My version of 15 by 15

How silly to ask an applicant to list 5 impacts he/she has made in the work. Must be designed by a kid. Reminds me of my kid said during a group interview with Hollister paying minimal wage, each was to stand up and explain why they want to work for such a fine clothing store.

The irony of this post is that just about all retail jobs are minimum wage but most (if not all) consumers expect stellar customer service. So, is it important for Hollister to choose workers who want to provide a great experience to their customers by first being able to articulate why they think they are great? I'd say yes because whether you're an idiot or a genius that job will pay you the same.

It sounds like you've been working at Merck much too long to understand how to succeed at anything. I hope your kid was smart enough to land the gig.

In reality PC pharma rep jobs are entry level. Sharp top performers do it for a few years, improve their skills and then move on to much more technical sales positions with better medical companies or outside the industry. In the late 80's and 90's when Merck had multiple blockbusters and became awash in money it was easy for reps to settle in to cushy over paid jobs were little was required of them beyond catering, sample dropping and manager scamming. Many moved into management were even less was required of them. Merck loves the middle of the bell curve and hates outliers at either end. Now those that are left are stuck and Merck is stuck ( until it decides otherwise) with them since there is little demand for sig. collectors or calling in take out in the real world which is a little more outcomes based. So what you have now is a majority of "15ers" and it has nothing to do with morale or some kinda half-assed protest. It's simply their limited skill set, which is what they were hired to do in the first place.

The irony of this post is that just about all retail jobs are minimum wage but most (if not all) consumers expect stellar customer service. So, is it important for Hollister to choose workers who want to provide a great experience to their customers by first being able to articulate why they think they are great? I'd say yes because whether you're an idiot or a genius that job will pay you the same.

It sounds like you've been working at Merck much too long to understand how to succeed at anything. I hope your kid was smart enough to land the gig.

My kids are taught not to be flakes. Thank you. Kids are required to buy Hollister's overpriced clothes to work at minimal wage. They ask all attractive teenager girls shopping in the store if they would be interested in being a "model".

I don't know if I am successful or an abject failure. But I manage to live off the dividends since my retirement from Merck.

Please do not justify you are entitled to steal from Merck to get back at the imagined harm they have permanently done to your psyche.

Please remember your showing off of wealth and financial situation make us laugh because many of us have already done it and are quietly enjoying life. If you have to talk about it all the time you really are not there yet.

I am a proponent of robbing Merck blind. Fools like you can't see the truth when it's smacking you right in the mouth. Idiot.

Long live the 15's.

FU Merck.

I am a proponent of robbing Merck blind. Fools like you can't see the truth when it's smacking you right in the mouth. Idiot.

Long live the 15's.

FU Merck.

The truth is Merck is not a very desirable employer.

The truth is Merck is not treating her people well, forcing people out, etc.

But that does not justify getting even by stealing.

Perhaps I am from a generation where we cannot rationalize it's okay to steal, cheat and rob because the other person is such a bad dude. You must belong to those Vioxx-era "new" hires that would break all rules to get business.

The truth is Merck is not a very desirable employer.

The truth is Merck is not treating her people well, forcing people out, etc.

But that does not justify getting even by stealing.

Perhaps I am from a generation where we cannot rationalize it's okay to steal, cheat and rob because the other person is such a bad dude. You must belong to those Vioxx-era "new" hires that would break all rules to get business.

The truth is that nothing makes me happier than to take yet another of my beloved employer's dollars every chance I get. Never has a company been more deserving.

Did the 15X15 leave?

No, I didn't leave. I've just been way too busy golfing lately before it gets too cold out. I'm still doing my thing, working very, very little and getting paid big bucks to do it. I have my charade down to around 10-12 hours per week now.

Sorry if the word "charade" offends people, but let's just call it what it really is. This is NOT a job, it's a joke and a game. The management is playing it and getting rich so, I do too.

Just got home from a little dinner with my wife at "my guys" place. I have tons of credit there from my numerous lunches he caters for me. A nice plate of pasta and red wine without having to pay is very nice. Of course I tipped the waitress really well.

Tomorrow is Friday and as usual I'm not working. I can't remember how many Friday conference calls I've taken and muted while on the golf course this year but it's been dozens!!! Tee time tomorrow is 7:30 am if it doesn't rain.

Have a great weekend everyone. You all know I've already started!


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep

I love it. Keep it up. This company deserves all the bad things that happen to it. We have people-many-losing jobs but old kenny-boy walks with his 8 or 9 million dollar bonus?

No, I didn't leave. I've just been way too busy golfing lately before it gets too cold out. I'm still doing my thing, working very, very little and getting paid big bucks to do it. I have my charade down to around 10-12 hours per week now.

Sorry if the word "charade" offends people, but let's just call it what it really is. This is NOT a job, it's a joke and a game. The management is playing it and getting rich so, I do too.

Just got home from a little dinner with my wife at "my guys" place. I have tons of credit there from my numerous lunches he caters for me. A nice plate of pasta and red wine without having to pay is very nice. Of course I tipped the waitress really well.

Tomorrow is Friday and as usual I'm not working. I can't remember how many Friday conference calls I've taken and muted while on the golf course this year but it's been dozens!!! Tee time tomorrow is 7:30 am if it doesn't rain.

Have a great weekend everyone. You all know I've already started!


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep

I can't seem to get below 15 hours per week. I must be doing something wrong. With my other job requiring 15-20 hours per week and this one doing the same, I'm not finding the time for golf that I once did. It's great having both incomes, though. I'd like to thank Merck for the use of their car for both jobs and the bonus free food. This company is so incredibly generous to me. I am so very grateful. I may give them an extra hour next week, but probably not.

FU, Merck.

I can't seem to get below 15 hours per week. I must be doing something wrong. With my other job requiring 15-20 hours per week and this one doing the same, I'm not finding the time for golf that I once did. It's great having both incomes, though. I'd like to thank Merck for the use of their car for both jobs and the bonus free food. This company is so incredibly generous to me. I am so very grateful. I may give them an extra hour next week, but probably not.

FU, Merck.

You guys is sales are a bunch of schlepps with you silly schemes for turning off your iPad. In R&D in doesn’t take a Ph.D. to game the system. I have had so many half-days and 3 day weekends I’ve lost track. I’ve only used two vacation days of my 4 weeks and I doubt I will use more than one day for the remainder of the year. The salary is decent and the job is rarely challenging. Been part of 3 clinical recommendations and have seen some pretty decent bonus checks and stock grants for my work over the years. Best thing is, most of my days I sit in front of my computer, listen to music and work on my book which I think could be ready in another 4 months. What’s my secret? I don’t actually do most of the experiments that are in my lab notebook. Usually I only need to do the first one, which is kinda fun because you get to see something novel. After that I just need to fudge around the experimental excel file and viola, the next experiment is done, usually with better looking curves. Modify the variables a little, tweak the numbers again and I practically have the whole next day to do nothing but take off for a long lunch. It’s great, my manager never looks at my notebook, let alone my electronic files and he is happy as a clam that the program is moving along. Sometimes though, I report negative made-up results, particularly if I do a study for some other scientists I don’t care much for. I figure they should develop their own expertise because I certainly won’t get any credit other than my name on some presentation with 50 other people. It doesn’t really matter much because once that compound gets tossed over the fence it doesn’t matter to me much what happens and once gone from my plate there is no accountability on my part. Since the failure rate in the clinic is so high anyway there is never much blow back and it usually goes down the tubes for some other reason anyway. So cheers to you at the end of the silly process because it is just as much fun reaming this company at the other end.

You guys is sales are a bunch of schlepps with you silly schemes for turning off your iPad. In R&D in doesn’t take a Ph.D. to game the system. I have had so many half-days and 3 day weekends I’ve lost track. I’ve only used two vacation days of my 4 weeks and I doubt I will use more than one day for the remainder of the year. The salary is decent and the job is rarely challenging. Been part of 3 clinical recommendations and have seen some pretty decent bonus checks and stock grants for my work over the years. Best thing is, most of my days I sit in front of my computer, listen to music and work on my book which I think could be ready in another 4 months. What’s my secret? I don’t actually do most of the experiments that are in my lab notebook. Usually I only need to do the first one, which is kinda fun because you get to see something novel. After that I just need to fudge around the experimental excel file and viola, the next experiment is done, usually with better looking curves. Modify the variables a little, tweak the numbers again and I practically have the whole next day to do nothing but take off for a long lunch. It’s great, my manager never looks at my notebook, let alone my electronic files and he is happy as a clam that the program is moving along. Sometimes though, I report negative made-up results, particularly if I do a study for some other scientists I don’t care much for. I figure they should develop their own expertise because I certainly won’t get any credit other than my name on some presentation with 50 other people. It doesn’t really matter much because once that compound gets tossed over the fence it doesn’t matter to me much what happens and once gone from my plate there is no accountability on my part. Since the failure rate in the clinic is so high anyway there is never much blow back and it usually goes down the tubes for some other reason anyway. So cheers to you at the end of the silly process because it is just as much fun reaming this company at the other end.

15 by 15 R&D style??

If I could go back to my Merck career, this would have been my approach. Trust me when I tell you that honesty gets you nowhere at Merck. When your time has come, you'll be targeted for removal, just like everyone else.

FU Merck

Isn't it nice when people come on here and advertise their worthlessness accelerating all the reasons to critically reduce head count? You guys are right! You are no longer needed or wanted.

Isn't it nice when people come on here and advertise their worthlessness accelerating all the reasons to critically reduce head count? You guys are right! You are no longer needed or wanted.

Without a doubt, most of these responders exhibit the worthless lack luster slugs that they are - fire baby fire - Nov is veryfast approaching - bye bye

You guys is sales are a bunch of schlepps with you silly schemes for turning off your iPad. In R&D in doesn’t take a Ph.D. to game the system. I have had so many half-days and 3 day weekends I’ve lost track. I’ve only used two vacation days of my 4 weeks and I doubt I will use more than one day for the remainder of the year. The salary is decent and the job is rarely challenging. Been part of 3 clinical recommendations and have seen some pretty decent bonus checks and stock grants for my work over the years. Best thing is, most of my days I sit in front of my computer, listen to music and work on my book which I think could be ready in another 4 months. What’s my secret? I don’t actually do most of the experiments that are in my lab notebook. Usually I only need to do the first one, which is kinda fun because you get to see something novel. After that I just need to fudge around the experimental excel file and viola, the next experiment is done, usually with better looking curves. Modify the variables a little, tweak the numbers again and I practically have the whole next day to do nothing but take off for a long lunch. It’s great, my manager never looks at my notebook, let alone my electronic files and he is happy as a clam that the program is moving along. Sometimes though, I report negative made-up results, particularly if I do a study for some other scientists I don’t care much for. I figure they should develop their own expertise because I certainly won’t get any credit other than my name on some presentation with 50 other people. It doesn’t really matter much because once that compound gets tossed over the fence it doesn’t matter to me much what happens and once gone from my plate there is no accountability on my part. Since the failure rate in the clinic is so high anyway there is never much blow back and it usually goes down the tubes for some other reason anyway. So cheers to you at the end of the silly process because it is just as much fun reaming this company at the other end.

Wow, its one thing to not be in the lab but its sad when you think its ok to commit scientific fraud. Maybe one of those fraudulent 'negative' results was truely a worthwhile compound which could have saved lives.