More Downsizing Coming Soon


oncology cuts....its oncology NOT primary care .... share of voice does not work here.... the primary care reps that moves over have done nothing other than deplete the talent pool

Oncology pods have been a debacle. Ass kissers have ruled the roost. If you are old and white, you will be cut. Minorities and LGBTQ are in the clear. The Woke rule our society now.

So funny to see them all panic posting for head quarter positions they thought they didn’t need a year ago! Feel free to post for any vaccine openings but word of caution... vaccines is a very different selling model and requires a very different set of skills. We will only be interviewing those candidates with vaccine selling experience and account management skills. If you don’t have it don’t bother posting. Good luck! HAHAHAHAHAHA.

So funny to see them all panic posting for head quarter positions they thought they didn’t need a year ago! Feel free to post for any vaccine openings but word of caution... vaccines is a very different selling model and requires a very different set of skills. We will only be interviewing those candidates with vaccine selling experience and account management skills. If you don’t have it don’t bother posting. Good luck! HAHAHAHAHAHA.
vaccines division is the most corrupt management group at Merck. Run as fast as you can. Don’t pretend that your vaccine selling skills require something unique. It’s the same marketing shit show here rehearsing a couple times a year the new HCP messages.