My version of 15 by 15

You are a Kool-Aid drinking fool. This drug rep job is among the greatest farces in the history of employment and a complete idiot can do it, as we've been proving for years.

To say this job is hard illustrates what a complete moron you are. You wouldn't knoe what a real job is like if you think there is anything real about this one. Good God, we hire the dumbest people on the planet, you among them.

Hey, you sure are devoid of work ethic!
Intoxicated on the moonshine and a loser way of your case a brew to screw the system and take it for all it's worth!

Time to ask the Almighty for some needed help....on living an honorable life.

Agree, 100%.

15x15 people...shame on you.

If you have should not be teaching them that this is's actually corruption.

Unfortunately, our society and children have this attitude already courtesy of our government. Free phones on every corner, more kids, more free money. Why work? the money, food stamps, freebies are paying more than the minimum wage...

Unfortunately, our society and children have this attitude already courtesy of our government. Free phones on every corner, more kids, more free money. Why work? the money, food stamps, freebies are paying more than the minimum wage...

might be true but 15x15 is life on the dole....
these types think they're entitled to ride a gravy train.....
....the other guy pays their cost, work and everything else...

.......15x15....anything but admirable!

What a odd moral standard saying it is okay to steal and brag about it.

I hope, if you have children, this is not the way you teach them to justify stealing.

I teach my son to punch a bully squarely on the nose and then to beat him until he is unrecognizable. Merck deserves that treatment. I've never witnessed a bigger collection of bullies.

FU Merck. I hope we collectively bleed you dry.

I teach my son to punch a bully squarely on the nose and then to beat him until he is unrecognizable. Merck deserves that treatment. I've never witnessed a bigger collection of bullies.

FU Merck. I hope we collectively bleed you dry.

You're delusional. It makes no difference to Merck what you do or don't do one way or the other. In any given hour of any day , every day Merck makes 1000x what you will your entire lifetime. You are a WEIN number and that's all. Merck was here a long time before you came along and will be around a long long time after you are gone.
I say do your best for your own self respect or be gone. But if you are so inadequate and incompetent that you are just hanging around to collect a paycheck and don't really have any other job skills so to bolster your own self esteem you try to prop up your lack of effort as some kinda pathetic attempt at a protest, we'll that's just a sad waste of time.

What's to understand? You're a blow hard and a braggart, the worlds full of 'em. But you keep coming on here bragging about how much you make ( ah but will it be enough when the axe falls?) or how much golf you play or whatever. Who cares ? Get over yourself. Move on. We have.

I have news for you. These posts aren't all mine. Most of them aren't, actually.

It would appear that there are still a few Merck reps out there that aren't complete idiots. They're milking Mother and running a side business and I applaud them for their intelligence and work ethic.

You're delusional. It makes no difference to Merck what you do or don't do one way or the other. In any given hour of any day , every day Merck makes 1000x what you will your entire lifetime. You are a WEIN number and that's all. Merck was here a long time before you came along and will be around a long long time after you are gone.
I say do your best for your own self respect or be gone. But if you are so inadequate and incompetent that you are just hanging around to collect a paycheck and don't really have any other job skills so to bolster your own self esteem you try to prop up your lack of effort as some kinda pathetic attempt at a protest, we'll that's just a sad waste of time.

Oh, but it makes an amazing difference. You should see the difference in my bank account; I have a college fund for children that aren't even born yet. (I may have their college paid for before they're even born!) You should see the difference in my outlook on life. My side job, selling products under contract for a straight commission, is what motivates me. The smaller part of my work day---working as a Merck rep---is embarrassing, nauseating and pointless. I do it to take as much of Merck's money as possible and, regardless of what you think, I am elated at the opportunity to screw this company over. They sure as hell have screwed a ton of us over. My brand of justice is taking hold and more and more of us are joining me every day. When I say FU MERCK, I mean it.

So as I daily demonstrate to myself and my wife that I do indeed "have other job skills" to "bolster (my) own self esteem", I can assure you that I am demonstrating anything but a "lack of effort". You haven't worked like this in your whole pathetic fraud of a career. I couldn't be more proud to be part of the group that is earning more money than you can imagine, enjoying my work days again and, yes, delivering a sweet brand of justice.


So you have a side job? Good for you and may the two never meet. I wouldn't call it " justice" I would call it " working two jobs" nothing wrong with that except most employers frown on it to the point of termination, if you get caught, and as for some kind " protest" its not exactly a "code pink" is it? But however you want to rationalize your lack of ethics, I guess. As for me and my career? Well let's just say I don't have to work one much less two. I do have empathy for those still trying to make it in Pharma it ain't what it used to be and never will be again. Your other gig sounds like Amway. Good luck with your bitterness.

You guys crack me up with the point/counterpoint thing.

It sounds like one of you is pissed off because some friends got canned, while the other is a CTL that walks the company line.

As a rep, I feel more aligned with the pissed off rep, as I am sickened by what I see going on around me, too. One of my favorite coworkers just got lambasted by security and HR over trivial BS and it's been happening to many others for quite some time now. My favorite coworkers are all gone at this point, which doesn't exactly instill a sense of family around here.

I'd love to know what the side job is. I'm betting it's not Amway. There are a lot of independent sales rep gigs out there right now looking to capitalize on all of the drug reps that have gotten canned. I'm considering looking into it myself, but I'm not sure which of these jobs is best. If any of you have ideas, please post them.

Independent rep gigs (equipment, surgery products, cath products) are extremely difficult for a pharma rep to land since the view is that pharma reps don't sell, which they don't. The majority of these positions that pay very well are highly technical and the rep really must be a top flight salesperson plugged in to hospital networks and buying groups and are simply too time consuming and require real expertise to be done part time. You really have to know your way around and know how to make it happen in real time. Skills that are really beyond the normal pharma rep activities of delivering Panera and getting sample signatures. I suspect that this guy is working commish only selling low level rx products or medical supplies. There are those, they don't pay that well but could easily be done on the side by a pharma rep. Think route delivery driver.

Look at the compounded topical pain meds. Great products and great commissions. Many of our former colleagues have gone this route. Probably many of our current colleagues, too! Who could blame them?

Independent rep gigs (equipment, surgery products, cath products) are extremely difficult for a pharma rep to land since the view is that pharma reps don't sell, which they don't. The majority of these positions that pay very well are highly technical and the rep really must be a top flight salesperson plugged in to hospital networks and buying groups and are simply too time consuming and require real expertise to be done part time. You really have to know your way around and know how to make it happen in real time. Skills that are really beyond the normal pharma rep activities of delivering Panera and getting sample signatures. I suspect that this guy is working commish only selling low level rx products or medical supplies. There are those, they don't pay that well but could easily be done on the side by a pharma rep. Think route delivery driver.

You went one word (driver) too many. Think route delivery. Think compounding pharmacy. I was very fortunate to have landed at one after getting axed by Merck and couldn't be happier. All the Merck corporate BS is history and that in itself was worth more than money to me. But the money is better, too, I am happy to have discovered. Only drawback is larger geography to cover but I'll take that over working for a toxic dumpsite any day.

All reps have lost their value in recent years. The market for medicine has changed. So too has the market for labor. You're all on the chopping block, even the InVentiv folk, They'll ultimately be $35K delivery people.

Thank you for your valuable insight in talking about the obvious. I hope you did not have to go to college to be that insightful.

This struck a chord with me - how I made an impact. I'm 56 and filling out a job app that asks me to list the 5 major impacts I have made in the work that I have done to date. Oh about splitting hairs:)

How silly to ask an applicant to list 5 impacts he/she has made in the work. Must be designed by a kid. Reminds me of my kid said during a group interview with Hollister paying minimal wage, each was to stand up and explain why they want to work for such a fine clothing store.

Oh, but it makes an amazing difference. You should see the difference in my bank account; I have a college fund for children that aren't even born yet. (I may have their college paid for before they're even born!) You should see the difference in my outlook on life. My side job, selling products under contract for a straight commission, is what motivates me. The smaller part of my work day---working as a Merck rep---is embarrassing, nauseating and pointless. I do it to take as much of Merck's money as possible and, regardless of what you think, I am elated at the opportunity to screw this company over. They sure as hell have screwed a ton of us over. My brand of justice is taking hold and more and more of us are joining me every day. When I say FU MERCK, I mean it.

So as I daily demonstrate to myself and my wife that I do indeed "have other job skills" to "bolster (my) own self esteem", I can assure you that I am demonstrating anything but a "lack of effort". You haven't worked like this in your whole pathetic fraud of a career. I couldn't be more proud to be part of the group that is earning more money than you can imagine, enjoying my work days again and, yes, delivering a sweet brand of justice.


Please do not justify you are entitled to steal from Merck to get back at the imagined harm they have permanently done to your psyche.

Please remember your showing off of wealth and financial situation make us laugh because many of us have already done it and are quietly enjoying life. If you have to talk about it all the time you really are not there yet.