My version of 15 by 15

What a great summer! Sorry I haven't been on here much lately. Been golfing a ton and traveling quite a bit too.

My manager has been confiding in me lately about all the BS of his job. He is at the point where he really does not care much anymore either. He told me that we have to go along with any projects or information our DCO wants. He just does not want to look bad in our DCO's eyes. So, if we can make him look like he is doing a good job, and our numbers are OK, he is cool with that. He knows that at this point it's just all a big game and as long as we play along we will be fine.

This is music to my ears! I'm way ahead of the curve here since I have been playing this game for a long, long time......

This 15x15 lifestyle is gonna be an even better gig now than it ever was......


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep

Hey - Mr Scumbag has returned!

What a great summer! Sorry I haven't been on here much lately. Been golfing a ton and traveling quite a bit too.

My manager has been confiding in me lately about all the BS of his job. He is at the point where he really does not care much anymore either. He told me that we have to go along with any projects or information our DCO wants. He just does not want to look bad in our DCO's eyes. So, if we can make him look like he is doing a good job, and our numbers are OK, he is cool with that. He knows that at this point it's just all a big game and as long as we play along we will be fine.

This is music to my ears! I'm way ahead of the curve here since I have been playing this game for a long, long time......

This 15x15 lifestyle is gonna be an even better gig now than it ever was......


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep

So nice to hear you are having so much fun. "Water always finds it's own level" and you have obviously found yours and appear to not be qualified to do much more than coast.
Eventually the music stops and those like you will be left without a chair then it's back to selling at the mall kiosk with you.

This 15 dude will not be found selling at any mall kiosk whenever separation comes, you can be sure of that. The 15 dude shows far more creativity and "skills" than the rest of you shlubs using your so-called skills in the execution of make-believe bullshit. Give me a break. I suspect the 15 guy is positioned to succeed nicely without Merck but will ride out the Merck gig until retirement if possible. The 15 guy is not worried about needing to use Merck "skills" in their next job. Their next job is already in place and Merck is being used as a fringe benefit I bet.

This 15 dude will not be found selling at any mall kiosk whenever separation comes, you can be sure of that. The 15 dude shows far more creativity and "skills" than the rest of you shlubs using your so-called skills in the execution of make-believe bullshit. Give me a break. I suspect the 15 guy is positioned to succeed nicely without Merck but will ride out the Merck gig until retirement if possible. The 15 guy is not worried about needing to use Merck "skills" in their next job. Their next job is already in place and Merck is being used as a fringe benefit I bet.

Wow you are pretty much spot on here with your assessment! It's obvious you understand the game as well! Take care!


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep

This 15 dude will not be found selling at any mall kiosk whenever separation comes, you can be sure of that. The 15 dude shows far more creativity and "skills" than the rest of you shlubs using your so-called skills in the execution of make-believe bullshit. Give me a break. I suspect the 15 guy is positioned to succeed nicely without Merck but will ride out the Merck gig until retirement if possible. The 15 guy is not worried about needing to use Merck "skills" in their next job. Their next job is already in place and Merck is being used as a fringe benefit I bet.

So if he is, as you say, "positioned to succeed" why isn't he? By your own admission merck "skills" are non-transferrable. The only reason one is still hanging around the rust bucket that has become merck is to quote Richard Geer in An officer and a Gentleman-"I got no were else to go." Highly doubtfull the "next job is in place" as it is a myth that you can fill merck time requirments and perform another career at a high level. The next career/job is on hold while this cat executes his 15x15 plan? Now that will look good on a resume! "I was an expert goldbricker, and in my next career I expect to execute the same plan!" No this guy's just like everyone else,waiting for his other shoe to drop and he'll be left scrambling to replace his nice merck income while he continues to mark time in his career for the next 20 yrs. That's not "creative" that's just stupid.

So if he is, as you say, "positioned to succeed" why isn't he? By your own admission merck "skills" are non-transferrable. The only reason one is still hanging around the rust bucket that has become merck is to quote Richard Geer in An officer and a Gentleman-"I got no were else to go." Highly doubtfull the "next job is in place" as it is a myth that you can fill merck time requirments and perform another career at a high level. The next career/job is on hold while this cat executes his 15x15 plan? Now that will look good on a resume! "I was an expert goldbricker, and in my next career I expect to execute the same plan!" No this guy's just like everyone else,waiting for his other shoe to drop and he'll be left scrambling to replace his nice merck income while he continues to mark time in his career for the next 20 yrs. That's not "creative" that's just stupid.

If the 15 guy is doing what you say, then I agree with you, that's just stupid. But clearly, the 15 dude isn't stupid. If all one had was Merck and was dependent on Merck, now that would be stupid. Don't you get it that the 15 dude IS succeeding at this very moment? The 15 dude can play the 15 game because 15 dude don't need Merck. To wait on Merck to let you go before positioning yourself so that you have another gig already in place, now that is just stupid. The 15 dude don't need another gig after Merck. The 15 dude has that covered right now. The 15 dude isn't worried about a resume, trust me. The 15 dude is generating income at this very moment that has nothing to do with Merck and that allows the Merck position to be a fringe benefit. If 15 dude can last until retirement, a very nice fringe benefit. That's the only way to work at Merck today. You can't be worried about what will happen if Merck terminates you tomorrow. That is stupid. You need to already know what will happen, you've got investments and other income generating activity in place, and therefore, NO WORRIES. That's the only smart way to maintain a "career" at Merck now and truly enjoy working for Merck, as long as it may last.. To be totally dependent on Merck is just stupid. The 15 dude knows that and knows it very well. If you're dependent on Merck and can't find a way to mitigate this dependence, the smart thing is to get out as quickly as you can. All the smart reps I knew had other sources of income generation going on while working at Merck. The days of depending on Merck as your sole source of income are history. Don't be stupid.

Go to settings>privacy>location services>off. I did this day one and nobody has said a word to me. I don't think they are going to fire an employee for turning off location services. I don't believe that they are spending the time and money to track reps in the first place. I really think it's a scare tactic and I really don't care anymore.

We've gotten crap raises, been lied to countless times, are losing our NMIP points and bonus has been reduced. For that, I have been giving them a solid 10-12 hours of work per week.

I can't tell you how many times I have been in a conference call while on the golf course! I just wish they wouldn't schedule them on Fridays because I don't work on Friday!


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep

Can you just turn on the airplane mode..will that be doing the same thing?

It matters little. Relationships both inside and outside Merck are all the really matter. If you've got some internal Merck ass out to get you with the grade to do it, kiss your own good bye. In some ways, that's the way it's always been. As long as you've not violated one of the cardinal policies or broken the law, a good relationship with a Merck superior can save your ass.

Nuts! Got a call from my CTL that she wants to work with me next week and we're going to have one of those skills reviews on my strengths and weaknesses. In other words, bs, as in bonus structure changes. So much for taking any more advantage of our beautiful weather we've been having this week. Better get back to bs mode.

You are very lucky your DM, RBD, etc do not surprise call you in the am like some companies and say they will meet you here or there for a surprise work day session. It would ruin your plan and several companies are pulling this.

All of the thousands of 15's are very lucky no one calls them in the am and says meet me at this office in 15 minutes; it could happen as it is nationwide. Advice.

Our territories are so big, you could tell them, I'm at point a. If you want to work with me so bad, come here or wait a few hours unil I get there.. Or, so sorry I missed your call... If they really want you gone bad enough, they'll find a way.

A sure sign that mgmt. knows that the field force is not showing up in the field is the " un-scheduled field visit." Even every ones hero-the 15 guy can't overcome the laws of physics and be in two places at the same time. Very difficult to be in an office and at the golf course at the same time. Look for this tactic to be SOP as not working has become the Merck rep MO.

Our territories are so big, you could tell them, I'm at point a. If you want to work with me so bad, come here or wait a few hours unil I get there.. Or, so sorry I missed your call... If they really want you gone bad enough, they'll find a way.

Easy. Have each rep send a weekly itinerary and just show up in that week. Or show up in that office. It's been done before. There's nothing in policy that says that I have to give you a courtesy call to see if you are were you say you are supposed to be.

Easy. Have each rep send a weekly itinerary and just show up in that week. Or show up in that office. It's been done before. There's nothing in policy that says that I have to give you a courtesy call to see if you are were you say you are supposed to be.

Nice try, you sound like a feeble manager. Who in the hell knows what time of the day any of us "expect" to be at any given office throughout the week. There are so many variables here, and it would be impossible to generate an accurate hourly/daily/weekly itinerary. Then I suppose you would take the liberty of writing up the rep who wasn't at Dr. Smith's office on Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. since their "itinerary" said so. What if Dr. Smith's office decided they didn't need samples that day, or Dr. Smith was over at the hospital with an emergency, or maybe you were able to see Dr. Smith on Monday afternoon instead of Tuesday. Our schedules are flexible and constantly changing, for reasons completely out of our control. I suppose you would then write the rep up for not sending you an "updated" itinerary every time our schedule changed? Our schedules change everyday, you idiot! I pity the people who work for you.

Easy. Have each rep send a weekly itinerary and just show up in that week. Or show up in that office. It's been done before. There's nothing in policy that says that I have to give you a courtesy call to see if you are were you say you are supposed to be.

And there's nothing in policy that says that I can't change my mind about where I am going on any given day, dumb ass!!!!!