My version of 15 by 15

While I'm not bending over, I do have a huge SMILE on my face today. As for your face, please feel free to wipe the egg off of it.


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep

Never was any egg - I played you ignorant fools like a fine violin - you wouldn't know what good music sounds like. The haunts that you frequent have only table dance music to offer not overtures. I will setup the next verse very soon - deli on>

Never was any egg - I played you ignorant fools like a fine violin - you wouldn't know what good music sounds like. The haunts that you frequent have only table dance music to offer not overtures. I will setup the next verse very soon - deli on>

The 15 x 15 Guy owns you! You couldn't deliver his deli! Rock on 15 Guy!

Where is that office kid from UG who said he would push a button on April 15th and we all will vanish? They finally have his grandiose disorder properly diagnosed?

Hey ignoramus - lunch is waiting - get that deli out the door. By the way, read the threads I played you like everyone recognizes that you are - A FOOL.

"You as he are dickwadds"

This is why you are owned punk. You of the younger generation will never be able to keep up no matter how good you can operate your iphone.

Most kids with an iPhone do not go beyond texting, the camera, Facebook and Instagram apps. Most of my younger colleagues who claimed they used computer extensively in college use Microsoft Word like a typewriter (space, space, and more space bar instead of centering) and some freak out about attach and e-mail.

Im fast as fast can be.....they will never catch me. The reason I'm so fast is from the constant gym and golf workouts. I utilize all of Mercks benefits to create a ever flowing fun lifestyle.

FU Merck!!

The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep

Im fast as fast can be.....they will never catch me. The reason I'm so fast is from the constant gym and golf workouts. I utilize all of Mercks benefits to create a ever flowing fun lifestyle.

FU Merck!!

The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep

Hey - Merck stock price over 46 - time to sell options with strike price of 36.While you waste your life and life options I will be adding substantially to my constantly increasing monetary worth.

Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I did a golf trip with my golf buddies for a few days. Wasn't I supposed to be fired April 15th? I have really ramped things down since then. Lots of golf at the club and as very little work as possible. I guess you could say that the 15x15 Guy is semi retired!

Yes, I do get on those conference calls when I need to and do my reports and a few sample drops here and there. In reality I've just found myself too busy to check in for a while. I'm having way too much fun. It's another beautiful day here again. I gotta get going, I tee off in 30 minutes. Have a great day everyone!


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First * Finest S15 Rep

Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I did a golf trip with my golf buddies for a few days. Wasn't I supposed to be fired April 15th? I have really ramped things down since then. Lots of golf at the club and as very little work as possible. I guess you could say that the 15x15 Guy is semi retired!

Yes, I do get on those conference calls when I need to and do my reports and a few sample drops here and there. In reality I've just found myself too busy to check in for a while. I'm having way too much fun. It's another beautiful day here again. I gotta get going, I tee off in 30 minutes. Have a great day everyone!


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First * Finest S15 Rep

Glad you are enjoying life. You just shatter that self-deluded UG guy about "we found and fired him" claim. I am planning a trip to Mount Rushmore myself.

Sorry I haven't been on in a while. I did a golf trip with my golf buddies for a few days. Wasn't I supposed to be fired April 15th? I have really ramped things down since then. Lots of golf at the club and as very little work as possible. I guess you could say that the 15x15 Guy is semi retired!

Yes, I do get on those conference calls when I need to and do my reports and a few sample drops here and there. In reality I've just found myself too busy to check in for a while. I'm having way too much fun. It's another beautiful day here again. I gotta get going, I tee off in 30 minutes. Have a great day everyone!


The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First * Finest S15 Rep

Wow are you still hanging around this popsicle stand? Can't find anything else? Haven't even tried? You really are a loser.