study for some other scientists I don’t care much for. I figure they should develop their own expertise because I certainly won’t get any credit other than my name on some presentation with 50 other people. It doesn’t really matter much because once that compound gets tossed over the fence it doesn’t matter to me much what happens and once gone from my plate there is no accountability on my part. Since the failure rate in the clinic is so high anyway there is never much blow back and it usually goes down the tubes for some other reason anyway. So cheers to you at the end of the silly process because it is just as much fun reaming this company at the other end.

Thanks for identifying yourself. we'll find you and kicking your ass out the door is the least of your worries

You guys is sales are a bunch of schlepps with you silly schemes for turning off your iPad. In R&D in doesn’t take a Ph.D. to game the system. I have had so many half-days and 3 day weekends I’ve lost track. I’ve only used two vacation days of my 4 weeks and I doubt I will use more than one day for the remainder of the year. The salary is decent and the job is rarely challenging. Been part of 3 clinical recommendations and have seen some pretty decent bonus checks and stock grants for my work over the years. Best thing is, most of my days I sit in front of my computer, listen to music and work on my book which I think could be ready in another 4 months. What’s my secret? I don’t actually do most of the experiments that are in my lab notebook. Usually I only need to do the first one, which is kinda fun because you get to see something novel. After that I just need to fudge around the experimental excel file and viola, the next experiment is done, usually with better looking curves. Modify the variables a little, tweak the numbers again and I practically have the whole next day to do nothing but take off for a long lunch. It’s great, my manager never looks at my notebook, let alone my electronic files and he is happy as a clam that the program is moving along. Sometimes though, I report negative made-up results, particularly if I do a study for some other scientists I don’t care much for. I figure they should develop their own expertise because I certainly won’t get any credit other than my name on some presentation with 50 other people. It doesn’t really matter much because once that compound gets tossed over the fence it doesn’t matter to me much what happens and once gone from my plate there is no accountability on my part. Since the failure rate in the clinic is so high anyway there is never much blow back and it usually goes down the tubes for some other reason anyway. So cheers to you at the end of the silly process because it is just as much fun reaming this company at the other end.

NOW THIS IS THE GUY THAT ROGER SHOULD BE TAKING OUT FOR A STEAK DINNER. NOT THOSE ANALYSTS. Cant you read between the lines. This guy cares. A lot!!! He is trying to tell us what is wrong with Our research. QUICK! AWARD this Man/Woman 50,000 Stock options, Promote him/her to ED and lets get the old Merck back!!!!!!

You guys is sales are a bunch of schlepps with you silly schemes for turning off your iPad. In R&D in doesn’t take a Ph.D. to game the system. I have had so many half-days and 3 day weekends I’ve lost track. I’ve only used two vacation days of my 4 weeks and I doubt I will use more than one day for the remainder of the year. The salary is decent and the job is rarely challenging. Been part of 3 clinical recommendations and have seen some pretty decent bonus checks and stock grants for my work over the years. Best thing is, most of my days I sit in front of my computer, listen to music and work on my book which I think could be ready in another 4 months. What’s my secret? I don’t actually do most of the experiments that are in my lab notebook. Usually I only need to do the first one, which is kinda fun because you get to see something novel. After that I just need to fudge around the experimental excel file and viola, the next experiment is done, usually with better looking curves. Modify the variables a little, tweak the numbers again and I practically have the whole next day to do nothing but take off for a long lunch. It’s great, my manager never looks at my notebook, let alone my electronic files and he is happy as a clam that the program is moving along. Sometimes though, I report negative made-up results, particularly if I do a study for some other scientists I don’t care much for. I figure they should develop their own expertise because I certainly won’t get any credit other than my name on some presentation with 50 other people. It doesn’t really matter much because once that compound gets tossed over the fence it doesn’t matter to me much what happens and once gone from my plate there is no accountability on my part. Since the failure rate in the clinic is so high anyway there is never much blow back and it usually goes down the tubes for some other reason anyway. So cheers to you at the end of the silly process because it is just as much fun reaming this company at the other end.

No matter what management presents to the employees and shareholders, a "Culture of Failure" has taken hold. It is a shame!

Someone please call me and let me know about the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT tomorrow or Wednesday or whenever it is. I've got a lot of golf to get in this week and probably won't be working much.

If I stay or get cut, I really don't care anymore anyway. I've got enough coin saved up and my future is just fine. But getting paid by Merck to golf is a great lifestyle!


The 15x15 Guy

Someone please call me and let me know about the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT tomorrow or Wednesday or whenever it is. I've got a lot of golf to get in this week and probably won't be working much.

If I stay or get cut, I really don't care anymore anyway. I've got enough coin saved up and my future is just fine. But getting paid by Merck to golf is a great lifestyle!


The 15x15 Guy

Trust me you never have enough saved. May this be the last time we ever hear from your useless self. Turn out your lights, your party 's over.

Trust me you never have enough saved. May this be the last time we ever hear from your useless self. Turn out your lights, your party 's over.

Ok then, how much do I have saved? How much will I need? The answer is you don't know Jack. LOL!

I'm now so grateful that I have been doing my 15 gig for as long as I have. I can now look back and say it was totally worth it. If you haven't been doing the 15x15 thing yet there is still time to jump on the bandwagon and join the family. Why work hard now and give Merck your all? For what? A pink slip?

The fate of this company has already been decided. I made the right decision and will ride Mother now for all she is worth. After all, what are they gonna do, fire me?

My party has just begun........


The 15x15 Guy

Well I like hearing from the 15X15 guys. I've jumped on a couple of years ago, and am also glad I did. Truth be told, I hope I'm gone. I'll take the severance, which should hold me over until I land my new job-which Im told will begin in November. I was hoping to milk the jackasses from Merck for as long as possible. With the nig$ers running the show, we have no hope. Take that one Merck. Go ahead and fire me.

You work a full day because you are paid to do so. Nobody's future is a guarantee for long term employment. Why do you think you are OWED, I don't understand? I never went into any of these positions with the trust that I will be employed years from now?

Polyanna? No? I'd like to think I have integrity. Will I be thrown to the curb, probably. But I have my self worth and I am not cheater. Think about it? Do these two supposed wrongs add up to one right? and here your are on this webpage bragging about your deceit and justifying it, hoping to get others to justify your dishonesty as well.

Go ahead and say that I will get what I deserve...what ever that means? People examine your own hearts before you crucify MM.

Hey guy, I am with you. These pharma people are crazy, enough is never/not enough. Everyone I now know is taking most Fridays off to do all that is expected, quizzes, pre-work for meetings, you name it as it just continually continues. These people think this is your life; how sad and mistaken they are. You need to do it this way or you will be seeing a psychiatrist as it just never ends. Amen.

You work a full day because you are paid to do so. Nobody's future is a guarantee for long term employment. Why do you think you are OWED, I don't understand? I never went into any of these positions with the trust that I will be employed years from now?

Polyanna? No? I'd like to think I have integrity. Will I be thrown to the curb, probably. But I have my self worth and I am not cheater. Think about it? Do these two supposed wrongs add up to one right? and here your are on this webpage bragging about your deceit and justifying it, hoping to get others to justify your dishonesty as well.

Go ahead and say that I will get what I deserve...what ever that means? People examine your own hearts before you crucify MM.

Do what you want, but I'm making a ton of money on the side----using Merck's time, car and resources, no less. I'm also prepared for the axe to fall. You're not. Two wrongs don't make it right. They make it even.

FU Merck.

Do what you want, but I'm making a ton of money on the side----using Merck's time, car and resources, no less. I'm also prepared for the axe to fall. You're not. Two wrongs don't make it right. They make it even.

FU Merck.

You mean STEALING Merck's time, car and resources. Shall we call a spade a spade? Last you have no idea if I'm prepared or not. But know this I have my morals and you don't.

Everything you accuse Merck of, YOU possess 100 fold worse and brag about it as well. Last you expect people to slap you on the back and say, WELL DONE. I won't do it.

Well I like hearing from the 15X15 guys. I've jumped on a couple of years ago, and am also glad I did. Truth be told, I hope I'm gone. I'll take the severance, which should hold me over until I land my new job-which Im told will begin in November. I was hoping to milk the jackasses from Merck for as long as possible. With the nig$ers running the show, we have no hope. Take that one Merck. Go ahead and fire me.

What a disgusting post. I also hope you are out of here, having you as part of the human race is bad enough, having you as a colleague turns my stomach.

Ex-Merck here. With all that is going on I feel very fortunate that I got out when I did. These days I work really really hard, make about what I made at Merck, and love every minute of it. There are good companies out there, who have a viable plan for growth, and are looking for hard working professionals with a vision. I really don't understand why anyone stays at Merck these days when there are other options out there.

That said, good luck to all. I hope everyone who is looking finds a better opportunity.